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Vikram drove for an hour and they reached the country side .He stopped in front of the gate of a natural resort .

It was beautiful resort surrounded by greenery at all sides. They were welcomed with pineapple juice at the lobby . Sunaina presumed that Vikram might have come to meet someone but he took her hand and took her towards the garden .

The resort was in the form of huts each with its private pool and a small garden . But they crossed the huts snd walked forward .

After walking for another fifteen minutes they reached a lake . Just near the lake a blanket had been set up with a fruit basket and many types if pastries and sandwiches were there .

There were a few lanterns placed nearby but Since it was still day time none were lit up .

Vikram and Sunaina sat on the blanket . There were two flasks one containing tea and the other with coffee .

"Tea or coffee darling ?"

This was the first time he had called her darling and he was expecting some resistance but Sunaina simply answered " Coffee today "

He poured the coffee while she laid two plates and placed sandwich and a pastry each in the plates.

They had their sandwiches in silence enjoying the view .

"Its so peaceful here isn't it Vikram? Do you come here often ?"

" Not as much as I would like to but yes when I have to dect something or when I just want to relax I come here . Actually this resort belongs to my childhood friend "

"So what brings you here today ?"

" You "

" Me ?"

" Darling I just wanted to spend some nice time with my wife ."

" Vikram why are you calling me darling today ?"

" Why don't you like the sound of it ?"

" Its not that but you have always called me doll So I am used to doll "

" Well now get used to darling because from now onwards I will call you darling . I kind of like the sound of it ," saying this he pulled her towards him .

He gently brushed his lips over hers . Then he traced the outline of her lips with his thumb . The gesture was so sensual that a sigh escaped her lips.

Her desire laden eyes and open mouth were a tempting invitation no one could resist . He kissed her thoroughly this time . It wasn't a kiss . It was like he was pouring all his love in it . Sunaina was blown by its intensity and for the first time she kissed him back with such hunger that he was surprised .

He deepened the kiss and gently laid her on rhe blanket . He then kissed her eyes nose and earlobe creating intense sensations in her body .

He then kissed her neck and when she didn, t resist he gently unbuttoned the first three buttons of her blouse revealing his ultimate fantasy her beautiful breasts .

One by one he held them in his hand and kissed them ," You know what darling you are exquisite . I am so lucky to have you as my life partner ", saying this he buttoned her shirt and stood up . 

Sunaina was still in a daze and her body was refusing to get up . It was as if her body wanted to continue what Vikram had started .

It had been damn hard for Vikram to stop . For the first time he had a taste of the passion between them . They shared an explosive chemistry and his wife was extremely responsive to him.

However her first time had to be special and it couldn't be in the open on a blanket so he had stopped.

"Ok lets make a meal move now if we want to reach home fo dinner . Come on Su get up "

Sunaina had a confused look on her face because she couldn't understand one moment she had seen a fully aroused state of Vikram with his lust filled eyes Even his ferocious kisses had proved how much he had wanted to make love to her.

Why did he stop then ?

"Darling don't take me wrong . But you are exquisite for me and our first time has to be memorable so it will be somewhere special not here in the open . You are only mine so no one else can even look at you . Mind you I guard my possessions like a lion protects his territory . From now on even your thoughts and dreams belong to me ."

Sunaina liked his possessiveness and came to her senses but one thing was sure she would not have been able to stop him .

Slowly and steadily her husbands love for her had won because she knew that she had started to love him back .

This love was not only physical but he had touched her soul . The way he had cared for her feelings and also looked after her , always supporting her had won her heart ,

  Now she was ready to leave her guilt behind and start her new life with her loving husband .  

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