Part 23 - Everyone's Feelings Towards Ned...

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Wednesday, 1st of May, Same Day, 11:05am, At School (continuing on from part 22)
After Alvin left Simon with Ned in the changing room he went to the cafe and found the table were everyone else was sat
"Hi everyone!" Greeted Alvin
Alvin then pulled up a chair and sat at the table
"Hi Alvin, how was P.E.?" Asked Brittany
"It was terrible" replied Alvin in a sad voice
"Ok Alvin, we got the joke..." Called Eleanor with a giggle
"No, I'm been serious guys...P.E. Was terrible, we had to play football inside because of a little bit of rain" explained Alvin
"That's stupid....I bet you was right annoyed" called Jeanette
"Yea I was, Simon had to calm me was so stupid though" replied Alvin
Jeanette looked around for Simon but couldn't see him in sight
"Where is Simon? He was in your P.E. Lesson wasn't he?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea he was in my lesson, he has probably gone to buy Ned a Coffee..." Replied Alvin
"Who is Ned?" Asked Theodore
"He is just another boy in our P.E. Lesson, he is just really nervous and is shaking most of the time" explained Alvin
Jeanette looked annoyed
"So your saying that Simon is with this random kid, buying him a Coffee, rather then been with his Girlfriend!" Shouted Jeanette in an angry voice
Alvin slowly nodded and Jeanette stood up
"I'm going to find Simon and see what his priorities are!" Shouted Jeanette in an angry voice
Brittany grabbed hold of Jeanette's arm
"What are you doing sister?" Asked Jeanette
"Jeanette, please calm down and don't over react about this....maybe Ned is poor or something, maybe gets bullied and doesn't have many friends. Simon might just be giving him a little help that's all" explained Brittany
Jeanette then sat back down at the table
"I guess your right....I was kinda quick to act just then" replied Jeanette
"I'm sure Simon will be here soon, he likes to be with us all at break time" called Theodore
"Yea I hope he is here soon too....but I'm letting you all know, if Simon starts hanging around with Ned more then me, then there will be trouble!" Explained Jeanette in a serious voice
Everyone looked at each other with worried faces and then back at Jeanette
"What? I'm been serious, Simon is my boyfriend and I'm not letting a random boy take my time with him at school away from me!" Explained Jeanette
Simon and Ned had now made it to the cafe and Simon bought Ned a Coffee
"T-Thanks Simon..." Called Ned in a nervous voice
"No problem, are you ok? Do you always shake a lot?" Asked Simon
"Y-Yea...I'm fine...I just get so nervous...a-and then I panic and...Ahh, too much pressure!" Called Ned in a nervous voice, starting to shake
"Ok, calm down...I'm going to sit at the table with my friends ok? Will you be fine with your coffee now?" Asked Simon
"Yea...b-but can't I sit with you and your friends?" Asked Ned
"I don't know....lets go and ask them" called Simon
Simon and Ned found the table Alvin, Theodore and the chipettes were sat at
"Hi, sorry I'm late Jeanette...I just bought Ned a coffee that's all" explained Simon
Jeanette looked at Ned and then back at Simon
"It's fine!....sit down Simon" called Jeanette in an annoyed voice
"Are you ok?" Asked Simon
"Yea I'm fine! Don't talk to me right now!" Called Jeanette
Simon nodded and looked at the others
"Did you enjoy the P.E. Lesson Simon?" Asked Theodore
"No not really but I don't like P.E. to start with" replied Simon
"M-Me neither....everyone starts running around...a-and it's too much...too much pressure for me!" Called Ned in a nervous voice, starting to shake again
"Hey, calm down....Theodore only asked Simon a question...Jesus" called Alvin
Ned had some of his coffee and his shaking stopped
"Hey Alvin, it was funny in R.E." Called Brittany
"Why what happened?" Asked Alvin
"Kyle didn't do his homework again and the teacher flipped, she started shouting at him and it was right funny to watch" explained Brittany
"Yea, me and Theodore were having a hard time not laughing" called Eleanor
"Did he get a detention then?" Asked Alvin
"Yea, he has one now in break time and one after school with the head teacher" replied Brittany
"Wow, that's a little harsh....but then again he is supposed to be preparing for his exams" replied Alvin
"Ahh!" Called Ned
"What?" Asked Theodore
"T-The exams are soon...I almost f-forget...I-I'm so scared of f-failing...I can't deal w-with all this!" Called Ned starting to shake again
"Come on Alvin, I want to talk to you alone" called Brittany
As Alvin followed Brittany, Eleanor did the same with Theodore "Come on Theodore, let's go" called Eleanor
