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The next day brought a perfect solution to his problem.

His parents called up informing him that they were missing their kids so were getting off at the next port . They were leaving two weeks of the cruise and coming back .

He vaguely remembered Sunaina informing him that she had a job with Mr Garg so he needed to check with her previous office.

He decided to speak with Akshay Oberoi But Akshay was not in his office . When he enquired he was informed thafafter the Switzerland conference Mr Garghad resigned from the company.

So this was another dead end . Oh why hadn't he demanded Sunaina of her new address . As he was leaving the Oberoi office a peon called him .

" Sir why are you looking for Mr Garg ?"

" Its a personal matter "

" Sir Mr Garg has started his own company and I can give you its address,"

Vikram thanked the guy and also gifted him some money which he refused.

Vikram went to Mr Gargs Office straight away and found Sunaina working there with a young good looking guy . She seemed to be discussing something with him but his eyes seemed to be straying to her .

What the hell ? Why did she have to sit so close to that guy and why was he staring so adorably towards her ?

She was so pretty . Even in this jeans and cotton shirt she was looking so beautiful and sexy.

She was supposed to be working with Mr Garg so whowas this new guy in Sunaina's life ?

Why was she always surrounded by young handsome men ?

Sunaina was discussing their new marketing strategy with Pranay when she felt something. She turned around to look into the eyes of the one person she had mussed thd most .

" Pranay can you excuse me for ten minutes? "

" Ok fine Sunaina . I am leaving for a lunch meeting and will be back around five . We can discuss then "

" What are you doing here in my office Vikram? "

He was still so handsome . She ached to hug him . Her eyes were staring for so ling . She wanted to store his picture in her mind forever .

Both of them stood gazing at each other for at least fifteen minutes before Vikram spoke.

"I have come to take you back "

" Why now Vikram? I can't believe that you are suddenly missing your wife so why do you want me back ?"

" Doll "

"Don't you doll me ? I am Sunaina now "

" Ok Sunaina . Mom and dad called . They are coming back . They will ask about you so instead of giving them a shock I want you back at the house"

" Tell them the truth "

" No not yet "

"They are coming in two days . You give me your decision by tomorrow " saying this Vikram left .

Sunaina broke down after he left . Mr Garg rushed to her cabin because he had seen Vikram leaving .

" What is it beta ? Did he say something ?"

" Uncle he has asked me to comeback "

" But thats very good . Problems occur in marriages but they can be solved "

" No he wants me back because his parents are coming not because he wants me back . I don't know what to do ?"

" You love him na ?"

" Yes I love him very much "

" Then pack your bags and go . Give your marriage another chance . Even if you don't succeed you will be satisfied that you tried at least "

Vikram could not sleep the entire night . Would she come back ? He knew she cared for his parents so she shouldn't hurt their feelings ?

He was having his breakfast when she entered carrying a suitcase in her hand . She had a forlorn look on her face . He wanted to rush and gather her in his arms but she might not like this .

His servant rushed to greet her .

Vikram was having his breakfast . She couldn't take her eyes away from his handsome face but he seemed to be oblivious to her presence . He greeted her but didn't even smile . Who was she fooling? He didn't trust her . It was only because of his parents that he had called her back.

" Hi Sunaina . The maid has cleared your wardrobe and she will help you unpack. I am leaving for Office now.. I have an urgent meeting but will be back early to help you settle in "

Vikram was so polite and formal towards her that she felt like hitting him but two could play a game . If he could behave formal so could she .

" No need to worry on my account . You don't need to come early . You finish your work and then come home "

Vikram was again furious . She had come back after so many days so he wanted to come home early but she wasn't bothered. Maybe she wanted to spend time with her new boss rather than her old husband .

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