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Vikram was laughing," I see my doll still has a sharp tongue"

" You put me down mr monster . Let me introduce my new friends to you . This is Shivani my best friend my sister. And this is Arjun her brother . All of us study together in Jodhpur in the same college . "

Vikram shook hands with Arjun but Arjun was preoccupied to respond.

Arjun was looking at Sunaina And Vikram laughig together. It was clear that they were very close friends.

They seemed to be very comfortable with each other . Somehow Arjun felt threatened from Vikram.

To say that Vikram scored only in the money department was also wrong because he was very handsome.

" Arjun bhaiya Vikram is very goodlooking."

" So "

" Nothing but he seems to be competition for you "

The dinner was a closeknit affair with only family members and Sunaina's family in attendence.

The Thakur residence was huge. It had around seven bedrooms a huge dining area and two living rooms .

First Vikram took them for a round to show his residence . Shivani liked him . He was even more handsome closer. He must be around six feet tall . had a fair complexion a well toned body, brown hair and light brown eyes .

All through the house tour Sunaina and Vikram were talking and laughing to each other .

Arjun was unusually quiet today and Sunaina was too busy to notice . However Shivani noticed the change in him.

" Arjun bhai why are you so serious today ?"

" Yes Arjun you are not speaking much . I am sorry I got busy with Vikram and didn't take care of you "

" Arjun Su is like that only . Whenever we meet we get lost in each other and since I am the only poor boy who listens to her she pours all her feelings over me "

" Vikram that's where you are wrong . Lots of boys are after her in college . Its because we are together and everyone knows that Arjun bhaiya is there so no one approaches us " exclaimed Shivani.

" So my doll is popular in college?"

" Oh yes"

" Will you two stop discussing me as if I am not standing here ?" Asked Sunaina playfully.

They reach the dining area where everyone was sitting and waiting for them to join .

Sunaina's Mother kissed Shivani on theforehead while her father shook hands with Arjun . Even Vikram,s parents gave them a warm welcome.

Vikram sister the bride was also happy on meeting Sunaina . She hugged her and then welcomed her friends.

Dinner was a lavish affair with a mixture of Indian and Chinese cuisines .

After dinner they sat down and Vikram played the piano beautifully .

" Vikram do you have a guitar ?" asked Sunaina.

" What for ?"

" Just bring it "

" Arjun could you please play a song ?"

" No Su you know I don't play to an audience ."

" Please for me ?"

" Ok "

Arjunplayed the latest romantic number . Everyone clapped for him .

" Arjun yaar you are very talented " exclaimed Vikram .

" Doll you have very nice friends. . It was a pleasure to meet them.You both coming to my sis wedding?"

" Yes we are "

" It's getting late and we need to leave . Thanks for everything Vikram", saying this Arjun left with Shivani and Sunaina.

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