Part 10 - Playing On Game's with Brittany Help's Her Get Inspiration :)

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(A/N: Hi everyone, am just letting you all know there is some bad language at the end of this part and I don't advise you to read it unless you are 13 years old or over. Also, these words should never be repeated or said to anyone as they are bad words and could get young readers into trouble. Just giving you all a warning before reading this part)
Wednesday, 24th of April, Same Day, At Dave's house, 8:50pm
After school had finished and everyone was back home, the chipettes had been thinking of an idea for their Drama project but they were still unsure. However the chipettes had asked the chipmunks if they would get involved in the video and Alvin and Theodore said yes straight away (Simon took a bit of convincing).
The chipmunks had been giving the chipettes ideas for their Drama project but they were not very good or were nearly impossible to do, e.g. Alvin suggested making a rocket and going to space...
The chipmunks, chipettes and Alvin and Brittany's baby chipmunks were in the living room now watching 'Frozen' with Dave but the film had nearly finished
Anna: I like the open gates
Elsa: We are never closing them again
[uses her magic to give Anna a pair of skates]
Anna: Oh, Elsa, they're beautiful, but you know I don't skate
Elsa: [pulling her] Come on! You can do it!
Kristoff: Look out. Reindeer coming through
Anna: I got it, I got it. I don't got it, I don't got it
Olaf: Hey, guys!
Elsa: That's it, Olaf
[laughs, pan out with triumphant instrumental reprise of "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?"]
"Aw that film was so cute and romantic" called Jeanette in a happy voice
"I know I loved it" replied Brittany
"The songs were so good too" called Eleanor
"Did you like that film Alvin?" Asked Brittany
There was no response so Brittany looked over at Alvin. He had fallen asleep and his brothers had too
Brittany sighed and shook her head "Oh, Boy's..." Said Brittany in a sad voice
"I can't believe they fell asleep, the film was really good and it kept me entertained all the way through" called Eleanor
"Don't worry girls, I stayed awake through all the film but I thought it was a bit boring" said Dave
Just then Theodore breathed in heavy
"Theodore? Are you ok?" Asked Eleanor
Theodore then let out a fart (which everyone heard) and he sighed and got his breath back
Not long after the smell had woke up Alvin and Simon
"Oh god, that stinks" called Alvin
"Yea tell me about it" replied Simon
They both looked at Theodore who had just woke up too
"Theodore!" Shouted Alvin and Simon
"What?" Asked Theodore in confusion
"You dropped one again and it smells like dirty socks" called Alvin
"Oh...sorry guys" replied Theodore in a sad voice
Brittany, Jeanette and Eleanor giggled at the boys, It was very entertaining for them
"Ok, enough of that's time for bed, you all have to go now because you all have school tomorrow" explained Dave in a serious voice
Everyone groaned in disappointment
"Do we have to go now Dave?" Asked Alvin
"Yes you do Alvin, I'm sorry but you have to go now" replied Dave
Everyone started making there way out of the living room and Alvin sighed as he followed Brittany out of the living room
"Don't worry Alvin, we can stay up late again at the weekend" said Brittany trying to cheer Alvin up
"Yea but that's a while away" replied Alvin
"Don't worry, it will go quick" called Brittany
Everyone was now upstairs and in the bedrooms
"If we are quiet, then we can talk to each other in bed about an idea for our Drama project without Dave knowing we are awake" whispered Brittany
"Oh not again Brittany, I want to help you and your sisters get an idea and be in your video, but you have been asking us and each other since we had finished school" explained Alvin
"Yea, I guess your right....sorry Alvin" replied Brittany
Alvin hugged Brittany and they fell in the bed together
"Don't worry Brittany, you don't need to apologise" replied Alvin in a caring voice
"I will change our babies and then you can put them to sleep, then we have to go to sleep ourselves" explained Brittany
Brittany let go of Alvin and started changing their baby chipmunks
"Wow, Brittany is such a great mum, I can't wait for them to get older they will love her so much" Alvin thought to himself
After Brittany had changed the baby chipmunks, Alvin started rocking them to sleep. Alvin then turned off the light and got in bed with Brittany
"Night Beautiful" said Alvin in a happy and caring voice
"Aw, Night Handsome" replied Brittany with a giggle
Thursday, 25th of April, In Alvin and Brittany's bedroom, 2am
Alvin had been awake for the past 30 minutes and couldn't get back to sleep. He turned over and whispered to Brittany "Are you awake?"
