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Sunaina woke up early in the morning because today according to Indian rituals she was to cook a dish . Sunaina was a good cook so instead of cooking one dish she decided to make the entire breakfast .

She had spoken with the cook and given him a list of items she needed to make breakfast.

She knew Vikram,s parents liked Indian food while Vikram was into continental and English cuisine She had decided to make both types of dishes.

First she started on the Indian dishes . She made chhole and halwa . Then she made some baked pasta with vegetables and cheese garlic bread . She also squeezed some fresh orange juice for him .

At nine oclock her breakfast was ready to be served . She was just frying the pooris when her sister in law entered.

"Hi bhabhi wow these look so delicious "

She announced loudly ," Everyone down for breakfast . Bhabhi is going to surprise you "

The table had been laid with chhole and halwa . Everyone was seated and Sunaina brought two plates full of puris . Along with puris she served both sweet and salted lassi.

Her parents and Vikram,s parents started eating the puris happily but Vikram's plate was empty .

" Sunaina don' you know Vikram doesn't eat Indian. Breakfast?"Sunaina's mom asked .

"No aunty today is Sunaina's first kitchen so as an exception I will also eat puri today "

" Oh my dear brother so much in love with my bhabhi that he is ready to change his breakfast routine which he has been following for the last so many years " teased his sister .

Sunaina blushed but it was a nice feeling that Vikram was ready to cooperate with her

She went Inside the kitchen to check on the garlic bread . It was ready . She bought a bowl of baked pasta and the garlic bread and set it in front of Vikram .

" I know Vikram likes continental food hence this is for him "

" Thanks doll but once in a while I can take Indian breakfast as well "

" Bhabhi I believe if you feed him with your hands he will take Indian breakfast everyday "

After everyone finished breakfast Vikrams father called her ,and gifted her a beautiful set of diamond earrings . Then his mother gifted her a polki necklace ," Beta I remember how you admired my polki sets so I bought one for you"

" But aunty you have already given me so much jewellary "

Then she was gifted a ring by her sister in law .

"What will you give Su Vikram ?"

" I won't gift her anything since I was not given the halwa "

Sunaina handed him halwa in a bowl but Vikram seemed to be in a flirty mood today ," Su my hands are dirty . Could you please feed me "

Sunaina couldn't refuse in front of everyone so she fed him .

Vikram then remarked ," This halwa is delicious . The hands of the chef need to be kissed for creating such a masterpiece," saying this he kissed her hands . Again Sunaina felt the chemistry .

He then took her to their bedroom where he too gifted her a necklace but he insisted on her wearing it .when he was putting it on her neck he deliberately traced his fingers on her back causing her to shiver .

By now he had realised that they shared a good chemistry because everytime he touched her she reacted and her reaction turned him on .

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