Part 35 - Wait! What? Jeanette, That Was You?

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Friday, 10th of May, 2:30pm, At Dave's house
In Alvin and Brittany's bedroom
The Chipmunks and Chipettes had now been home 2 hours now from school but Brittany has been acting different...
She has been quiet and a little distant with the others. While everyone was downstairs finding a film to watch at the cinema later that night, Brittany was upstairs in the bedroom by herself
"Who was it that saved me? I must know....I need to find out! This is bugging me so much..." Brittany thought to herself
Just then there was a knock at the bedroom door
"Hello?" Asked Brittany
"Hey Brittany, it's only me....can you unlock the door please?" Asked Alvin
Brittany got off the bed, unlocked the door and let Alvin in the bedroom
"Are you ok? Why are you not downstairs with the rest of us?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"Just....something bothering's nothing for you to worry about, it's not serious or anything...." Replied Brittany trying not to worry Alvin
"Is it that superhero you saw at school?" Asked Alvin
"Yea....that's what's bugging me, I want to know who it was under that mask..." Replied Brittany
There was a brief silence before Brittany spoke again
"OMG, I just figured it out" called Brittany in a happy voice
"What? You know who is was?" Asked Alvin in confusion
" was you Alvin! You come and saved me at school" called Brittany in a happy voice
"Brittany, I'm sorry to disappoint you but it wasn't me" replied Alvin
"Don't lie to me Alvin, I know it was don't have to be afraid I won't tell anyone" explained Brittany
"I'm not telling you lies Brittany, honestly it wasn't me" replied Alvin in a serious voice 
"But...that doesn't make any sense if it's anyone has to be you, I only told you where I was going" replied Brittany in a confused voice
"You did only tell me but after you didn't come back for a while, I told the others where you went" Alvin pointed out
"Oh could be anyone then...who would want to save me?" Asked Brittany
"Me, any of my brothers and any of your sisters" replied Alvin
"Your right....if it wasn't you, it has to be one of my sisters, not saying your brothers don't like me Alvin....but I don't think they care about me as much as you or my sisters" explained Brittany
"Well if that's the case....Theodore and Eleanor went for food and that only leaves me, Simon and Jeanette as suspects" explained Alvin
"It's not you, you have told me that and I believe you....why would Simon save me? It has to be Jeanette! If it's not her then I don't have a clue who Mysterion was!" Explained Brittany in a surprised voice
"Why don't you go and talk to Jeanette and see if you can find out" suggested Alvin
Brittany nodded and smiled and run downstairs into the living room
"Oh, there you are Brittany we was just picking a film to go and see tonight at the cinema, do you want to get involved too?" Asked Dave
"Yea...maybe later..." Replied Brittany
"Jeanette, can I have a quick talk with you please?" Asked Brittany
"Yea sure" replied Jeanette following Brittany out of the living room
Brittany and Jeanette went into the kitchen and Jeanette spoke up
"What's wrong?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"I...I just wanted to....ask you a few questions" replied Brittany in a nervous voice
"Ok...take your time, there is no rush" called Jeanette
"Ok, so you know at school after I was saved by that superhero....I have been thinking about who it could be" explained Brittany
" who do you think it was?" Asked Jeanette
"If I'm been honest, I think it was you or Simon....I asked Alvin and he said it wasn't him and I believe him" replied Brittany
"How do you know Alvin wasn't telling you a lie?" Joked Jeanette
"I can tell when he is telling me lies, Jeanette! He is my boyfriend after all!" Shouted Brittany in an angry voice
Jeanette looked quite shocked and surprised at Brittany
"Oh gosh...sorry Jeanette, I shouldn't have shouted at you..please forgive me" Said Brittany in a sad voice
"It's ok...I forgive you, I guess that joke was a little too personal..." Replied Jeanette with a giggle
"Anyway, I think the superhero was you or I was going to ask you, was you the superhero at school that saved me?" Asked Brittany
There was a small silence between Brittany and Jeanette.....then Jeanette spoke up again
"Ok, I will tell you who the superhero, Mysterion, really is" called Jeanette in a serious voice
Brittany nodded at Jeanette
"The superhero me..." Explained Jeanette in a nervous voice
"Wait! What? Jeanette, That Was You?" Asked Brittany in a surprised voice
"Yes Brittany it was me that dressed up as a superhero...and saved you" replied Jeanette
"I'm great full that you saved me from the bully.....but why did you dress up and save me?" Asked Brittany
"Because on Wednesday....I saw that girl bully you and it upset me..." Started Jeanette
"You saw that bully push me against the wall on Wednesday and didn't do anything about it! What kind of sister are you?" Shouted Brittany in an angry voice
"I'm one that cares Brittany! I didn't do anything on Wednesday because she didn't really do anything apart from shout at you. If the bully started beating you up, I would have stepped in to help! Heck, I even dressed up as a superhero today and kicked the bully's ass to help you out and make the bully leave you alone!" Shouted Jeanette
Brittany and Jeanette took a few seconds to take in what each other had said. Brittany then gave Jeanette a hug
"I'm so sorry I started shouting at you sister....I know you and Eleanor care a lot about me, I just kinda lost it and just said what ever came to mind just now....I'm so sorry for shouting, please forgive me" explained Brittany
"It's ok sister, I forgive was kinda my fault for telling you I saw you with the bully Wednesday and didn't do anything....I made up for that mistake though today and saved you....." Replied Jeanette
"Can we forget about this now sister....we have both apologised now and I promise to look out for you and Eleanor" called Brittany
"Yea sure and I promise to look out for you and Eleanor too" replied Jeanette with a smile
Brittany and Jeanette then broke from the hug and went into the living room
"What was all that shouting?" Asked Eleanor
"You know....the usual, me and Alvin arguing again..." Lied Brittany
"Oh right, hope things are ok now" replied Eleanor
"Yea things are fine now Eleanor" called Brittany in a happy voice
"So what film shall we see then everyone?" Asked Dave
Brittany and Jeanette looked at the computer with Simon Theodore and Eleanor and they all decided on 'Peter Rabbit'
"Ok, the times for the film are 4:20pm and 6:30pm so we will go at 4:20pm and have tea afterwards" explained Dave
"I will go and grab Alvin" called Brittany running out of the living room
As soon as Brittany left the living room she bumped into Alvin
"Oh hi Alvin, we are going to see Peter Rabbit later today....4:20pm to be exact" called Brittany
"Really? That's what you all decided on?" Asked Alvin in a surprised voice
"Yea, what's wrong with Peter Rabbit?" Asked Brittany
"Nothing.....anyway, I have put the baby chipmunks back to sleep now, are things sorted with you wanting to know who the superhero was?" Asked Alvin
"Yea, that's all sorted now....will tell you about that later, right now we need to get ready to go out" replied Brittany
With that, Alvin and Brittany went upstairs and started getting ready to go out to the cinema later that day...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. It's Eleanor's birthday in a couple of days. That means a surprise party will be happening for her and Theodore can give Eleanor her birthday presents and the pet cat 🎁🐱🎁
How do you think Eleanor will react on her birthday when she finds out she has got a pet cat? Also what will she be like when she finds out that the others have got a surprise party ready for her? 🎉
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
By the way, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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