Part 16 - Here is Our Video For The Drama Project, Miss Finch

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Tuesday, 30th of April, 1pm, Same Day, At School
It was the end of dinner time and everyone was heading off to their afternoon lessons. Brittany said bye to Alvin and Eleanor said bye to Theodore and the two chipettes were making there way to their Drama lesson
Over dinner time, Simon and Jeanette had been editing the video for the Drama lesson and had not been with the others that much
Brittany and Eleanor waited outside the Drama classroom and were a little nervous about showing their video of them been superhero's to Miss Finch and possibly the whole Class
"Ok, class come on in and sit down" called Miss Finch
Everyone started going in but Brittany and Eleanor made sure they were last in, so it gave Jeanette a minute or so to come
Just then, Jeanette came around the corner
"There you are sister, you was nearly late" called Brittany
"I know, sorry girls....I have finished editing the video with Simon and it's ready for Miss Finch to see and mark" explained Jeanette
"That's good to hear then....I bet you two did amazing!" Called Eleanor in a happy voice
"Girls, I can hear you three talking, come in the classroom now! Or I will have to mark you late!" shouted Miss Finch in a grumpy voice
Brittany, Jeanette and Eleanor went into the classroom and sat down with the rest of the class
"Ok, I want you to work in the same groups as you did for the video and I would like to see you all do some practice fighting with each other.....but no physical contact! Understand!" Explained Miss Finch
"Yes Miss Finch" replied everyone in the class
"I will call each group up and see what your videos all look like" called Miss Finch before going back on her computer
"I don't really like fighting girls" called Jeanette
"I don't mind, it's not something I'm really excited about..." Replied Eleanor
"Girls, we just did some acting of us fighting each other in our video" explained Brittany
"Yea I know but that was more....made up attacks rather then fighting like in a wrestling match" replied Jeanette
"Brittany! Jeanette! Eleanor!" Shouted Miss Finch
The chipettes all stood up and walked over to Miss Finch
"Ok girls, can I see your video please?" Asked Miss Finch
Jeanette handed her a memory stick and Miss Finch plugged it into the computer. After going through a few files, Miss Finch found and played the video
"There you are Human Kite, any news on the missing cat?" Asked Alvin
"No, sorry Coon we have all split up and looked around town but sadly....nothing" replied Theodore
"God dammit, we have to find the missing cat before the Freedom Pals do, otherwise our franchise is doomed" explained Alvin
"Ha, you will never find the missing cat, Coon and Friends!" Shouted Jeanette
"Oh no, it's Mysterion!" Called Theodore
"What do you want Mysterion? Have you come to surrender to us?" Joked Alvin
"Human Kite? The Coon? Mysterion? What kind of names are they?" Asked Miss Finch in confusion
"Um....they are our superhero names that we used in our video" replied Jeanette
"We didn't use our real names because we tried to make our identities secret..." Explained Eleanor
"Ok, I will watch your video now and call you three back up to tell you your grade on it" explained Miss Finch
The chipettes then sat down again and Jeanette looked worried
"What's wrong?" Asked Eleanor
"I'm so scared that Miss Finch won't like our video and that we will get a bad grade for it and fail this...." Started Jeanette in a sad voice before she was cut off
"Jeanette, don't worry....we did a great job with our video and you and Simon did a bit of editing too, so I'm sure we will have done fine" called Brittany in a happy voice cheering Jeanette up
"You both think that we will have done ok?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"Yea of course, Brittany wouldn't have said we have done a great video if we knew we hadn't" replied Eleanor
"Anyway, we need to have a plan for our practice fighting thing.....otherwise we will get shouted at" called Brittany standing up
Jeanette took off her glasses, brushed her hand across her eyes and then her and Eleanor stood up too
After a few minutes of practice fighting, Miss Finch called the chipettes again. The chipettes went over to Miss Finch but Jeanette was still a little worried
"Ok girls, I have watched your video and you know I have to give it a number out of 10 with 10 been the best and 1 been the worst and you need more then a 6 to pass" explained Miss Finch
The chipettes nodded
"Well I am giving your video an 8 out of 10" called Miss Finch
"Yay!" The chipettes cheered
"We did it girls!" Squeaked Brittany in an excited voice hugging her sisters
"I'm so happy right now!" Called Eleanor in an excited voice
"Me too....I can't believe we passed!" In a happy voice
"By the way girls...were the boys in your video, the chipmunks?" Asked Miss Finch
"Yea, we kinda roped them into our video too" replied Eleanor with a giggle
45 minutes later...
The Drama lesson had finished and everyone was going off to there 5th lesson of the day.
"We have science next don't we?" Asked Brittany
"Yea that's right Brittany" replied Eleanor
"It's a shame I'm not in your science lessons.....but that's Because I took triple science and at least Simon is in that lesson with me" explained Jeanette
They all walked upstairs to the science classrooms and were waiting to go inside
"I will see you two later, bye sisters" called Jeanette heading off to her science class
"Bye Jeanette, see you soon" replied Brittany and Eleanor
Just then, Alvin and Theodore came around the corner and saw Brittany and Eleanor
"Hey girls" greeted Alvin
"Hi Alvin" called Brittany in a happy voice
"Theodore, I have something exciting to tell you" called Eleanor in a happy voice
"What? Did Dave say he was getting us a pizza?" Asked Theodore in a confused voice
"No silly, me and my sisters past our Drama project!" Called Eleanor in a happy voice
"Wow, that's great news....well done you two. I will congratulate Jeanette later when I see her too" replied Alvin with a smile
"What Drama project? Do you mean that video we did?" Asked Theodore
"Yea that's right Theodore, we got 8 out of 10 for it, we did an amazing job" explained Eleanor
"Wow, I knew you could do it, your an amazing girl Eleanor" replied Theodore blushing a little
Eleanor giggled and then Mr Bangs called everyone to come in the classroom
Once everyone was in the classroom, they all made there way to there seats.
"Well Done Brittany, I knew you and your sisters would do great in your Drama video. I'm so proud of you and am happy to call you my girlfriend" explained Alvin in a happy voice
"Aw thanks Alvin, that's really sweet!" Squeaked Brittany in an excited voice
"Alvin! Brittany! Please take your seats" called Mr Bangs
Alvin and Brittany nodded and made there way to there seats. Once they were both seated Mr Bangs did the register and started his lesson shortly after...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. What do you think Simon will say when Jeanette tells him that she and her sisters passed the Drama project/video? Do you think he will react like Alvin and Theodore did?
Do you think Dave will be happy when he finds out that the chipettes passed there Drama project/video? If so, do you think he will forgive Alvin, Brittany and Theodore for sneaking out the night before? If Dave doesn't forgive them then do you think he will reduce their punishment?
Let me know what your answers are, to all these questions in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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