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Sunaina and her parents boarded the British Airways flight to London . Surprisingly Vikram's father had booked business class tickets for all of them .

Though it was not the first time they were traveling in business class still since Vikram had not taken money for the tickets they had not expected this extravagance .

The journey to London was uneventful . At the sirport Vikram's mom had come to pick them up .

Vikram's house was another pleasant surprise . She had expected a big appartment but it was a bungalow in Central London . Central London is supposed to be the most posh locality of London .To own a appartment there is a big achievement but here it was not an appartment but a bungalow .

It was a two storeyed structure in pure white . The first floor had two bedrooms one that belonged to Vikram's parents and the other a guest room . There were two living rooms a small one for daily use while a big one for parties . The kitchen and servant quarters were also on the ground floor .

The first floor had three bedrooms one which belonged to Vikram while one was a guest room which would now be used by Sunaina. The third bedroom belonged to Vikram's sister and was still used by her whenever she visited her parents.

There was another room called entertainment room by Vikram which housed his huge 50 inches television and many games .

Vikram helped Sunaina and her family to settle in the house and then they all collected in the downstairs guest room which was to be used by Sunaina's parents to have some tea and refreshments. Afterwards Sunaina went to her room to relax . She fell in a deep restful sleep . Around 8 PM London time Vikram knocked at her door .

When he saw that the door was not locked he entered . He smiled at the scene in front of him .

Sunaina was sleeping on the bed on the quilt without even changing her clothes . She was looking so beautiful in that pink dress .

He was mesmerised by her beauty . After so many days she looked stressfree and relaxed . A lock of her hair had fallen over her eyes . He gently removed it . As his fingers touched her skin he felt a connection with her . Her skin was so soft that he felt like touching her again.

He gently stroked her cheek and she woke up abruptly .

" wh what happened Vikram?"

" Nothing doll . I came to wake you for dinner . But you were looking so pretty that I lost myself in your beauty " he laughed.

 Stop teasing me Vikram "

Together laughing and teasing they went downstairs for dinner .

Both set of parents were seated at the dining table observing their children laughing together .

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