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Vikram went downstairs to meet the investigator. He was an old acquaintance as well .

"Hello Mr Thakur how are you ?"

"Fine sir . So what brings you here?"

"Mr Thakur I have come here as a friend. Officially the investigation is over and we have concluded that it was an accident but I noticed the look on your face when you came back for the files. Was something important missing ?"

"No nothing was missing "

"Are you sure Vikram because even I have some apprehensions of the incident. When you have a kitchen in the office and your room is literally in one corner then instead of the kitchen why and how did the fire start from your room ?

Secondly if I am not wrong then your room must be the most secured in the company . All these questions remain unanswered in our investigation . Somehow it seems that what we are seeing is not the entire picture.

Well this is the card of my friend . He is a freelance private investigator who is ex army and very good at his job . If you want you may contact him .He is the best and I assure you he will get to the bottom of the situation." Saying this he left .

Vikram took the card and dialled the number . He spoke with the person and gave him his office address and fixed the next morning to meet him .

Sunaina had listened to his conversation with the investigator . She had prepared two cups of coffee and she sat with Vikram . Vikram told her that he was an old acquaintance so indirectly he had helped him and guided him to get the fire investigated.

"Doll lets go for dinner to celebrate this new tender . You get ready and let me book a table . Its Chinese for you ?"

"The cuisine doesn't matter the company does Vikram ", saying this she kissed him and went upstairs to change.

Tonight she decided on a long black skirt with a shimmering silver crop top . She applied light makeup and let her hair loose . She knew Vikram liked her hair loose . Then she applied a dark brown lipstick and she was ready .

Vikram was still in his formal black suit looking very handsome.

His eyes followed her movements when she came downstairs . His eyes had darkened with desire . It was as if he was mentally undressing her and getting ready to make love to her .

Her fair flat belly was visible beneath the crop top enticing him .His thumb traced her lips ., her neck and then reached her belly button . He encircled her waist with his hands tracing it with his thumb . All this was too erotic for Sunaina . Her body wanted him . She wanted him to kiss her senseless, to remove her top and kiss her aching breasts . Her eyes too had darkened with desire for him .

He could see she was fully aroused but the night was still young and he would take her for dinner and then spend the entire night making love to her .

He however could not stop himself from tasting her lips . He kissed her gently and then deeply . He had poured his feelings and love into the kiss and she felt as if he had devoured her .

" Come on darling lets leave for dinner before I lose control "

"What if I want that Vikram?"

" Darling we both want that but a table is waiting for us and we must leave "

The restaurant was a high end one with a menu card that didn't even show prices . The food was delicious and the ambience of the place was excellent but their mind wasn't on the food .

Sunaina declined desert and they paid the bill and entered their car .

"Darling your mobile is ringing . Why don't you pick the phone?"

It was her boss ," Su beta there is a slight change in plan . Instead of tomorrow night We are leaving tomorrow morning 7 AM . I will meet you at the airport at 4 AM . Should I send someone to pick you up or will you manage ?"

Sunaina had completely forgotten about her tour . She was to go to Switzerland for a business conference . Her boss had informed her two days back but because of the fire she had completely forgotten .

Vikram would be so disappointed.

"Darling what happened ? Why are you so upset?"

"Vikram it was my boss informing me thet we have to leave for the conference in Switzerland tomorrow ?"

" So what ? You can go . I won't stop you "

"But it is for a week ", Sunaina had tears in her eyes.

" Don't cry darling . Whats a week . You will be so busy you won't even miss me "

" Never ever say that again . Vikram I love you . I love you so much that it is difficult to stay away for one day and this is a whole week "

Vikram had waited so long to hear these words .

"Darling when do you leave ?"

" Tomorrow morning 4AM " " Vikram we still have time . Its only 12 o' clock "she hinted.

"Darling I have loved you for so many years . Another week will not kill me . You need to go and pack and then sleep. I will drop you to the airport in the morning "

Vikram helped her pack and then they went to sleep . In the morning he dropped her to the airport where her boss was waiting for her "

" Sunaina thats Vikram Thakur of Thakur Industries. Isn't he ?"

" Yes sir thats Vikram and he is my husband "

Her boss was shocked at the revelation.

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