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After everyone left Vikram Sunaina and their families left for home .

Sunaina was looking after Vikram,s mother who was still crying .

Sunaina prepared tea for everyone in the house . After that everyone went to their rooms to rest but she stayed with her mom and Vikram's mom.

She tried to make her laugh by telling her college anecdotes.

Vikram was observing her from a distance . She was a caring and selfless person.

During dinner time she brought dinner for his mom and fed her with her hands " Aunty am I not your daughter?"

" Yes beta but I am not hungry?"

" That means you don't consider me as your daughter. Ok I will feed you with my hands"

Vikram saw all this . He had always considered Su as a good friend but this time he saw a much more mature woman who was looking after his mom so well.

Not only was she outwardly beautiful but her heart was also pure and beautiful . He was falling for her and somehow he knew she was perfect for him.

But she was still studying so he needed to wait .

That night Sunaina slept with his mother . Around 2 A M someone woke her up . It was Vikram.

He slowly lifted her from the bed and took her into the gardens . A table had been placed with two glasses of coke and a chocolate chip pastry in the middle.

" What's this Vikram?"

" It's my way of thanking you doll. You have taken care of my mom as if she was your mom"

" well she is like my mom only "

" Now eat this pastry . I had to bribe the cook to make it for you" saying this he started feeding her the pastry with his hands.

" Why don't you join me Vikram?"

She then fed him one spoon of the pastry left.She was leaving to sleep when he went near her and kissed her forehead before wishing her good night .

Though Vikram had kissed her forehead Sunaina had felt as if a bolt of electricity had passed through her body.

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