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Sunaina was shocked because this announcement was out of the blue for her . Nobody had even consulted her before making the announcement .

She had made a commitment to Arjun so how could she go ahead with the engagement ?

On the other hand how could she refuse in front of hundreds if people . Before she could say something two rings appeared before her .

Vikram seemed to be quite happy and he was not even surprised . Had he known beforehand?

Her father and uncle were in a deep discussion while her mom and aunt were also beaming with joy .

She was in a fix . She tried to speak with her mom but her mom simply took her hand and went to the stage where Vikram was already standing.

"Mom please listen to me "

" Sunaina we will talk later . Let us complete the ceremony first " saying this she took Sunaina next to Vikram.

" Vikram dear put the ring on her ring finger and then Sunaina you to do the same ", said Vikram's mother .

Vikram gently took her hand and placed it on her ring finger. Sunaina was hesitant so her mother judt picked up the ring and handed it to her ," Beta go ahead" said her father.

The rings were exchanged and now congratulations poured from both the sides .

Sunaina decided to speak to her parents and Vikram after the party .

She didn't love Vikram and so couldn't get married to him .But she had to wait till the party was over 

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