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The next morning Sunaina woke up with her mind made up to clear the matter with her parents.

When she went downstairs for breakfast she was surprised to find some guests having breakfast with her parents and aunty and uncle .

One elderly lady came up to her kissed her on the forehead, " I totally approve of your choice Bhabi . She is lovely and a perfect match for our Vikram "

" Sunaina this is Vikram's bua . Yesterday she couldn't come to the party so she came at breakfast "

Sunaina wished her and sat down for breakfast. She had to wait till the guests left before speaking to her parents "

She had to act quickly because tonight they were flying back to India . Vikram and his parents needed to be informed before that because they to were now involved in her life.

Vikrams relatives kept on coming the entire day bringing sweets and chocolates and bouquets congratulating both the families on their engagement .Twice she pulled her mom aside" Mom I need to speak to you and it's urgent "

" Su beta can't you see all the relatives are here to congratulate you and you want to discuss something . I have to stay with Vikram,s mom because now they are our relatives as well . We will have plenty of time to talk in In dia " saying this she again left Sunaina.

Sunaina was on the verge of tears . No one was listening to her and top of that she had at least twenty messages from Arjun who was getting anxious .

Evening came a little to early and they boarded the flight to Delhi .

Vikram had wanted to speak with Sunaina in private but he didn't get sny time so he decided to call her when she reached.

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