Part 41 - Harry Hit Wendy?

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Tuesday, 14th of May, 8:45am, At School
It was now Tuesday morning and everyone got their mok exam results yesterday. It made some people feel happy and surprised while others felt a little sad...
From today onwards, Alvin knew that he would need to try harder at school and not mess around as much. Also make a bit more effort with homework and studying at home
The Chipmunks and Chipettes had just arrived at school and were all in reception talking
"Me and Theodore are going to the cafe, I'm even hungry this morning, surprisingly" called Eleanor with a giggle
"Yea, I love the cafe and time with you Eleanor" called Theodore in a happy voice
"Brittany can we go to the cafe too?" Asked Alvin
Everyone looked at Alvin with a shocked and surprised face
"What? You want to go to the cafe?" Asked Brittany in confusion
"Yea, I want to go to the cafe.....not for food silly, just for a quick coffee before form time and our lessons" explained Alvin
"Oh right....that makes more sense, I thought you was going for food" replied Brittany with a sigh of relief
"Will see you all at 9 in the form room, don't be late" called Simon
Alvin Brittany Theodore and Eleanor went to the cafe while Simon and Jeanette went in the other direction
At the cafe
Once Alvin Brittany Theodore and Eleanor got to the cafe, Alvin spoke up
"Theodore, you and Eleanor can go first, we will find a table" called Alvin
"Ok cool, thanks Alvin" replied Theodore
Alvin and Brittany looked for a table and saw Ned and Wendy at a table across the room
"Brittany, I have to go and have a look" called Alvin in a worried voice
"I will go with you" replied Brittany also looking a little worried
Alvin and Brittany sat at the table Ned and Wendy was on and Ned looked at them both
"Oh, thank god you two are won't believe what happened to Wendy yesterday after school" said Ned in a worried voice
"Why? What happened Wendy?" Asked Brittany
Wendy rubbed her eyes and spoke up
"Ned, who are these two? Can I trust them?" Asked Wendy in a sad voice
"Yea, you can trust them Wendy, they are my friends" replied Ned
" you know my boyfriend Harry?" Asked Wendy
"No, not really sorry....but please tell us anyway, we want to help you and Ned out" called Alvin
"My boyfriend Harry was walking me home, yesterday after school and he asked me to buy him some alcohol from the shop and I said no, you know because I'm only 15 I wouldn't get served. So since I said no, Harry slapped me on the face and threatened me to go in. I still said no and he punched me, pushed me to the ground and left me on the ground in pain" explained Wendy in a sad voice
"Omg, that's terrible! And he is supposed to be your boyfriend!" Called Brittany in a shocked voice
" could he do something like that" called Wendy starting to cry
"I don't know, I would have left him if he was my boyfriend" called Alvin
"That's it! Ned where is Harry? I Need to sort this guy out!" Called Brittany in an angry voice
"He is in my class but..." Started Ned before he was cut off
"Brittany, you can't go in Ned's class and beat up Harry, you will probably get kicked out of school for a few weeks" called Alvin
"I don't care! Any boy or man that thinks it is fine to beat up a girl, needs beating up themselves" called Brittany in an angry voice
Brittany was about to walk out of the cafe but Alvin grabbed her arm
"Alvin, let go!" Shouted Brittany
"No, I am sorry Brittany but I won't let you go, unless you promise me that you will talk to Jeanette and Eleanor first" called Alvin
Brittany sighed and looked at the ground. She knew Alvin was right, talking to her sisters before doing anything stupid made things a lot better in the long run
"Alvin, I promise to talk to Jeanette and Eleanor before doing anything stupid" called Brittany
Alvin let go of Brittany's arm, thanks can talk to your sisters in form time if you wanted?" Suggested Alvin
"I think I will do that Alvin....I will just keep it down that's all" replied Brittany with a smile
Alvin then looked at Ned and Wendy
"Don't worry you two, we will sort something out, I promise me and Brittany will think of something to get back at Harry" called Alvin in a serious voice
"You will?" Asked Wendy
"Yes we will" called Brittany with a smile
"Ned...Alvin will message you if we come up with something, keep us updated too please" explained Brittany in a serious voice
"Ok will do" replied Ned
Just then, Theodore and Eleanor came to Alvin and Brittany
"What are you two talking about now?" Asked Theodore
"Nothing Theodore....well we will explain to you later" replied Alvin
Alvin and Brittany then left the cafe and started walking towards the form room
"Oh ok...I guess that's cool?" Theodore asked himself
At the form room, 9am
Alvin Brittany Theodore and Eleanor were now all in the form room and were sat with Simon and Jeanette waiting for Miss Wood to speak
"Ok every, I was asked to show a presentation to you all this morning but I can't get the projector working so talk among yourselves this morning" called Miss Wood
The whole class cheered and was talking away
"So what where you and Alvin talking about earlier? With Ned and Wendy?" Asked Eleanor
"Ok...Jeanette can you listen in on this too?" Asked Brittany
"Yea sure" replied Jeanette
"I...I found out that Ned's friend, Wendy, got punched by her so called boyfriend Harry and I was going to go and fight him...luckily Alvin stopped me and got me to talk to you two first" explained Brittany in a worried voice
"Brittany! Have you lost it? You don't fight people in school, that only gets you in trouble" called Jeanette in a worried voice
"Yea I know fighting is wrong at school....but this guy deserves it, he has hit a girl, he has hit Wendy....just because she said no to buying him alcohol" replied Brittany
"Please promise us you won't go and fight this kid, Harry, Brittany....we don't want you getting into trouble when our real exams are in 4 to 5 weeks" called Eleanor in a caring voice
"Ok...I promise you two, I won't go and fight Harry" called Brittany in a serious voice
Jeanette stood up and gave Brittany a hug and Eleanor gave Brittany a hug afterwards
"Thanks so much sister, thanks so much for making a promise to us" called Eleanor in a happy voice
"No problem you two" replied Brittany
Just then Alvin felt his mobile phone vibrate and so he reached in his pocket and looked at it
"Hey guys, I have a message from Ned, I will reply to him and let you all read the messages after" called Alvin
After a few minutes, Alvin had sent a few messages to Ned and then let the others read the conversation
Ned: Alvin, Harry found out about Wendy telling others that he hit her
Alvin: Oh no, what has he done now he knows others know?
Ned: He just looked around the classroom and knew I was one of Wendy's friends so he came over to me and threatened me
Alvin: Then what happened?
Ned: After Harry threatened me, he said he was going to beat me up after school so I challenged him to a fight after school today
Alvin: What? Why did you do that? Do you need me and my brothers there with you?
Ned: I might need you, your brothers and the Chipettes too.....the fight will take place at 4:30pm at the local Park. Hope to see you al, there....
After Simon Theodore and the Chipettes had finished reading the messages, they passed Alvin his phone back
"Wow, Ned has put himself in trouble now" called Theodore
"But we can't go and help Alvin, this isn't our fight" called Simon
"But he asked for our help Simon....I can't let him down" Alvin fired back
"It's not a good idea to go to the fight Alvin, it's putting us in the danger Ned is in" called Jeanette
"Wait, maybe we can go....but not as ourselves" called Alvin
"What? How? I don't understand?" Asked Brittany in confusion
"Trust me guys, I have a plan!" Called Alvin in a serious voice
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. What do you think Alvin's plan Is? Do you think all the Chipmunks and Chipettes will go to the park to back up Ned at the fight? Do you think Alvin or the other Chipmunks or the Chipettes will join in the fight with Ned against Harry?
Also, what do you think Dave will say if the Chipmunks and Chipettes go to the park and he finds out they have gone to watch two school kids fight?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
By the way, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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