Part 53 - We're Off To Casa Bonita!

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Friday, 14th of June, Same Day, 6:30pm, In The Car
Dave had been driving around 30 minutes now and was nearly at Casa Bonita and everyone was excited
"I can't wait to see this place" called Brittany
"Me neither Dave made it sound amazing!" said Jeanette in an excited voice
"I'm so hungry, can't wait to get something to eat" explained Theodore
"Don't worry Theodore, we will get you something to eat while your there" replied Eleanor with a giggle
"Dave, do we all have to stay together when we get there? Or can we go off in small groups?" Asked Alvin
"I will let you all go off in small groups, as long you all act mature and behave yourselves....I'm putting a lot of trust in you all" replied Dave
After a few more minutes of driving, Dave had finally arrived at Casa Bonita
"Ok everyone, we will stay together till I have paid for you all. Once I have paid for everyone and you are all inside I will let you go off in small groups" explained Dave
Everyone nodded and all went inside together
Inside Casa Bonita
Once everyone was inside they were greeted to a man wearing a sombrero
"Hello amigos, how many are you tonight?" Asked the man
"There are seven of us" replied Dave
"Ok right this way" said the man leading Dave and the others inside
He walked them to a table and gave Dave a leaflet
"This is your table, I have put a reserved sign on it so no one will take it and meals will be served at 7:30pm" explained the man
"So we don't have to pay you?" Asked Dave in confusion
"No, you only pay for the meals after your family has eaten and if you want your children to go on any activities, you buy them a wristband at the stand over there" explained the man pointing to a small stand
"Thanks for clearing all that up" called Dave with a smile
"No problem, have fun amigos" called the man leaving the group
Dave looked at the Chipmunks and Chipettes
"So who wants a wristband to do the activities here?" Asked Dave
The Chipmunks and Chipettes put their hands in the air and Dave gave a small laugh to himself
"That was a stupid question!" Dave thought to himself
Dave paid for six wristbands at the small stand and told them all to go back to the table at 7:30pm. After that, Dave let the Chipmunks and Chipettes go off in small groups
"So Brittany, since we can go around in small groups, I will let you choose where we are going first" called Alvin with a smile
"Aw thanks Alvin, but are you sure that's ok with you?" Asked Brittany in a happy voice
"Yea it's fine with me" replied Alvin
Alvin and Brittany walked over to a sign and both had a good look at it before deciding anything
"I would like to have a look at the high dive spot" called Brittany
"Thats were you jump from the top of the indoor waterfall and into the swimming pool below, it sounds fun, let's go and have a look at it....and possibly have a go" explained Alvin
Brittany giggled "Your not scared are you?" Joked Brittany
"What? Me? No....of course not" lied Alvin putting on a fake smile
Simon and Jeanette went in the other direction to Alvin and Brittany
"Oh, where shall we go? Is there anything you want to look at?" Asked Simon in a boring voice
"I would like to have a quick walk and look around Simon, and don't get too worked up, we are here to have fun" explained Jeanette in a happy voice
Simon and Jeanette had a quick walk around and found 'The Dutchman's Booty'
"Hey Simon, can we go in that pirates cave and look for treasure?" Asked Jeanette
"Your not been serious are you?" Asked Simon in a confused voice
Jeanette glared at Simon "Simon! I am been serious and PLEASE cheer up a bit..." Replied Jeanette
Simon sighed and spoke up "Ok fine, I will promise to cheer up and we can go in that pirates cave looking for treasure" explained Simon
As soon as Theodore and Eleanor had left Dave, Theodore had been begging Eleanor for food
"Theodore, you heard that man that works here, food is not served till 7:30pm" called Eleanor
"Yea I know.....but I'm starving, isn't there a snack bar here or something?" Asked Theodore
Eleanor had a read of a map and to her surprise, there was a snack bar
"Theodore, there is a snack bar.....but I'm not letting you eat a lot, otherwise you won't want your meal later" explained Eleanor
"That's ok, I just need a quick snack now anyway" replied Theodore
Theodore and Eleanor got to the snack bar and looked at the menu
"What's a burrito?" Asked Theodore
"I'm not sure...I think it's a wrap type thing..." Replied Eleanor
"Can you get us one each and we can both try one then?" Asked Theodore
"Yea sure" replied Eleanor joining the line of people
Alvin and Brittany had got to the top of the high spot and were near the waterfall
