Chapter 1: Hunter Vampire

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The pain. Flashes of red in my eyes. I can feel my life force fading away. But it's stopping. The pain is going away. Am I dying? Yes, I think so. There's nothing I can do.

"Saki?! Saki!"

Mum. She sounds so scared. I wonder why. Her face looms in front of me, hazy and blurry, like my eyes were covered in fog.

"Saki!" Something's in my face, Mum's hands. It's warm and sticky with something.


"Saki! Drink it! Just take it in!"

Why should I drink blood? I'm not a vampire.

"Please, Saki!" She sounds so desperate. I guess I should drink. A little bit won't hurt, seeing as I'm dying. It doesn't even matter any more.

I could taste the blood in my mouth, metallic and horrible. Maybe I shouldn't drink it. Why should I drink something disgusting? More is pouring into my mouth, washing in like the tide on the shore. I have no other choice than to swallow the awful substance down. It's so horrible, why is Mum making me drink it?

"Come on, Saki. Wake up, I know you can." It's Mum. She sounds so much calmer now, almost relieved. I wonder if it's because I drank the blood.

Suddenly I wanted to ask her why. Why did I have to drink blood? Would it stop me from dying?

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