Brittany didn't reply so Alvin left her asleep. He got out of bed and went in the draw under the wardrobe looking for the torch. Once Alvin found it he turned the torch on and a light flashed around the room. He opened the door and was about to leave the bedroom till he heard a voice call for him
"Alvin? What are you doing?" Asked Brittany
"I'm going downstairs to watch TV for half an hour to help me get back to sleep" replied Alvin
"Ok, I will come with you" called Brittany
"What? Why are you coming?......I mean I want you to come with me but I thought...." Started Alvin before he was cut off
"It doesn't matter, I want to come with you Alvin, plus the bed is cold without you and I can't hug your warm body if your not here with me" Brittany jumped in
"Ok, let's go then" called Alvin
Alvin and Brittany went downstairs and into the living room. Alvin switched on the TV and flicked through the channels with Brittany
"God, there is nothing on that's worth watching" called Alvin
"Yea I know but not a lot of people are up at this time" replied Brittany
"Shall I put a game on? Off the ps4 that Dave bought a few months ago?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure, I like to watch you on games" replied Brittany in a happy voice
Alvin looked through the cupboard where all the games were and he used the torch to see which game was which
As Alvin was looking through the games, he jumped backwards in shock
"What's wrong?" Asked Brittany in a confused voice
"This is that game I wanted, the South Park game that Dave wouldn't let me buy cause I'm not 18 yet. Dave already had the game but didn't tell me" replied Alvin in a surprised voice
"Alvin, we can't play that, first off it's an 18 and second Dave must have kept it hidden from us cause it's not appropriate for us" explained Brittany
"Oh come on Brittany, I have to give it a looks amazing" said Alvin giving Brittany the game and the torch to see it
"This looks more like a kids game then an 18.....go on then let's see what it is like" said Brittany changing her mind
Alvin turned on the ps4 and put the game in
"Dave has already started this game, it says he has been on it for 6 hours" called Alvin
"He must go on it when we are all out and he isn't working" replied Brittany
Alvin clicked on Dave's save file and a cutscene came on
"What are you doing with them, Super Craig? When I walked out of Coon and Friends, you should have too" said Wonder Tweek
"I like Coon and Friends and you should never have left us" replied Super Craig
"Your group doesn't make any sense" replied Wonder Tweek
"It's because your a traitor Wonder Tweek and you are now hanging out with a group of traitors" called The Coon
"You was the one that started this Coon, you think that there should be special treatment to certain superhero's" Mysterion jumped in
"We're not the ones who walked out of the f*ckin franchise, Mysterion" The Coon fired back
"Coon, face facts.....your franchise is going nowhere and you lot are douchebags" called Timmy
"He just called us douchebags, I'm gonna get that b*tch" called the Coon in an angry voice
Timmy teleported away from the Coon and down the other end of the street
"B*tch! Ok Coon and Friends, deal with these ***holes" called the Coon
The cutscene ended and gameplay started
"Wow, this is great, our superhero's are going to fight these other superhero's" called Alvin in an excited voice
"I love the idea of superhero's but I don't think all the swearing was needed" replied Brittany
On Alvin's turn, he made Super Craig attack Wonder Tweek. Then on the computers turn Mysterion dashed into Super Craig and knocked him backwards. Alvin's turn was next and he got the Human Kite to heal up Super Craig
As the battle went on, it made Alvin laugh and smile, he was really enjoying himself with the game
"Wow, Brittany this game is amazing, I know there is a lot of swearing but it's so funny and is a blast to play" called Alvin in a happy voice
"Hey Alvin, not that I'm too keen on this game, how about we dress up as superhero's and have a battle with each other....but without swearing" suggested Brittany
"Yea that's a great idea Brittany, I'm up for that, we will have to ask the others tomorrow but dressing up as superhero's is a great idea" replied Alvin
Brittany pictured it in her head and it worked and was possible to do
"Ok, Alvin we can dress up and role play like the superhero's in this game but we are not going to be swearing at each other ok?" Asked Brittany
"Yea sure sounds good to me" replied Alvin
With that, Alvin continued to play the game for the next 30 minutes or so and then him and Brittany turned off the game and went back to bed
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Simon Jeanette Theodore and Eleanor will want to dress up and play as superhero's too with Alvin and Brittany? If so which character will everyone play as? Do you think it's a good idea for the chipmunks and chipettes to dress up and role play as superhero's? Do you think that role playing superhero's will be good enough for the chipettes to pass in their Drama project?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
Also, just out of interest can you let me know if you have played 'South Park, The Fractured But Whole'. I have played the game personally and I love it lol 😋
I won't use any swear words in future parts (despite the game swearing a lot) as it doesn't fit in the 'Alvin and the chipmunks' world but I think the chipmunks and chipettes dressing up as superhero's suits them well
Sorry for the mature content/swearing in this chapter, I just felt it was needed so you as readers knew a bit about what each character was like 😉👍 but there will be no more swearing in future chapters/parts from here on out, I promise 😋
Anyway, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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