Part 48 - The Real Exams Begin!

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Friday, 17th of May, Same Day, 2:45pm, At School
Today has been a long day at school for Alvin and Brittany...
The morning lessons seemed to go on forever and after each of the morning lessons were done, Alvin was walking in pain around school
Brittany had told Alvin she would be happy to help and support him while he walked around school but it was upsetting her, seeing and hearing Alvin in pain just by walking...
However, at dinner time Brittany had borrowed a wheelchair for Alvin and after a few minutes of convincing him to use the wheelchair, Alvin was been pushed around in school
Brittany was not bothered what people thought of her pushing Alvin around in a wheelchair chair, she just wanted to make sure he was ok
They were both in there last lesson of the day Science and both Alvin and Brittany were really bored by this point
"Oh man, how much longer are we going to be here?" Asked Alvin in a sad voice
"Hopefully, it's not has really dragged on" replied Brittany
"I'm so tired, I'm going to bed for an hour of rest when we go home" called Alvin
"I need to get out of here, even if it's just for 5 minutes.....but Mr Bangs won't let any of us go" explained Brittany
"Make an excuse up to go and talk to you are on your period or something and need to leave for the toilet quickly" suggested Alvin
Brittany slapped Alvin on the shoulder
"Hey! What was that for?" Asked Alvin
"Unfortunately, females have periods and it's not something to make fun of" replied Brittany in a bit of an angry voice
Alvin got the message and apologised, he didn't want to take this talk any further
"I know....sorry Brittany, I should know better" replied Alvin
"Apology accepted, but please don't make fun of any girl for periods, we can't help's how our body's...well function I guess" explained Brittany
"I won't don't worry, you can still ask for the toilet though" Alvin pointed out
Brittany put her hand in the air and Mr Bangs spoke up
"What is it you need help with?" Asked Mr Bangs
"I need the toilet, can I go please?" Asked Brittany with a smile
Mr Bangs rolled his eyes "Ok you can go, but don't be any longer then 5 minutes" replied Mr Bangs
Brittany jumped out of her seat and left the classroom
"I wish I could just stay in the bathroom till home time....but I would get into trouble if I did that sadly..." Brittany thought to herself
After a few minutes, Brittany returned back to the classroom and sat back down next to Alvin
"Ok class, you can all pack up early today and leave early for working so hard this lesson" called Mr Bangs
No one was needed to be told twice
After Mr Bangs said what he said, everyone cheered and run out of the classroom
Alvin and Brittany were last out of the classroom since Alvin was been pushed in a wheelchair, but Theodore and Eleanor waited outside the classroom for them
"Thank god for that..." Called Brittany in a happier voice
"Yea I know, I am so happy we could leave early too....I think it was a sign from God" called Alvin with a laugh
"Hey Alvin, has the wheelchair helped you out today?" Asked Theodore
"Yea it has surprisingly, I didn't think it would make as much of a difference as it has" replied Alvin
"Am glad your not in pain anymore" Eleanor jumped in with a giggle
"Me too, come on then....lets go home" called Alvin
Brittany and Eleanor giggled
"Alvin, we have to wait for Simon and Jeanette first silly" called Brittany
"Yea, we can't just leave them behind" called Eleanor
"Darn it, oh well some sleep will come soon..." Alvin thought to himself
After about 10 minutes of waiting at reception, Simon and Jeanette appeared and everyone smiled
"Gosh, I didn't know we were missed this much" joked Jeanette
"We do miss you two...but now your here we can go home" called Theodore in a happy voice
"Then I can get some sleep" finished Alvin quickly
Jeanette giggled and Simon shook his head in disappointment
"Anyway, let's go guys...Dave will be outside waiting for us" called Eleanor
Brittany helped Alvin get out of the wheelchair and she asked Jeanette and Eleanor to support Alvin keep him held up
Brittany then went to reception and dropped off the wheelchair and with that, the Chipmunks and Chipettes all left school and made there way to Dave's car
Monday, 3rd of June, 9:20am, At School
Two weeks of revision later, the Chipmunks and Chipettes were now feeling ready and more positive about taking there exams
However today was there first day of doing there actual/real exams and as expected, all six of them were a little nervous...
Everyone was stood outside the gym and depending on which maths class you was in, depended on which room you was going in
"Omg, I'm so scared Simon....I keep thinking I am going to mess this up" said Jeanette in a worried voice
"Jeanette, don't worry you won't mess these exams up" called Simon
"Are you sure? I'm really scared" replied Jeanette in a worried voice
"Trust us sister, you will do fine....just don't worry or panic too much and you should be ok" called Brittany
"Eleanor? Do you think I will do ok in this exam?" Asked Theodore
"Yea I think you will, we have all done a lot of revision these past two weeks and should feel quite confident now" replied Eleanor
"Oh right...I was just a little nervous too" called Theodore
"Don't worry Theodore,my out will do fine" replied Eleanor
"Ok everyone, come inside the gym and get in your maths classes for the register" called an examiner
Everyone went inside the gym and Alvin Brittany and Eleanor went into the boys changing room and Simon Jeanette and Theodore went in the girls changing room
Once both groups were separated, the examiner spoke up again
"Ok everyone, this is your non-calculator exam today so I would advise all of you to bring in a couple of pens and pencils, a ruler and an eraser. If you need any tracing paper in the exam, just put up your hand and wait for someone to come over and give you some" explained the examiner
"Oh wow, the pressure has kicked in now, everything feels so real and scary now" called Alvin
"Yea I know what you mean....lets just try out best anyway" replied Brittany
"Ok, listen up everyone! Once I have called your name you will come to me, I will tell you your seat number and you will go and sit down in silence till everyone else is seated. You will all be under exam conditions from once I start the register to when the exam is finished and you are outside the gym, so no talking to each other unless you want to be disqualified" explained the examiner
After the examiner had finished, the changing room went silent
"Ok, Andy" called the examiner
Andy walked to the examiner and then into the gym to find his seat
"Alvin" called the examiner
Alvin did the same and went to sit in his seat
Brittany did the same as Alvin and went to find her seat
After 5 minutes, both groups were sent into the gym and were sat down ready to start the exam
"Last thing everyone! This exam last 1 hour and 45 minutes, remember don't rush and good luck! You can start when your ready" Called the examiner
Everyone turned there exam paper and started answering the questions
With that, the maths exam had started and the real exams had officially started for the Chipmunks and Chipettes...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Now the exams have started the Chipmunks and Chipettes have just under two weeks of exams. How do you think everyone will get through the exams? Do you think they will do fun things out together like ten pen bowling so they don't get stressed out at home?
Do you think Dave will support everyone through the exams? And possibly buy the Chipmunks and Chipettes little presents after a few exams have been done?
Let me know what you all think in the comments below 👇
By the way, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Last Few Months Of School Where stories live. Discover now