Part 49 - Halfway Through The Exams and Everyone Needs a Break

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Friday, 7th of June, 3pm, At School
The Chipmunks and Chipettes had just finished there 2nd science exam now and were walking towards the school entrance to go home
Everyone was now about half half way through the exams
The exams that the Chipmunks and Chipettes had done were: maths (non calculator), English Language, two science exams (Biology and Chemistry), an ICT written paper/exam and the R.E. exam
Alvin and Jeanette had also done the History exam they both choose as one of their options
This means that the only exams left were: maths (calculator), English Literature and one more science exam (Physics)
However, some of the Chipmunks and Chipettes had other exams they needed to do based on the options they choose
The Chipettes still had a written exam to do for Drama, Jeanette had a Spanish exam to do, Theodore and Eleanor had a Design and Technology/cooking exam to do and Simon had a Geography exam to do
All the exams that remained were going to be done the following week at school, but now was the weekend and a chance for everyone to sit back and relax
"Oh god, I don't think I can do any more exams right now" called Alvin in a tired voice
"I know how you feel Alvin, we have all done six exams this week, with only a few small breaks in between and nights to sleep" explained Brittany
"And we have done a History exam on top of that..." Jeanette pointed out
"At least we can all have a rest now" called Theodore
"Yea that's right...I think we deserve one" called Eleanor with a giggle
"Ok everyone, let's get going and go to Dave, then we can all go home to rest" explained Simon
For once, everyone agreed with Simon and got moving to find Dave and go home
A few minutes later, the Chipmunks and Chipettes had found Dave and were in the car with him going home
"How has your day been today everyone? Hope the exams haven't been too stressful" asked Dave
"The exams are really scary! I feel so much pressure when we enter the gym to do them" replied Theodore
"I'm a little worried about the exams too, I hope I have done ok in them" called Jeanette
"Guy's, don't worry too much...I'm sure you will have all done fine" said Dave trying to cheer everyone up
"Thanks for the support and encouragement Dave" called Brittany
"No problem guys, just take a break this weekend and do things you all want to do to relax" explained Dave
"Are you serious Dave? You letting us do what we want this weekend?" Asked Alvin in a surprised voice
"Yes I'm serious Alvin, I think a break is what you six need to help clear your minds off school and exams" replied Dave
10 minutes later, At Dave's house
Dave had just parked the car outside his house and opened the house up
Dave, the Chipmunks and Chipettes all went inside, but went in different directions
Simon Jeanette Theodore and Eleanor all went into the living room and the four of them sat on the sofa to rest. After about 5 minutes, all four of them were asleep on the sofa
Alvin and Brittany went upstairs and went into their bedroom
Both Alvin and Brittany laid on the bed together and closed their eyes
"Wow, I have never felt this tired in ages..." Alvin pointed out
"Me neither, the last time I was this tired, was when I was pregnant and I was due to give birth in a couple of days" explained Brittany
They both laid on the bed for a few minutes till Brittany sat up and got off the bed
"I'm just going to check on our kids" called Brittany
"Ok Brittany...I might have a quick sleep" replied Alvin
Brittany looked at the five baby chipmunks in the little bed Dave had made for them and smiled at them
"Alvin, could you move up the bed a little, I'm going to bring our baby chipmunks to the bed" called Brittany
Alvin sighed and moved across the bed, closer to the wall
Brittany then took Musharna and Peter out of their bed and placed them next to Alvin
Brittany then picked up Coco Emma and Lucas and placed them on the bed with Alvin too
"Aw, look at them Alvin, they are so cute" called Brittany in a happy voice
"I have seen them lots of times Brittany, I see them everyday with you" called Alvin
"Yea I know....but it's crazy to think that they are all 9 months old" said Brittany in a surprised voice
"Are they really that old already?" Asked Alvin in a surprised voice
"Yea, 9 months....I'm surprised too" replied Brittany
Just then, Alvin smelled something bad and held his nose
"What's wrong?" Asked Brittany
