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Today was her third day at Jaipur and tomorrrow her parents would arrive with rest of the wedding guests.

Since they had been exploring Jaipur for two days today they planned to enjoy at home.

After a liesurely breakfast they all sat in Shivani's room playing monopoly, antakshri and other indoor games. Arjun had been sitting with them in the morning but had left for some work in the afternoon.

"Su have you decided?"

"What do I need to decide?"

"About Arjun bhaiya of course?"

"Shivani I still don't know if I can accepet being his girlfriend . I really like him but I am not ready for any sort of relationship.'

"Look Su you don't need to rush things. I know Arjun bhaiya has a major crush on you since last year but his feelings run deeper than a crush.However you are dear to me as a sister so I don't want you to take any decision based on hurry."

"Shivani let me decide till the end of this vacation."

"Shivani come downstairs for evening tea. Arjun has brought your favourite dal kachoris."

Shivani and Sunaina both loved dal kachoris.

After having delicious kachoris Sunaina rushed to the terrace because suddenly it had started to rain.

Sunaina loved to dance in the rain.She was laughing and dancing joyfully with Shivani when Shivani was called downstairs.

Arjun had been observing them from a distance.

Sunaina was looking like an angel dancing in the rain. Today she was wearing a plain cotton sea green churidar suit which was enhancing her fair complexion.Her long hair had come loose and it was giving her an angelic look.

She was so consumed in her dancing that she did not notice a broken glass bottle at the corner.She accidentally stepped on a broken glass bottle. and her left foot started bleeding.

Arjun rushed to the spot , gently lifted her in his arms and placed her on the bed. He took out the first aid box and first renmved the glass piece . It was not a very big piece but the cut was slightliy deep so he used one hand to remove it while with his other hand he hugged her comforting her. He then wiped it clean with dettol.

He used a bandage to tie her foot. Sunaina was in pain and he could not see her in such a state so tears came to his eyes.

"Arjun why are you crying?"

"Su I cannot see you in so much pain. I swear to God that if possible I would do anything to take it away from you."

Sunaina was shocked to hear these words.

She didn't know that Arjun felt so deeply for her.

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