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Sunaina woke up after another three hours to find her husband sleeping in the living room .

What a mess her life had become ? First Akshay tried to rape her but Arjun saved her and now her husband believed she had an extramarital affair with Arjun .How was she going to convince him otherwise?

She took a shower and made herself a strong cup of coffee . Yesterday the circumstances were wrong . Maybe now Vikram would listen to her with a cool head .

She went to wake him up but he seemed to be sound asleep . She went to Mr Gargs room to give her formal resignation . She told him that it didn't matter if his company didn't offer her the experience certificate but she could never work with them again .

However she was surprised when Mr Garg told her that after yesterday's episode he too had resigned and was no longer working for the Oberoi's . Infact he had called up Akshay Oberoi 's father and had sent him details of what happened at night . Mr Oberoi had sincerely apologised for his sons behaviour.

She entered her room to find Vikram awake ," Missing your boyfriend already or has he come back and rescheduled his flight? " he taunted her .

"Vikram please don't speak to me like this . I have done nothing wrong . How many times do I tell you that I love you only and no one else "

" Oh please Sunaina the charade is over . You don't need to pretend to love me . I know now where your true affection lies so. please stop pretending "

Sunaina started crying again

" Sunaina these crocodile tears won't affect me . I have rescheduled our flights and we are leaving for London in an hour so pack your stuff. I have texted your boss informing him of the change so now get ready . If you want I can inform your boyfriend also that he needn't worry we ate leaving for London and he may plan accordingly"

Sunaina quietly entered the bedroom, packed her stuff and got ready to leave .

Vikram had upgraded to business class so they reached London quite comfortably.

The entire journey Vikram didn't utter a word to her . He had opened his laptop and was busy working . Infact he didn't even glance towards her . Sunaina in any case was too upset to talk so she started listening to music and passed her time .

On reaching home he didn't enter the house , simply murmured ," I have some work at the office so will be back late" . He dropped her home and left

Sunaina felt disheartened at his behaviour but their was nothing much she could do at the moment.

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