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Sunaina's fathers health was improving but at a slow pace.He had gone to the office for a few days but after three four days had again fallen ill.

On the next doctors visit she asked him why he was recovering slowly. The doctor stated that stress was a major factor in her fathers slow progress.

He advised her father to focus on his health rather than his work .

To Sunaina the doctor suggested that a change of place might be good for his health .

On hearing his advice Vikram called his father consulted him and then arranged for the tickets .

On reaching home Sunaina asked his advice on the matter but Vikram was a step ahead of her .

" Aunty , Doll pack your bags . We are leaving for London in two days . Dad has arranged for the tickets and you will be staying with us for the next one month "

" One month Vikram how is this possible ?"

" Doll we have two days to guide uncles staff to handle the Office for a month. As for your internship you can easily work in our office . London will be a change of scenery . Infact we can take uncle to our Scotland residence where he can rest peacefully without any stress . "

" But "

" No ifs and buts . Everything is decided we are going Doll "

" Vikram , Shivani is getting married in two months . I should be here before time . I want to enjoy her wedding "

" Don't worry doll I know Shivani is your best friend . I will personally escort you to her wedding . Now stop discussing and start packing "

Vikram left for her dads office while Sunaina started packing . "

Sunaina's mother helped her with the packing . " Su isn't Vikram great ? Not only does he look after you but he looks after your family as well "

" Yes mom he is my best friend "

" Vikram is not only a good human being and a good son so Su I think he will be a good husband to any girl "

" Mom I am sure he will be a good husband and any girl will be lucky to marry him but he might have a girlfriend , afterall he is rich and handsome and one of the most eligible bachelors in his circle "

Vikram entered so further discussion was closed.

At night when Arjun called she told him of the recent developments.

" Su why this sudden change of plans ? "

" Arjun I told you it is just for change of scenery for dads health "

" But why London? If you want we can bring uncle to Jodhpur . Even Jodhpur is a pollution free clean area ."

" Arjun there is nothing wrong with London ?"

" Su whose idea was to go to London? Was it Vikram?"

" Yes it was Vikram's idea . But so what ? It is only for my fathers good health . It's not like he has any ulterior motive . Why are you behaving so childish?"

" Ok I am sorry. Its just that I will miss you . When will you be back ?"

" In a month "

" What a month ? Isn't it too long ? How will I stay without you for so long ?"

" Arjun its only a month . You will be too busy with Shivani's wedding preparations to think about me . And we will talk everyday . Also I will be back for the wedding . I wouldn't miss it for the world "

" When are you leaving Su ?"

" Day after tomorrow "

" Too soon . I was planning to come to Delhi this weekend to meet you . Well we will meet after a month now "

 Don't sound so sad . I promise I will call you everyday ."

"Ok take care of my Su for me . "

" I will "

" Su I love you "

" I know Arjun . Ok bye "

Somehow Arjun was feeling nervous and insecure because Vikram was involved in this London trip .

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