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The next week they had their exams. In the entire week they were cramming and learning. They stayed awake late nights studying hard.They even missed their dinners. Infact Arjun brought dinner from outside for both of them. though he was not allowed in the girls hostel but since everyone knew he was Shivani's brother he could enter the reception area.

Shivani was in the bathroom when she was called by the warden so Sunaina went instead.

She was surprised to find Arjun,"Arjun what are you doing here at this time of the night ?"

Arjun had a funny smile on his face , This is dinner for you and Shivani . I know you must have skipped dinner while studying . And Sunsina its your favourite Chinese "

Sunaina was impressed . Arjun took very good care of his sister and she liked boys who cared for their families .

"Thanks Arjun . You are such a dear "

When their hands touched electricity passed through Arjun.

He left pleased.

When she opened the dinner she found sll her favourites. " See Su. Arjun bhaiya may have brought me dinner but he is trying to impress you . How I hope someone would care for me in a similar manner ?" She exclaimed .

" Shivani even you like Chinese ?"

" But not as much as you do ?"

The next day again he brought dinner from them.Today Sunaina had finished her syllabus sowhen Arjun insisted she sat with him for a few minutes .

 Did you enjoy the food Sunaina?"

" Was it for me as well !"

" You didn't eat it ?" Arjun was shocked ." I had ordered the Honey chilli potatoes specially for you"

Sunaina chuckled , I was just kidding . I loved it "

She took the dinner and went to her room.

This routine was followed before each exam . Everytime she would spend more time sitting with him . She enjoyed his company. Arjun was a good conversationalist and a good student . He was also very helpful do she liked him.

A day before the last exam she finished her syllabus in the evening because she was looking forward to meeting him.

Shivani was observing her closely . She could see that Sunaina was sidetracked . " Don't you beed to revise today ?"

" I havealready revised twice ."

" Are you waiting for someone?"

" Whom would I wait for and why ?"

" Maybe Arjun bhaiya ?"

" No of course not "

Just then a messenger came and before Shivay could react Sunaina had already left .

When Sunaina came downstairs she was disappointed to find a parcel on the table with no one .

She went to her room disheartened. She was in no mood to eat. She handed Shivani the food and went yo the bathroom to change . When she came out Shivani handed her a box and asked her to open it .

Inside was an envelope marked " Sunaina "

She opened the envelope which had the message . " I will meet you at your terrace in half an hour"

" Whats in the letter Su ?"

" Nothing much . Just a note "

Shivani snatched the letter and read it . She was elated . She was jumping and laughing " I knew it . Arjun likes you so he has invited you on the terrace to convey his feelings "

Sunaina was nervous . She was not ready for this but she had to go because she wanted to know what was going in Arjuns mind .

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