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"How dare you enter my bedroom without my permission ?"

Arjun felt like strangling Akshay. First he needed to cover up Sunaina . Akshay pulled him back but he laid two punches in his stomach and one at his face . Then he pushed him on the floor sat on top of him and started punching him repeatedly at his chest.

"Arjun stop it lets get Sunaina out if this room and then you may deal. with him "

Arjun untied her legs covered her body with the sheet . Mr Garg sprinkled water on her face to bring her back to her senses .

Arjun felt like killing Akshay , " You rascal how dare you touch her with your filthy hands . Sunaina is a pure person and you tried to dirty her . At this moment I can kill you with. my bare hands ." He held Akshay collar and placed three blows at his face blackening his eye . Blood was oozing from his nose and even Akshay's upper lip was cut . He was unable to move his left hand so perhaps his bones were also broken.

Arjun then carried her to her room but Mr Garg advided him to take her to his room because she needed care and attention.

He gently laid her on his bed and covered her with a blanket and then closed her tear stained eyes . " su just forget everything and go to sleep "

He then himself lay down on the sofa in the living room but couldn't even sleep a wink .

Sunaina was traumatised and she would need care and attention to get over this episode . He would have to speak to. Vikram about this . Infact he was planning to reschedule his flight because he couldn't leave in the morning because Sunaina needed him . She was in a very bad state .

The moment Sunaina woke up he would dpeak eith her to lodge a complaint with the police .

After around two hours he heard Sunaina screaming . " Oh God please help me "

He rushed inside ," Su everything is ok . Don't worry . I am here with you "

She had kicked the blanket and was screaming and crying . Arjun couldn't see her like this . ," Su sh there is nothing yo be worried about . You are safe now . That bastard didn't touch you I reached on time your integrity us safe "

" Arjun thank God its you . That bastard was going to rape me He drugged me and then tore my skirt .

"Su do you want to call the police?"

" No Arjun I cant face him again. . I don't want to discuss this incident again. Please don't inform anyone . I just to want to go home ."

His hands wandered all over my body . I am feeling so dirty . Can I take a bath here ?"

Arjun filled the bathtub with hot water . He then took her to the bathroom and closed the door ."

After half an hour she came out with swollen red eyes . " Arjun I am feeling so dirty . I scrubbed my body but it feels as if he has adulterated me . He tried to take my virginity . Thanks to you I am still a virgin "

Arjun was shocked , " Su you have been married for six months and Vikram and you are still sleeping separately "

Sunaina felt embarrassed discussing her love life with aArjun but she needed to answer this question ." Actually Arjun I had hurt you so much that I was not ready to move on and Vikram being the gentleman he is was ready to wait for me . But now I have realised that I was actually punishing myself for hurting you and I messed up three lives . Arjun I should never have accepted to be your girlfriend when I didn't love you . I first spoiled your life and then Vikrams . Maybe that is why this happened . I was punished for my sins ." 

She again started crying . Arjun consoled her ," Su you are a very nice person and no person however bad deserves such treatment. It was Akshay who is responsible and he should be adequately punished . Let me speak with Vikram "

" No please don't . Just forget everything . Arjun what is the timing of your flight ?"

" 10 AM and reporting time 7 AM "

" Then you should pack and leave now or you will be late ?

" No worries. I can always reschedule "

" No you just take me to my room and then pack and leave . I can manage I am much better now . "

Arjun asked Mr Garg to look after her and then packed his bags .

Last he went to drop her to her room .He opened her door using the room key . She hugged him while leaving but still had tears in her eyes ," Su if you want I can take a later flight but please don't cry "

" Arjun thanks a lot . Thanks for being there for me . Don't worry I will manage "

" Promise me that you won't cry anymore "

" I promise. Now you leave or you' ll miss your flight "

The moment she closed the door a furious Vikram entered clapping ," Wow what a romantic but heartbreaking goodbye . Doll you are a fantastic actress . You had me totally fooled . Here is your poor husband who wanted to surprise you but what a surprise you gave me - enjoying your honeymoon with your lover "

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