Part 31 - The Week Of Mok Exams Begins

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Saturday, 4th of May, 6pm, That Afternoon/Night At Dave's House
Saturday afternoon after the shopping was done, Alvin Brittany Jeanette and Theodore all returned back to Dave's house. Alvin Brittany and Theodore went upstairs and into Alvin and Brittany's room and the three of them were going to wrap up Eleanor's presents/dresses
"Ok, can you two help me wrap the presents up please?" Asked Theodore
"Yea of course we will" called Brittany with a smile
"Let's not make too much noise though....we don't want to wake the baby chipmunks or the others coming upstairs" called Alvin
Alvin got the wrapping paper and Brittany put the dresses in the wrapping paper. Theodore then got some sticky tape and wrapped the dresses up
After the presents were wrapped up, Theodore smiled at Alvin and Brittany and spoke up
"Thanks you two for today....the shopping and helping wrap up Eleanor's presents" called Theodore in a happy and caring voice
"Aw don't worry bro, we are all a family now and we all help each other out" replied Alvin
"Is there anything I can know to say thanks?" Asked Theodore
"No, don't be silly Theodore, we offered to help you out and we don't need a gift back..." Called Brittany with a giggle
"Honestly Theodore, it's Brittany said we offered to help you, don't worry about it" replied Alvin
"Oh...ok" replied Theodore with a smile
Alvin Brittany and Theodore then went downstairs into the living room and joined the others
Once everyone was in the living room, Simon called Jeanette to talk to talk to him in private in another room
They went into the kitchen and Simon spoke first
"So how was today? Did you get everything?" Asked Simon
"Yea we got Eleanor's presents today, I'm sure Eleanor will be happy with them.....I'm just a bit worried about how much we spent that's all" replied Jeanette
"How much did you spend?" Asked Simon in a worried voice
"If you want me to tell you the truth.....we spent about £500 today......about £400 was on Eleanor's birthday presents" replied Jeanette
"What? £500! £400 spent on Eleanor's presents?! What did you buy?" Asked Simon in a shocked voice
"I can't tell you right now....incase Eleanor is listening, I will tell you at school on Monday, when we are alone" explained Jeanette
"Ok....but Dave will be mad at spending that much money, you know" called Simon
"I know....but Brittany told Theodore it was ok so.....we agreed with her" replied Jeanette
"Anyway, did you do what I asked you to do?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea, I booked the 'party' for Eleanor" replied Simon whispering the word 'party'
"That's good then....I hope that didn't cost too much" called Jeanette
"No, It was £150 but we get £50 back if we look after the hall, where the party is been held" explained Simon
"Oh, right....well at least that's booked too, that will be from all of us and the presents we bought today are from Theodore" explained Jeanette
"Anyway, let's go and join the others again.....we don't want them getting suspicious" called Simon
Simon and Jeanette joined the others again in the living room for a few more hours
About 9:45pm, the Chipmunks and Chipettes went to bed as they were all tired.....aside from Eleanor. She wasn't tired but she wasn't stopping up on her she went up to bed at the same time as everyone else did
Not much happened on Sunday....the Chipmunks and Chipettes used Sunday as a day for revision for the week of Mok exams ahead of them
Monday, 6th of May, 9am, At School, Outside the gym
It was now Monday morning and the Chipmunks and Chipettes were now at school, waiting outside the gym
The six of them were tired to start with, as they all hated getting up early on a Monday morning after the weekend. Also, they knew the Mok exams started today and as well as feeling tired....all six of them were a little worried too...
"Oh Simon, I'm so you think I will do ok in this science exam this morning?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"Don't worry Jeanette you will do fine" replied Simon in a happy voice
"I don't think I will do too well in this isn't one of my strong subjects" Alvin told Brittany
"I know I feel the same....but promise me you will try you best Alvin....I promise you I will try my best" asked Brittany in a caring voice
"Brittany, you know I always try my best in my exams at school....but I promise I will do my best in this science Mok exam, this morning" replied Alvin in a serious voice
"Um...Eleanor, after this exam, can we get a pizza for dinner?" Asked Theodore
Eleanor giggled at Theodore's silly question "Theodore, don't be silly....we can't buy a pizza everyday at school, plus you should be thinking about this science mok exam....not food" replied Eleanor in a happy voice
"Oh right, yea....I guess your right....I think you will do great in this exam Eleanor.....your really smart and cute" called Theodore blushing a little
"Aw thanks Theodore, I'm glad you think I'm cute.....I'm sure you will do fine too" replied Eleanor with a giggle
Just then, a man came out of the gym and blown his whistle
"Ok everyone, come inside the gym and bring a few pens into the exam with you....I will call your names out in alphabetical order and tell you where to sit in the gym" explained the man
The Chipmunks and Chipettes followed the group if students into the gym. All six of them, grabbed a few pens from their bags and put their bags in lockers
They were just waiting now, for the man to call each of there names
"Simon, I'm so scared...." Called a Jeanette starting to cry a little
"Aw don't cry Jeanette, trust me we have done lots of revision and we will do fine" replied Simon rubbing Jeanette's back
A few of the other students were worried and nervous too so Jeanette wasn't the only one...
"Ok, I want complete silence from now on! You are all in exam conditions till you leave the gym! So no talking, understand!" Shouted the man
Everyone nodded and he started reading people's names off the list he had
Once everyone was seated in the hall, one of the schools science teachers, Mr Bangs, gave a small speech
"Ok everyone, do not panic about the mok exam....just remember everything your science teacher has taught you and do you best" explained Mr Bangs
"You have 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete this exam, you all may" called the man
With that, everyone picked up a pen, opened there exam paper and started the Mok exam....
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. How do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes will do in this science mok exam? Do you think all 6 of them will do well? Also, how well do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes will do in this week full of mok exams ahead of them?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Just letting you all know, while these exams are based over a week in the books storyline, I am not going to do each day of the week as separate parts. What I mean by this is, the week of mok exams will be talked about by the main characters (Alvin, Brittany, Simon, Jeanette, Theodore, Eleanor and Dave) but I will cover the week of mok exams in about 3 parts 🤗
I am only doing this because otherwise, I feel the next 5 parts (5 days in the book) would be very similar and would feel very repetitive after 1 or 2 parts....🤔
By the way, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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