Part 4 - The Boring Assembly Of Information :(

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3 Hours and 30 minutes later, 6:30pm, At School
Dave had just parked the car up at school and he, the chipmunks and chipettes were all going to the year 11 assembly
"Alvin, I am very annoyed at you!" Said Dave in an angry voice
"I...I said I'm sorry I got a detention" called Alvin
"Well sorry isn't going to work this time Alvin! Your exams are very important and you need to get all your homework done and handed in on time and do at least 30 minutes of revision every night, otherwise you have a lower chance of passing your exams" explained Dave
"I try Dave, it's just homework is so boring and I prefer to play on my games with Brittany and be with our babies" replied Alvin
"Well from now on, homework and revision comes first! Until these exams are done then I will have to be very strict and a bit harsh to all of you to make sure you all pass your exams" shouted Dave in an angry voice
Alvin looked at the ground and walked sadly and slowly into school behind Dave
Dave signed everyone in and they all went into the hall
Dave let the chipmunks and chipettes choose a row to sit and Theodore walked down a row and sat down. Eleanor followed and sat next to Theodore, then from Eleanor sat Alvin, then Brittany, then Jeanette, then Simon and Dave on the end of the row
Alvin sighed and looked at the floor. Brittany then put her arm around him and pulled him closer for a hug
"Don't worry about Dave, long as we all do our homework and some revision he should be fine" explained Brittany in a caring voice
"Yea I know.....but I'm worried I won't get any time to do anything I want to do with you....I mean as a family, like me and you play on the games on the PlayStation a lot and we both enjoy that" replied Alvin in a worried voice
"Don't worry, we will get through this together Alvin, we will both do our homework with each other at the same time and do some revision at the same time you promise to do 30 minutes of revision with me?" Asked Brittany
"Yea I promise, I would never let you down Brittany" replied Alvin giving Brittany a kiss on her head
Lots of parents and year 11 school kids were coming into the hall and it took at least 15 minutes for everyone to come in and sit down
Once everyone was seated, the headteacher of the school (Mr Wiggler) stood at the front of the hall and began the assembly
"Hello, everyone thanks so much for attending this important assembly tonight. As you all probably know your kids have got their exams in a couple of months time and we as a school want to help and support everyone as much as possible" said Mr Wiggler in a serious voice
"Oh man, this is boring.......and I'm hungry" complained Theodore
"Shhh, quiet Theodore we will get in trouble otherwise" whispered Eleanor
"To help you all with your revision, us teachers are all going to put revision classes on for 1 hour each night after school" explained Mr Wiggler
"What? Are you been serious?" Asked Alvin in a shocked voice
"Yes Alvin, he is been serious" called Simon
"Quiet you two" called Dave
"Here is your revision timetable" said Mr Wiggler handing out timetables to parents
"As you can see, the students will have maths and ICT on Monday's, English History and Geography on Tuesday's, Science Drama and R.E. on Wednesday's, maths and P.E. on Thursday's and finally, English and Science on a Friday" explained Mr Wiggler
One of the parents raised there hand
"Yes? Do you have a question?" Asked Mr Wiggler
"Yes I do, how does this timetable work for my child, if he does both maths and ICT as GCSE's he can't be at both" asked the man
"You will have to choose one subject one week and the other subject the other, we do have maths and English twice in the after school revision though, we would advise every student in hear to attend at least one revision class each day after school" replied Mr Wiggler
Mr Wiggler continued talking about the school revision timetable for another 30 minutes and then the assembly was finished
Everyone started leaving and Dave, the chipmunks and chipettes all got in the car and Dave started driving home
"Oh man....this sucks, now I have six lessons a day!" Complained Alvin
"Alvin, it's for the best" replied Eleanor
"But I hate doing five lessons a day, I don't get enough time at home with Brittany, our babies and to play on my games!" Alvin shouted back
"Alvin stop shouting" Simon jumped in
"Don't tell me what to do Simon! I'm annoyed as it is" Alvin fired back
"Everyone stop shouting at each other! Now!" Shouted Dave in an angry voice
Everyone went quiet in the car
"Alvin, if you complain about school again this week, to me your brothers or the chipettes, then you will be grounded this weekend" explained Dave in an angry voice
Alvin didn't argue. He nodded and replied "yes Dave, I understand"
10 minutes later...
Dave had just got back home and he let everyone in the house
"I'm going to let you all choose a film to put on tonight, I think you deserve it for been well behaved....for the most part, at the assembly tonight" explained Dave in a happy voice
"Hey Brittany, why don't you and Alvin bring your baby chipmunks downstairs so they won't be and Jeanette will nurse them if you let us?" suggested Eleanor
"Yea of course you can nurse them, you are my sisters" replied Brittany with a giggle
Brittany then turned to Alvin
"Come on Alvin, let's go and bring our babies downstairs" called Brittany running upstairs
Alvin followed Brittany and he helped her carry the baby chipmunks downstairs
Alvin carried Emma and Peter downstairs while Brittany carried Musharna Lucas and Coco
Once Alvin and Brittany had brought the baby chipmunks down, Alvin walked back upstairs
"Alvin? Where are you going?" Called Theodore
Alvin didn't reply, he just walked into his and Brittany's room
"I will go and see if he is ok" called Brittany going after Alvin
Brittany went in the bedroom and saw Alvin sat on the bed looking sad
"Alvin? Please tell me what's wrong" said Brittany in a worried voice
"I'm just sad about not been able to do what I want anymore, I want to play on games and be with you and our kids....but now we have to do lots of homework and revision and it's stressing me out" replied Alvin in a sad voice
"Alvin I know it's going to be hard for us over the next couple of months but you promised me earlier tonight at school that you would do 30 minutes of revision with me every night" replied Brittany
"Yea, but that was before we knew about this revision timetable, it's too much for me to do an extra hour of revision after school then 30 minutes more revision at home and then any homework afterwards!" Shouted Alvin in an angry voice
"Well you made a promise with me to do 30 minutes of revision and I said I would help you do any homework I could help you with!" Brittany shouted back
"Well I have had it! I am only doing my 1 hour revision lesson after school and I am not doing any revision or homework afterwards!" Shouted Alvin
"Alvin, please don't be like that, doing homework and revision will help you with your exams and your life in the long run" explained Brittany in a caring voice
"No Brittany, I won't!" Alvin fired back
Brittany then felt anger rise through her entire body "Fine then! You be like that Alvin! I have tried to help and persuade you to do the right thing and you have just ignored me and done what YOU wanted! Don't you DARE speak to me anymore Alvin, I will speak to YOU only when I'm ready!" Shouted Brittany in an angry voice
Brittany then stormed out of the bedroom and went downstairs to everyone
"Hey Brittany, was everything ok upstairs?" asked Jeanette
"We heard you two shouting that's all" called Eleanor
"Yes! Things are fine!" Lied Brittany
Jeanette and Eleanor looked at each other confused
"Are you sure? What were you saying?" Asked Eleanor in confusion
"I don't want to talk about it, right now!" Shouted Brittany
Jeanette and Eleanor got the message, turned away and kept quiet
Brittany then picked up Musharna and started crying silently to herself
"I can't believe what has just happened...." Brittany thought to herself
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. How will this argument between Alvin and Brittany be with each other? How will everyone else be around them? How long do you think this argument will go on for between them? How will it effect everyone at school?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
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Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Last Few Months Of School Where stories live. Discover now