Part 1 - Another School Day

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Monday, 8th April, 8:50am, Outside School
It was another school morning, Dave had just dropped the chipmunks and chipettes off at school and was now on his way back home. However, the chipmunks and chipettes knew that it had just turned April and that their exams were coming soon. All six of them were worried about taking their exams, since they knew it had an impact on their future. But some of the group were more worried then others...
"Oh man....another boring day of school" complained Alvin
"Don't worry Alvin, we leave school in a couple of months.....I'm just upset that we have to leave our baby chipmunks every morning" replied Brittany
"Oh wow....really? Only a couple of months? I hope it goes fast!" Said Alvin in an excited voice
"I hope it doesn't, I'm really worried" called Jeanette
"Why? What's so scary about leaving school?" Asked Alvin
"Alvin! Have you forget about what our music teacher, Miss Myles, told us the other week?" Asked Jeanette
Alvin and Brittany had blank faces
"My gosh you two, Miss Myles told us our exams start soon. We need to get good grades in them if we want to have good jobs in the future" called Simon
"Oh right....yea....I remember her telling us our exams are starting soon, but not till like the start of June" replied Alvin
"Alvin, you and Brittany need to take these exams more seriously!" Shouted Simon
"We will do Simon, incase you haven't noticed me and Brittany have got baby chipmunks at home and we have to baby sit them too!" Alvin shouted back
"You guys, please stop arguing" asked Theodore
"Jeanette, you and Simon come with me, and give Alvin and Brittany some space for now" Called Eleanor
"Ok....we will go with you sister, we only have 5 minutes till form time starts by the way" Jeanette reminded everyone
With that, Simon Jeanette and Theodore followed Eleanor in one direction while Alvin and Brittany went in the other
"Alvin, I need to use the toilet before form time, can you wait for me?" Asked Brittany
"Yea of course I will" replied Alvin in a happy voice
Brittany went in the girls toilets but instead of using a toilet, she grabbed some toilet roll and began to wipe tears off her face
"I guess Simon and Jeanette are right, maybe me and Alvin do need to take our exams more seriously.....I'm so scared of failing my exams, but I can't let Alvin baby sit our babies by himself all the time while I do revision, it's not fair on him....I need some advice and help from my sisters" Brittany thought to herself
Brittany looked in the mirror and made sure that she looked ok and that no one could tell she had been crying. She then returned to Alvin
"Hi, I'm ready now" called Brittany trying to sound happy
Alvin and Brittany started their walk down to the form room and Alvin spoke up
"Brittany? Are you ok?" Asked Alvin
"Yea.....why?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"Because you sound worried and it looks like you have been crying. Please tell me what's wrong, I worry about you" explained Alvin in a caring voice
"I...Um...ok I will tell you but please don't laugh at me" Replied Brittany
"Brittany, I love you I would never laugh at you if something is wrong" replied Alvin
"Ok...I'm a little worried about the exams we have in a couple of months time....I'm worried that we won't be able to do enough revision, I mean with babysitting our babies" explained Brittany
"Aw, don't worry Brittany we will make it through this and we will be able to do a lot of revision so don't worry about it, talk to me or your sisters if you ever get really down during these next couple of months of school ok?" Asked Alvin
"Yea I will do, thanks Alvin" replied Brittany in a happier voice
Alvin and Brittany then walked into the form room and sat at the same table as their siblings
"Alvin...I...well we, me and Jeanette want to apologise for earlier" called Simon
"What do you mean? I don't really think you two did anything really bad"  asked Alvin in a confused voice
"Me and Jeanette shouted at you and Brittany and told you to take your exams more seriously, it was wrong of us to shout at you two but we did it cause we care about you both" explained Simon
"It's ok Simon, we forgive you both and we understand why you did don't worry about it, let's put this incident aside now Simon, it's over and done with and we are cool with each other" replied Alvin
"Ok class listen up!" Shouted, the teacher, Miss Wood to get everyone's attention
"We are having an important assembly tomorrow night for just year 11 students and you must bring your parents with you" explained Miss Wood
Everyone groaned and moaned
"I have sent an email out to your parents too" explained Miss Wood "So don't think you can escape this assembly" joked Miss Wood
Everyone groaned and moaned again
"I will let you all talk to each other this morning for 10 minutes, as a one off then off to your first lessons" said Miss Wood before leaving the class room
"What lessons does everyone have first?" Asked Theodore
"Alvin, Brittany and Simon have English, Jeanette has Geography and me and you have R.E." Explained Eleanor
"Oh yea I can't believe I is P.E. tomorrow then?" Asked Theodore
"Yea, P.E. is tomorrow" replied Brittany in a happy voice
"I didn't think you liked P.E. that much Theodore" Alvin jumped in
"Well I don't mind it much now, me Eleanor Brittany and some of the others in our class go to the gym across the road" replied Theodore
Alvin looked over at Brittany "You never told me you went to the gym" called Alvin in a surprised voice
"Yea I did silly, you probably forgot though cause I only told you once or twice" replied Brittany with a giggle
Just then the bell rang and that meant everyone had to go to their first lesson
"Come on then Brittany lest go to English" called Alvin
"See you later in the Science lesson we have afterwards Jeanette" called Simon following Alvin and Brittany
Theodore Eleanor and Jeanette all walked down the same corridor but Jeanette left them both and went inside the classroom for Geography
At the end of the corridor, Theodore and Eleanor had made it to the R.E. classroom
At the English Lesson
Alvin, Brittany and Simon all went in the classroom and sat in their seats. Once everyone had sat down the teacher, Mr Parry spoke up
"Ok everyone, we have just finish reading the book called 'of mice and men'...." Started Mr Parry
"Oh god that book was so boring" Alvin whispered to Brittany
"I know, I nearly fell asleep one English lesson we was reading it" Brittany whispered back to Alvin
"...and we will be watching the film based off the book this week" finished Mr Parry
The whole class cheered
"Now I want you all to pay close attention to this film based off the book, because some of the questions in one of your English exams will be about this book but we will watch the film so you get a visual image of the book too, to help you understand the book better" explained Mr Parry
Everyone stayed silent and smiled at Mr Parry
"Ok, I will put the film on now and over the next few English lessons, we will have seen this film" explained Mr Parry putting the DVD on
"This week of English lessons is going to be amazing!" Alvin said to Brittany in an excited voice
"Alvin! No talking in lesson please" called Mr Parry
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. How do you think the chipmunks and chipettes will deal with the next few months of school? Do you think they will all be stressed out and worried? Or do you think they will all be ok? Also, how will Alvin and Brittany manage school work, revision and babysitting their baby chipmunks?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Let me know what you thought of part 1 in this book too 👍 I mean if you thought it was a good start to this book or not 🤗
I am going to be putting dates in this book since the exams will be in June and I feel putting the date and the month and will help the the story out and make a bit more sense to you readers. That's why this part has April the 8th at the start, incase you was wondering 😉
If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone will update again as soon as possible 😋

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