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Sunaina reached India with a heavy heart .

Now when she would speak with her parents informing Vikram s parents would be another issue.

On the other hand Arjun was becoming very anxious but before he came to know anything she wanted the matter settled .

But here also she was literally hounded by her relatives. Some were very happy while others were jealous because Vikram was considered a good catch due to his wealth .

Two days had passed and she was still not able to speak with her mom.

Time was running fast. She had to do something to stop this wedding. She had not even informed Arjun and Shivani that she was back in India.

Today her mom was taking her shopping . So she decided to speak with her today .

Unknown to her Shivani and Arjun had also come to Delhi trousseau shopping . Shivani noticed her across the road and tried to call her but due to traffic noise Sunaina did not hear her.

Arjun called her , " Hi Su missing you ?"

Before he could complete his sentence Sunaina interrupted him ," Hi Arjun I am busy at the moment . Can I call you later ? And by the way we are coming back from London next week . So we will meet soon ."

Arjun was confused because Su was lying . When she was back why did she lie to him?"

Something fishy was going on . He told Shivani that Su had said that she was in London so maybe shivani was mistaken .

Sunaina had lied to him . She was planning on marrying Arjun and now she had lied to him .

" Mom I have been trying to speak with you for yhe last few days and you are not listening . "

" Su can't we do this later ?"

" No mom already it is too late "

" Mom I don't want to marry Vikram . I don't love him "

" So what Su me and your father also had an arranged marriage . Aren't we happy ?"

" But mom you don't understand . I have already committed to Arjun "

" Now when did this happen ?"

"A month ago "

" Su you should have told us before . Lets. finish our shopping and continue this conversation at home 

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