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The next morning Sunaina woke to an empty bed .Maybe Vikram had gone to get them breakfast or to make some last minute arrangements for their flight back home .

She was going to miss Venice .Since this was the place they had made love for the first time Venice would always hold a special place in her heart.Not only the city she would miss her carefree loving husband . She knew that on going back to London he would get busy in his work and she would in hers .

Sunaina decided that she would leave her job and if Vikram offered join Thakur Industries. Vikram was possessive in nature and Pranay was her age so Vikram might not like her working with him.

Their marriage had suffered a lot and now she would do nothing to jeopardise it.

But she must get ready first . Vikram came in fifteen minutes later to find Sunaina freshly showered in a slacks and crop top .

"Sunaina planning on going somewhere?"

"Where were you Vikram. I have done some packing. Now let me help with yours "

"Darling I had gone to order you a fresh breakfast . Infact I had the chef prepare your favourite dishes . Come lets have breakfast."

Sunaina saw the huge spread . All were her favourites . They had breakfast together . Vikram was still in casual clothes a t shirt and long shorts.

After breakfast Vikram told her ," Su we are not going today . I checked with the office and nothing important has cropped up so I extended our vacation for three more days "

" Oh Vikram this is great " she flung her arms around him and kissed him joyfully.

Vikram was an opportunist so when she stopped kissing him he pulled her towards him and kissed her thoroughly," Since I have increased our vacation for another three days you need to pay me back "

"How much do I pay you ?"

He gave her a six figure amount "

"But I don't have this much money Vikram " Sunaina smiled innocently.

"Don't you worry about paying cash . I have other ways of getting my payment ," he smiled shrewdly.

"For example you can kiss me for 100 euros etc etc ."

Sunaina realised he was baiting her ," You rascal . For these three days I am not going to let you come near me "

"Oh we will see that darling. But I need around 500 euros right now dear "

She ran from the room but he caught up with her and lifted her , taking her to the bed where he kissed her again . She kissed him back and traced his chest with her hands underneath his t shirt . He was too aroused to resist . He kissed her belly button , licking it with her tongue causing her to squirm. He then removed her crop fop and started licking and sucking his favourite place her breasts .

He couldnt wait any longer so he removed her slacks and panties and entered her .

"Su I love you . I love you very much darling and you are mine only . No one has a right to even look at you" 

  Saying this he climaxed and she climaxed with him .  

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