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Vikram stayed with Sunaina's family for the next two weeks. He went to his office and looked after the business . He even looked after the financial aspect so that no loss would occur in his business.

He was a major support to both Sunaina and her mother.

The doctor regularly visited her father after every three days. Vikram himself supervised the attendants who looked after her father .

After two weeks Vikram left for London promising to come back after two weeks.

Sunaina was happy now . Her father had recovered . Arjun was back and he apologised that he could notbe their for her when she needed him.

Arjun also hinted that when her father was fully recovered he would ask his parents to meet her parents .

He was ready to take their relationship to next level i e he wanted to get engaged to her only if she agreed .

Sunaina told him that she was ready and she would also speak to her parents in this regard.

She was happy because finally life was back on track .

After ten days she received a surprise . She was feeding her father when someone lifted her .

She turned to find that it was Vikram .

" Vikram what are you doing here? You were supposed to come next week "

" Doll I have come to meet uncle and not you " he teased her.

The next day Vikram took her father to the doctor for his follow up appointment and the doctor pronounced him healthy.

All was well now so Vikram asked permission to take Sunaina for a day trip .

"Doll be ready by 6 am tomorrow as we have a flight to catch "

Sunaina was further surprised when they boarded the flight to Jodhpur . From the they went to her college.

Vikram had explained the circumstances to her professor who had agreed to take her last exam so that she would not have to wait for the next semester to give her exam .

After she finished her exam he took her to a restaurant for lunch where Shivani was already waiting for her .

" Hi Su how are you ? How was your exam ? How is uncle?"

" Hold on Shivani darling one question at a time. First let me hug you "

While hugging each other she whispered , " Su good news . Arjun bhaiya has spoken with his parents and they will come next week to meet your parents "

Sunaina smiled albeit reluctantly.

Just then Arjun entered the restaurant . " Hi Su what a pleasant surprise?"

Arjun was beaming because soon they would be engaged.

"Hi Arjun you too ?"

" How could I miss meeting you dear ?"

Arjun whispered in her ear , " Now soon we will be together . I am so happy that I have no words to express my feelings "

Sunaina has decided that she would get engaged to Arjun but she still had little doubts because she was still not head over heals in love with him . The decision to get engaged was a practical one .

She sometimes wondered why she did not have any romantic feelings towards Arjun even though Arjun loved her for sure.

Together the four enjoyed lunch and then Vikram and Sunaina left for the airport while Arjun and Shivani left for Jaipur.

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