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The awareness between them was growing day by day .

Sometimes when they accidentally touched each other their awareness of each other heightened . Sunaina was trying to understand these new feelings because although she had been Arjuns girlfriend he had never crossed any boundaries . Infact they had not even kissed once .

They had only held hands and once or twice Arjun had kissed her forehead.

But even then his touch had not evoked such a reaction from her body .

They had now been married for twenty days but though she had become the perfect bahu for his family she was yet to be Vikram's wife .

She was a good friend but the moment she entered her bedroom she just changed . She would either spend extra time in the bathroom waiting for Vikram to sleep or go to his study to work .

When he would come back from the study he would find her sound asleep.

The only improvement was thst now both of them slept on the two corners of the bed .

Actually one morning his mom had entered When Sunaina was taking a shower and seen their separate sleeping arrangements . He had quickly handled the situation by telling her that they had a fight so they were sleeping separately .

After this incident it had been decided that they would sleep on the same bed .

Today was Sunaina's interview for the internship so Vikram was waiting to drop her there .

Though he was not happy with her choice because he personally knew the owners son to be a vagabond but Sunaina was to work in the manufacturing unit so she would have no link with the bosses .

He didnt tell Sunaina that at one time they had been Thakurs competitors.

Sunaina wore an off white trouser suit for her interview . She was very excited because this would be her first job .

Today his wife was looking very pretty and professional . Though she was wearing a conservative suit but she didn't realise that it was a perfect fit . The trousers molded over her curvaceous but and the top emphasised her narrow waist and full breasts .

"Vikram I am nervous . Will they select me ?"

" Of course doll . Who wouldn't? You were a topper in your class and good in your field . You are ready to work hard . What else is required in an intern ?"

"Don't flatter me Vikram "

" No I am not flattering you . I asked you to join our company but you refused. We always employ interns because fresh minds have new ideas and are willing to work hard "

" Vikram I want to do this on my own . I don't want to work as the owners wife but as any other student"

" I know that doll . That is why I am supporting you . Don't worry and best of luck . Do you want me to cone with you ?"

" No Vikram you are well known . I don't want people to recognise you and then give me this job. "

" But I care for you . You are my wife afterall . Fine you just call . The driver will drop me off and wait for you outside "

The interview was taken by the HR Head, the incharge of manufacturing department and Mr Akshay Oberoi the owners son . Somehow she was getting a very negative feeling of the boss's son who was seeing her lustily.

But then she would report to the manufacturing department and the incharge their was a nice fatherly figure so she needn't bother .

She called Vikram to inform him that she had been selected and he should send the driver to take her home .

After fifteen minutes her car arrived but when she opened the door she was surprised to find Vikram sitting inside .

" What are you doing here Vikram?"

" I just had a few documents to sign today so I finished my work and came back "

" Back for what ?"

" Hey my wife got a job so I decided to celebrate. Doll we are going for lunch "

He took her to an exclusive Chinese restaurant for lunch . It was her first outing with her husband after her marriage .

They had a leasurely lunch followed by ice cream . She had enjoyed today after a long time and she felt relaxed.

When she licked her icecream from her fingers he could hold no more . He placed her fingers in his mouth and sucked them one by one . Suddenly the atmosphere was filled with sexual tension .

When she used her tongue to wipe the icecream from her lips his eyes followed her movements . She was stunned to see that they had darkened with lust .

" Let me ", before she could object he had placed his lips gently over hers . At first he kissed her gently but when she didn't stop him he increase the intensity of the kiss . He kissed her upper lip then lower and then his tongue pushed open her lips and entered her mouth .

She was delicious . She tasted of icecream and sweets and he never wanted to stop .

It was as if a thousand sensations had flooded her senses . She had never known a kiss to be so sensuos . A moan escaped her lips and that is when they realised that they were in a public place .

He called for the waiter , paid the bill and they left the restaurant.

  However now there was another problem . Now that he had tasted her he didn't want to stop or wait . Oh God what had he done ? Now how was he going to stop himself from making love to her ?  

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