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Sunaina and Shivani had a quiet dinner in their room and slept early . The last few days had been hectic due to the wedding so both were tired.

The next day they had an early breakfast and headed to the market .Sunaina had her eyes on a few kurtis she had seen last time.

However when she reached the shop one pink chiffon kurti on which she had her mind set was not available .She was dissappointed but she bought two others and Shivani also shopoed for some clothes and they came back till lunch.

Arjun was nowhere to be seen .

Arjun arrived fifteen minutes prior to leaving. Shivani,s parents had packed dinner for their journey back to Jodhpur.

The entire distance both friends were smiling and talking but Arjun remained silent. He would sometimes look in their direction specifically in Sunaina's direction but kept quiet.

When they reached their hostel he helped them with their luggage. After settling down he asked , " Shivani can I speak to Sunaina alone for one minute?"

" Su ok ?" She asked.

" Yes "

"What do you have to speak to me about Arjun ?"

" Su I just wanted to apologise for my behaviour . I shouldn't have spoken like that . It's just that I care for you a lot and with Vikram I felt insecure of our friendship. I know he is an old friend but still I am used to having you and Shivani around, Please forgive me" saying this he left the room keeping a small parcel on her bed.

Sunaina was shocked to see that he had tears in his eyes. The extent of Arjun's feelings shocked her to the core. He really really felt for her and cared for her.

She opened the parcel to find a chiffon pink kurti in it. It was the same one she had intended to buy but the shopkeeper had informed her that it had been sold. So Arjun had noticed her interest in it and god knows when he had bought it.

When Shivani entered she found a thoughtful sunaina sitting on the bed with a kurti in her hand. She recognized it.

"Su isn't this the same one? Where did you get it ? " Then it struch her ,"Arjun bhaiya bought this for you ? Ogh my God he really cares, doesn't he Su ?"

"Shivani I am here to study . I don't want to be entangled in any relationship. Arjun is getting serious and this scares me."

"Su you take your time. It is your life and your decision. Ok calm down lets go to sleep . It is late and tomorrow college starts"

Both of the friends went to sleep . However both Sunaina and Arjun could not sleep that night.

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