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Mr Garg had offered her today off so that she could settle in her house .

She unpacked her stuff . She was surprised because all of her things were left undisturbed . She had expected Vikram to have thrown her belongings but even the toiletries were intact .

When she opened her wardrobe all the dreses which she had left were neatly hung inside it . It was as if time had stopped when she had left.

Inwardly she was happy that her stuff was still there . It was like a ray of hope for her marriage .

She took a light lunch and a short nap.

She then decided to prepare dinner for Vikram . Since he was fond of international cuisines she decided to make shredded lamb in hot garlic sauce , vegetables in almond sauce , fried rice and hakka noodles.

The servants had complained that theses days Vikram drank a lot and almost never came home for dinner. Sometimes he wouldn't even come home the entire night .

He was rich , sinfully handsome so there was no dearth of woman ready to ensnare him . Infact he might be even seeing some one . These thoughts brought tears to her eyes but then she was herself responsible for everything that was happening to her . At first she had not cared for Vikram's feelings and now when she loved him he no longer cared for her .However she was still married to him so she had an upper hand over any other woman in his life.

Yesterday she had spoken with Shivani who had further encouraged her to make efforts to save her marriage.

So preparing her husbands dinner was the first step in this direction.

Everything was ready by seven PM . She had even laid the table and changed into a beautiful green evening dress .

She sat in the living room waiting for him to come home.

But there was no sign of Vikram till ten PM . Sunaina was extremely disappointed. She was on the verge of tears but decided to wait for another hour but still no Vikram.Maybe he was busy with a new lover she thought .

She picked everything on the table , dumped it in the refrigerator . She changed into her night clothes . She waited tearfully for another hour and then cried to sleep.

Today Vikram was happy . His wife was back giving another chance to their marriage.After a long time he could concentrate on his work . He planned to leave early today . He was almost finished by five , ready to leave when his secretary announced that a Russian delegation had arrived and he was to meet them at their hotel for a presentation followed by dinner .

It had totally escaped his mind but he couldn't avoid it because this meeting had been fixed three months before.

He reluctantly went to meet them . The delegation comprised of one gentleman and one lady . The lady Anastasia and her brother Sergevo were owners of a huge empire in Russia and were planning on joining Vikram for their Asian and European business .

The presentation was impressive and Anastasia was gorgeous but Vikram had eyes only for Sunaina his wife . So when Anastasia dropped subtle hints thst she was interested in mixing business with pleasure Vikram firmly refused .

As a result he reached home at midnight .He tiptoed in the bedroom to find Sunaina fast asleep . Her face was pale and it appeared that she had cried before sleeping . 

When he opened the refrigerator to drink water he noticed the bowls full of food . He checked all were his favourite dishes.

How stupid was he ? He never called to tell Sunaina he wouldn't be home for dinner . So she must have prepared all this for him . What had he done ? It was their first day together and he had totally ruined it .

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