"Wow, we are quite high up and the jump is quite a big one" called Alvin trying to sound confident
"Alvin, I can tell you are a little worried but trust me, I'm sure you will enjoy yourself by doing this jump" explained Brittany in a caring voice
"I'm not worried at all" lied Alvin "I am Alvin! The adventurous one!" Called Alvin with a smile
Brittany giggled and walked to the spot where you jumped from the waterfall
"Are you sure you don't want to go before me?" Asked Brittany
"Yea....I'm sure..." Replied Alvin trying to sound calm
"Are you ready madam?" Asked the man running the activity
"Yes I'm ready" replied Brittany
Brittany then jumped and landed in the swimming pool below. Brittany started swimming towards the steps and watched for Alvin to jump
Alvin stood in the spot where he had to jump and looked down
"Omg, this is one of the scariest things I have ever done.....I'm not backing out now though, especially now Brittany has jumped" Alvin thought to himself
"You ready to go young man?" Asked the man
Alvin nodded and closed his eyes. He jumped and landed in the swimming pool below
Once Alvin was in the swimming pool, he cheered with happiness
"That was amazing!" Called Alvin in a happy voice
Brittany giggled again and called for Alvin to get out of the swimming pool
Once Alvin was out of the swimming pool, Brittany spoke up
"See I told you that you would enjoy yourself" Brittany pointed out
"Yea, I guess your right" replied Alvin
Alvin and Brittany then saw the time and started walking back to the table
Simon and Jeanette had just come out of 'The Dutchman's Booty' and they both appeared to have enjoyed themselves
"Wow, that was amazing! I had a great time looking for the treasure with you" called Jeanette in a happy voice
"It was designed for young kids so the path was straight forward, but yea I really enjoyed it too" explained Simon
"Yea it was amazing, I hope we get to come back here and try out all the other activities too" called Jeanette
"I wouldn't mind that actually, it's quite a fun place" replied Simon
"Oh gosh, look at the's nearly 7:25pm and we need to be back at the table at 7:30pm" explained Jeanette
"Let's start heading back then" called Simon
Simon and Jeanette were now making there way back to the table, as well as looking at what other activities were available to do
Eleanor had paid for two burritos and they both sat at a bench while they ate them
"Wow, these things are really good" called Eleanor in surprise
"Yea I know....but I like most food anyway, especially the spicy food" explained Theodore
After Theodore and Eleanor had finished eating their burritos, Theodore didn't look too good
"What's wrong?" Asked Eleanor
"I need to use the bathroom" called Theodore running for the bathroom
A few minutes later, Theodore came out of the bathroom and looked at Eleanor
"Is everything ok?" Asked Eleanor in a worried voice
"Yea...I just had a hot burning dump in the bathroom, I forgot spicy food makes me have hot burning dumps" replied Theodore
Eleanor giggled and her and Theodore started walking back to the table
It was 7:30pm and Dave was sat at the table waiting for everyone
After a minute or so....Simon and Jeanette appeared, followed by Theodore and Eleanor and finally Alvin and Brittany
"There you six are, you just got back in time" called Dave
Everyone took at seat at the table and Dave spoke up
"Did you all enjoy yourselves?" Asked Dave
"Yea it was amazing!" Called Alvin
"We enjoyed ourselves too" called Jeanette
"I might be spending more time on the toilet tonight after that spicy burrito I ate" explained Theodore making everyone laugh
Just then a few men/staff came to the table and took everyone's orders
"We will be back with your food shortly" called one of the men
"Dave this place is amazing! Can we come back again?" Called Alvin in a happy voice
"Yea of course you can guys, I will try and find another time for us all to come back" explained Dave
With that, Dave the Chipmunks and Chipettes all had their meals at Casa Bonita and they all enjoyed there time at Casa Bonita too....making them all want to go back again in the future
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Dave will take the Chipmunks and Chipettes back to Casa Bonita some time in the future? If so, do you think everyone will go in pairs again but go on different activities?
Also, do you think that Dave taking the Chipmunks and Chipettes to Casa Bonita has helped them all to relax and enjoy themselves, now the exams are over?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
I know this part was a little longer then normal but I couldn't help it, I enjoyed writing this part and got took away with the word count lol 😂
By the way, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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