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Rome was a beautiful city . Sunaina had come here for the first time so she wanted to visit all the famous sights .For today she checked her itinerary , a visit to the vatican city had been planned .

Vikram asked her to be ready by 2 PM because the driver was to pick them from the hotel for the tour . One thing he liked abot his wife was that she was never late in getting ready .

At quarter to two she was ready in a a capri with a cotton yellow coloured crop top . The top gave s glimpse of her flat stomach and belly button giving him a major arousal .

Another thing he knew about his wife was that she never dressed to gain attention but the problem was that she had all the curves at the right places so automatically everyone was drawn towards her

Vikram was dressed handsomely in shorts and a tshirt looking so very handsome. He was freshly showered with his hair still wet and her hands ached to touch his hair .

While thetwo waited in the hotel lobby for their driver the onlookers feasted their eyes on the good looking couple

She admired the famous spiral staircase, the Gallery of Tapestries and the Gallery of Map and then went to the Sistine Chapel .

They then saw the unforgettable Basilica of Saint Peter. It housed a beautiful Muchelangelo masterpiece La .

They walked around the Vatican Museums with over 2000 rooms and nine miles of the largest art collection in the world. Decorated with exquisite taste and full of works of art, the museum was packed with treasure and history.

Sunaina was mesmerised with the Michelangelo's creation of Adam .

"Vikram this is so beautiful. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself "

His wife was bouncing with joy and he felt so happy.

After the tour the driver dropped them to their hotel . Since it was majorly a walking tour Sunaina was tired so when Vikram asked her if she would dine in the hotel she agreed .

Their hotel had an Pan Asian restaurant where they ordered some light snacks with wine . The restaurant was beautifully done with parts of decor showing Singapore and some glimpses of Thailand .

The ambience was nice and peaceful and Sunaina was enjoying it . Vikram did not speak much . He was enjoying sitting with her and observing her . He loved her so much but a lot had happened in the past six months and it would take effort from both of them to begin anew .

After a long time Sunaina had enjoyed so much . It was not the place but the company that mattered and when it was the love of your life then nothing could be better.

They just ordered noodles and chicken in thai red curry for the main course and declined any desert . Afterwards Vikram asked her if she wanted to go for a short walk . Sunaina didn't want the day to end so she agreed .

Their hotel was near a fountain where they found couples holding hands and kissing each other . Vikram looked at her and Sunaina blushed . That was all the encouragement he needed from his wife . He kissed her boldly on her lips , gently at first but when his lips touched her sweet lips he deepened the kiss . She responded to him by kissing him back with the same intensity.

At least their chemistry was still there but he would not make love to her tonight. He would give her time.

They spent another half an hour and returned to their room . 

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