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There flight was early morning 1o ' clock so they were supposed to reach the airport at11 PM.

Mrs Thakur wished them both ," Happy Journey " and whispered in Sunaina's ear ," Dear I have packed some new dresses for you . I hope that in these ten days you are able to sort out your differences. Best of luck betaand enjoy your honeymoon "

Sunaina was hoping the same . She was going to use these ten days to convince Vikram of her love and fidelity.

Vikram had been instructed by his mother to look after Sunaina . He was going to start on a clean slate. These ten days he was going to love his wife so much that she would never think of her past

The tickets were first class so they sat in the lounge and had a light dinner . Vikram took a scotch with his dinner while Sunaina opted for a fresh lime soda .

Sunaina was wearing a black trouser suit which was simple but elegant. Her long silky hair was left open and Vikram felt like wrapping his hands in it .She had applied minimal makeup just mascara and red lipstick but her full lips were tempting him . He wanted to kiss her senseless .

His wife was beautiful and sexy and he was not the only one to notice this . When she was walking towards the counter he had noticed many men checking her out . But she was his only and he wanted to knock them out . Infact he had placed a hand at her waist , given into temptation and kissed Her boldly on her lips . She was surprised first but then she had kissed him back with the same intensity. 

Vikram had changed into comfortable jeans and a Tommy Hilfiger t shirt . The jeans were a perfect fit emphasising on his lean but fit body . Sunaina had noticed many appreciative glances thrown his way but he seemed to be immune to them . When Vikram had kissed her she had kissed him back so that all the eager ladies would know that this man was taken and he belonged to her .

They reached Italy in the afternoon. A limousine was waiting for them to take them to their five star hotel The Ritz in Rome . They had been booked a suite in the hotel . Her mother in law had spared no expenses in the trip .

Since they were tired they took some light snacks and decided to rest before going for any sightseeing in the evening.

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