"Simon, I want to talk to you later....just me and you!" Called Jeanette then leaving the table too
"D-Did I do something w-wrong?" Asked Ned in a nervous voice
"Oh no, the others obviously can't stand Ned and even worse Jeanette is mad at me too..." Simon thought to himself
"No you didn't do anything wrong.....they just all set off early for lessons that's all" replied Simon
"W-what lesson have?" Asked Ned in a nervous voice
"I have Music next, that's my favourite lesson" replied Simon
"W-wow, that's cool...can I meet you at dinner time too?" Asked Ned
"No I'm sorry and Jeanette have some homework we need to do" called Simon
"Oh....ok then.." Called Ned
"Will see you later anyway..." Called Simon before leaving Ned and catching up with the others
Alvin, Theodore and the chipettes were now outside the Music classroom but they had 5 minutes to wait till lesson started
"I think this lesson is the best" called Theodore
"Yea me glad to get away from Ned" called Eleanor
"Me too, he was driving me can Simon stay calm with him?" Asked Brittany
"I don't know, it must take some patience" replied Alvin
"I can't stand that Ned kid, me and Simon are going to have to talk about this later tonight!" Called Jeanette
"I thought Ned was ok....well he was a little weird shaking and screaming" called Theodore
"Yea I know, the sooner Simon leaves him the better" called Brittany
Simon then walked around the corner
"Hi everyone" called Simon in a worried voice
No one replied
"I'm sorry about Ned, I just felt sorry for the kid" called Simon
There was still no response. Jeanette then walked over to Simon and dragged him away from the others
"Simon, this thing with you and Ned has to stop! Non of us like him and worst of all, I'm worried that you will be with him all the time at school and not me!" Shouted Jeanette in an annoyed voice
"I'm sorry Jeanette..." Called Simon
"I will leave this decision up to you Simon, do you want to be with your friends and girlfriend or do you want to be with this one random boy?" Asked Jeanette before joining the others
Once Jeanette joined the others Eleanor spoke up
"Jeanette? You didn't ask Simon to choose between us and Ned did you?" Asked Eleanor in a worried voice
"No, of course I didn't!" Lied Jeanette
After 5 minutes had passed Miss Myles came out of the classroom and called everyone in lesson
"Ok everyone, after I have done the register you are all going to the hall since we have an assembly with the head teacher to attend too" explained Miss Myles
The chipmunks and chipettes sighed in disappointment
After the register was done, Miss Myles stood up and took everyone to the hall for the assembly
Once the class was at the hall, they sat in there classes and waited for the head teacher to arrive
"What do you think this will be about?" Asked Alvin
"I'm not sure, probably more stuff on revision or our exams..." Replied Brittany
After a few minutes the head teacher arrived and the assembly began
"Ok everyone, I am going to let you know that a new museum has opened about 40 minutes drive away and school has organised a trip for you all to go to the museum on Friday this week" explained the head teacher
Everyone sighed in disappointment
"Don't worry, you will all enjoy the school trip to the museum and you will be going in groups too" explained the head teacher
"Do we have to do any lessons on Friday in school then?" Asked one of the girls
"You will only do two lessons on Friday, two lessons in the morning and the museum in the afternoon or the museum in the morning and two lessons in the afternoon" replied the head teacher
"Oh wow, Friday sounds great already" Alvin whispered to Brittany
The assembly went on for about 30 minutes but after the news broke about not having many lessons on Friday, lots of students started talking/whispering to each other. After the assembly was done, everyone returned back to there classrooms from the lesson they was supposed to be in
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Alvin, Theodore and the chipettes didn't really like Ned but Simon seems to care a little for him. Do you think Simon will be with Ned more in school? Or do you think he will try to avoid Ned and be with his brothers and chipettes? Also, do you think Jeanette will lose control of her actions one time and shout at Ned?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
I have kinda focused on Ned in this part and how everyone (chipmunks and chipettes) are around him. I will use Ned in a few more parts but I won't make him the main focus like he was here 😉👍 I will probably use him for the museum school trip and see what happens from there...🤔
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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