"Something smells...I think one of them needs changing" replied Alvin holding his nose
Brittany sniffed around Alvin and the baby chipmunks and got the bad smell too
"I think it's Coco....I could be wrong though" called Alvin
Brittany picked up Coco and Alvin was right, Coco needed changing
"Oh sh..sugar! I will go and change Coco now..." Called Brittany in a tired voice
Alvin had a surprised look on his face
"Brittany, did you nearly swear then?" asked Alvin in a surprised voice
"W-What? No..." Lied Brittany
"I never swear in front of our kids" called Brittany
"Oh right, never mind then...sorry about that" called Alvin
Just then Peter woke up and saw Alvin. He watched Alvin for a few seconds and then started laughing
"Daddy....funny" said Peter
After Peter had spoke, the other baby chipmunks woke up too
The baby chipmunks all sat up and looked at Alvin
"I will let you talk to them a few minutes while I change Coco" called Brittany leaving the bedroom
"Hey everyone" called Alvin with a smile
Lucas started clapping and Musharna crawled closer to Alvin
"Hi, what do you want little one?" Asked Alvin
Musharna grabbed hold of Alvin's leg and tried climbing up him
"Ok, I will give you a hug" called Alvin picking up Musharna
After Alvin gave Musharna a hug, he placed her on the bed again with the others
"Where.....mum.....gone?" Asked Emma in a cute baby voice
"She has just gone to the bathroom to change your sister" replied Alvin
Lucas started laughing again and Peter fell backwards on the bed so he was on his back
"Aw, you guys are so cute and funny....I can't wait for you all to grow up" said Alvin in a happy voice
"Jesus, your mum is very can hear her from a mile away" joked Alvin
Musharna and Emma laughed at Alvin's last comment and Alvin grabbed a nappy from the wardrobe. He then left the bedroom and went to the bathroom to Brittany
"Here you go" called Alvin in a happy voice passing the nappy to Brittany
"Thanks Alvin, your the best" replied Brittany
After Brittany changed Coco's nappy, Alvin and Brittany went back into their bedroom
Brittany then put Coco back on the bed with her brothers and sisters
Alvin and Brittany sat on the bed again with their kids
"Brittany" called Alvin
"Yea?" Asked Brittany
"Thank you for this amazing gift! Us two having baby chipmunks is the best gift you could ever give me" called Alvin in a happy voice
Brittany blushed and giggled at Alvin's comment
"Aw Alvin, that's really sweet! But you had as much involvement as me with getting our kids, when we had 'it' a second time, your well....seeds met my eggs and our baby chipmunks were born in a months time" explained Brittany in a happy voice
"I know, I know....I'm just so happy we got five beautiful baby chipmunks" called Alvin
"Would you like to have any more kids in the future?" Asked Alvin in a serious voice
"Yea I think so....but not for a while Alvin, maybe in like 12 years or so" Replied Brittany
"Lets just focus on kids we have now" called Brittany with a smile
Alvin smiled back and nodded "That's fine with me....was just wondering that's all, we will see what happens in the future" explained Alvin
With that, Alvin and Brittany spent the night talking and looking after their baby chipmunks...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes will have calmed down a little over the weekend? And not be as stressed out on Monday? How do you think everyone will be feeling doing a 2nd full week of exams at school? (Especially after this first week of exams has really tired them out)
Also, do you think Dave will let the Chipmunks and Chipettes have a party for finishing their exams to celebrate? 🎉
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, when the exams are finished there is the leavers assembly for the Chipmunks and Chipettes to attend too at well as the school prom 🎊🎉 If there is anything in particular you would like me to mention/include in the leavers assembly or the school prom, let me know in the comments below 👇
In this part, I was originally going to write about Dave taking the Chipmunks and Chipettes ten pin bowling or to the cinema 🤔 but this idea came into my head and I decided to write about Alvin and Brittany with their baby chipmunks as I don't talk about them too much 😉 I think It's personally nice and cute to include some family time for Alvin and Brittany too, with their kids 👶🏻🍼
By the way, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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