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He needed to mend his ways if he wanted to be reunited with his wife .

He woke up later than usual because tonight his bed was not empty .Even though they slept farther apart at least they were on the same bed in the same room .

Sunaina had two meetings lined up today so she woke up earlier than usual . She had her morning tea ,instructed the cook for breakfast and Vikram's lunch and went upstairs to get ready for office .

Vikram woke up to the sound of shower running in his bathroom .

Just then the bathroom door opened and Sunaina came out wrapped in a pink towel . Sunaina had forgotten to carry her her clothes in the dressing room but since Vikram was asleep she decided to come out to collect her clothes .

His wife was gorgeous. Draped in a towel she looked sexy as hell . His eyes moved with the water droplets falling from her wet hair , travelling through her body before falling to the ground . He felt aroused just looking at her .

He knew it was wrong looking at her getting dressed but then what the hell she was his wife and he had every right to her body .

Vikram was still asleep and the dressing area was wet so Sunaina decided to change in the room .

She removed her towel to reveal her delectable body . Everything was perfect right from her tempting beautiful round breasts to her flat stomach to her curvaceous legs . Even looking at her turned him on but now seeing her naked was just too much .

He had to restrain himself from running towards her and laying her on the bed and ravishing her .

After last nights fiasco he had no option but to pretend to be asleep.

Sunaina changed , peeked at her husband who seemed to be asleep and left for office .

Vikram took a cold shower and after having breakfast went to his own office.

Today work was hectic so Sunaina reached home around 8 P M . She was surprised to find Vikram at home .

" Vikram you are home?"

" Well today there wasn't much to do at Office so I came early . I reached home at 6 PM . Come Sunaina have something tea coffee or wine . Dinner is served in an hour "

" No nothing I am just too tired . I will change and then we will have dinner straight away "

Dinner was pleasant . They discussed everyday mundane topics . Their marriage or whatever happened in Switzerland was not discussed.

After dinner Sunaina excused herself . Tomorrow she had another early meeting .

In fifteen minutes Vikram too entered her room . She was still awake sitting on the bed .

" Tired Su "

" Yes "

He came near her . Before she misunderstood him he started massaging her shoulders .

It was so relaxing that a groan escaped her lips . Vikram could see the desire in her eyes but she was too tired almost half asleep .He would like to make love to her When she was active and would be a willing participant.

  He then laid her down , gently massaging her back . When she fell asleep he covered her with a blanket and then went to his study for a conference call .  

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