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It had been a harrowing night . First he had been interrupted in his lovemaking session with his wife but rhen Neeraj at his home spelled trouble .And not plain trouble but T rouble with a capital T .

And he was not wrong in his assumption. Their office headquarters of Thakur Industries had caught fire . It was a massive fire and though many firemen had arrived still the damage was done .

They had yet to acertain the cause of the fire and also the extent of damage .

When Vikram reached his office buildingin the upper floors the fire seemed to have been extinguished but the parking was still blazing .

The fire had been so massive that nearby buildings were also affected . Vikram was itching to go inside but first the firefighters needed to declare the building safe .

He enquired if the security guards were all safe ? However two guards were still to be found . Rest of the guards were safe .

He was so upset that he forgot to call Sunaina. It was early in the morning that the fire came under control .

Around seven o clock the firemen allowed the police and Neeraj and Vikram to enter the building .

Vikram first rushed to search for the two missing guards . One they found near the parking while the second older guard was found dead near his cabin . The police believed that he had died of suffocation because he had been unable to leave the building when the fire broke out .

He cried in seeing his body ," Oh caca I am so sorry . You died in the line of duty .Neeraj kindly arrange for his last rights to be performed also inform his family . Caca served us for more than thirty years so arrange for adequate compensation to be given to his family "

He then entered his office but something didn't feel right . However before he could explore further the police started their investigation . They believed that the fire was sn accident but they would investigate all angles first . However they asked him to go home and rest.

After arguing for another half an hour he agreed and finally at nine in the morning Neeraj dropped him home .

He found Sunaina sleeping on the luving room sofa with her cellphone near her . She must have been worried sick so he didn't disturb her . He went straight to take a shower . When he came out he found Sunaina with two cups of tea .

He sat down next to her , apologised for not calling her and then described what had happened in detail .

" Vikram why do I get the feeling that you are not telling me the complete truth . You are hiding something ."

" Doll you are very perceptive . Actually everyone thinkd the fire was due to some accident like a short circuit but I am not sure . I have a feeling that it was deliberately started by someone "

" Viktam I trust your instincts. If the police don't find anything we will investigate on our own . You take rest for an hour or so then together we will go to your office "

Vikram held her hand in his , " Thanks darling "

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