Part 26 - Alvin, Can You and Brittany Go Shopping With Me This Weekend?

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Thursday, 2nd of May, Same Day, 6:30pm, At Dave's House
The chipmunks and chipettes had just finished their tea and everyone went and started doing there own thing. Alvin sat in the bedroom feeding and nursing his and Brittany's baby chipmunks while Brittany was taking a bath
Simon and Jeanette were watching a science program together on TV in the living room
Lastly, Theodore and Eleanor were helping Dave wash and dry the pots from earlier
"Ok, thanks for your help you can go and do what you want now" explained Dave in a happy voice
"Thanks Dave and no problem, we like to help out" replied Eleanor with a giggle
Theodore and Eleanor left the kitchen and Theodore spoke up
"What do you want to do now?" Asked Theodore
"Anything you want, I don't mind" replied Eleanor
"Shall we watch a movie in the bedroom?" Asked Theodore
"Yea sure, I love spending time with you" called Eleanor with a giggle
Theodore and Eleanor went upstairs and into the bedroom. Eleanor sat on the bed and Theodore looked around, a little confused
"What's wrong?" Asked Eleanor in a worried voice
"I can't remember where the DVD's are..." Replied Theodore
Eleanor smiled and giggled "They are in that draw over there" called Eleanor
"Oh right....yea, silly me" called Theodore
Theodore looked in the draw next to the wardrobe and called out a list of films to Eleanor
"We have Shrek, Star Wars, Rio, The Lego Movie...." Called Theodore
"Is there any Disney films?" Asked Eleanor
"There is Beauty and the Beast" replied Theodore
"Yea that's perfect, put that film on please Theodore" called Eleanor in a happy voice
Theodore put the disc in the DVD player and switched on the bedroom TV. Once the trailers were done and the title screen was on Theodore pressed play
Eleanor grabbed hold of Theodore and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek
"I love you Theodore, your the best!" Called Eleanor in a happy voice
"Aw, I love you too Eleanor, you are so beautiful and amazing to me" replied Theodore with a smile
After a few seconds of Disney logos, the film began
In the bathroom
Brittany had a towel wrapped around her and she just turned off the bath. She locked the bathroom door and dropped the towel on the floor next to the bath. Brittany then got in the bath and sat in the warm water with lots of bubbles
"I'm so glad I can have these relaxing moments, been able to have a bath in peace and not worry about the baby chipmunks since Alvin offered to look after them" Brittany thought to herself
Just then, there was a knock at the bathroom door
"Hello?" Called Brittany
"Oh....hi Brittany, it's only me can I come in and use the toilet please?" Asked Theodore
"No, not right now I'm in the bath" replied Brittany
"Please, I will be quick...I'm kinda desperate too" called Theodore
Brittany sighed and got out of the bath. She wrapped the towel around her and opened the bathroom door
"Ok, go in and use the toilet....and make it quick" said Brittany keeping as calm as possible
Theodore went into the bathroom and used the toilet. He was out of the bathroom after a minute or two and Brittany returned back into the bathroom afterwards. She locked the bathroom door again and got back in the bath
"Hopefully there will be no more interruptions now..." Brittany thought to herself
30 minutes later...
Brittany got out of the bath, pulled the plug and wrapped her towel around her again. She left the bathroom and made her way back into her and Alvin's bedroom
"Hey Brittany, how was your bath?" Asked Alvin
"It was ok...Theodore needed to use the bathroom pretty much as soon as I got in the bath, but after he left it was great" explained Brittany
"That's good to hear then" replied Alvin
Brittany then looked further down the bed and saw the baby chipmunks asleep
"Did you feed them all and put them all to sleep?" Asked Brittany in a surprised voice
"Yea of course I did, I said I would" replied Alvin in a happy voice
Brittany then dried herself off and put in her pyjamas
"Shall we go downstairs and see what the others are doing?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure, I think we should play a game with them....I mean like monopoly or a game on the PlayStation" suggested Brittany
"I don't know if Simon and Jeanette will do that but we can ask....I'm sure Theodore and Eleanor will agree though" explained Alvin
Alvin and Brittany left the bedroom and were on their way downstairs till they bumped into Theodore
"Oh, hey Theodore I thought you and Eleanor would be downstairs with the others" called Alvin
"Hey Alvin and no me and Eleanor put a film on in the bedroom" replied Theodore
"Well we are just going hopefully play a game with the others, do you two want to join us?" Asked Brittany
" need to talk to you two....about something quickly" called Theodore quickly
"Why? What's wrong?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"Please tell us what has happened" begged Brittany
Theodore grabbed hold of Alvin and Brittany and took them into their bedroom
"Sorry I just walked in your room without asking....." Called Theodore
"No problem, just please tell us what's wrong" replied Alvin quickly
"I need your help....both of you" explained Theodore
Alvin and Brittany nodded "We are happy to help you if we..." Started Brittany before she was cut off
"It's Eleanor's birthday next weekend" Theodore jumped in
"What?" Asked Alvin
"Omg, your right..." Called Brittany
"Can you two explain please" called Alvin
"It's Eleanor's birthday next weekend, on the 12th of May....she will be 16" explained Brittany
"Oh right, sorry I didn't quite hear you Theodore" called Alvin
"Did you forget Brittany?" Asked Theodore
"No....of course I didn't, I wouldn't forget my sisters birthday" replied Brittany quickly
"Well have you bought Eleanor anything for her Birthday?" Asked Alvin
"No not yet" replied Brittany and Theodore at the same time
"Opps, sorry Theodore, I thought Alvin was talking to me" called Brittany
"Don't worry, I'm sorry too....I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or you" called Theodore
"Well you both need to go shopping soon then if neither of you have bought anything" called Alvin
"Well I was going to ask you two if you would go shopping with me this weekend...." Explained Theodore
"Yea of course we will go shopping with you this weekend Theodore" called Brittany in a happy voice
"Thanks you two, I really appreciate it....I'm just a bit unsure what to get Eleanor for her birthday that's all" replied Theodore
"Don't worry Theodore, we will help you find something nice for her, for her birthday" called Alvin putting his hand on Theodore's shoulder
"Thanks again you two....also don't tell Eleanor we are going shopping Saturday, will be a surprise when she thinks we haven't bought her anything" called Theodore with a smile
"Don't worry we won't" called Alvin
With that Theodore left the bedroom
"Brittany, did you really forgot?" Asked Alvin in a serious voice
"No...well, kind of....I remembered her birthday was coming up soon, but with the mok exams next week and our real exams coming up thoughts were else where" explained Brittany
"Do you think Jeanette will have remembered Eleanor's birthday?" Asked Alvin
"I don't know....I will have to tell her sometime soon, just to be safe" replied Brittany
With that, Alvin and Brittany left the bedroom and went downstairs into the living room to sit with the others, Simon Jeanette and Dave
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. What do you think Theodore will buy Eleanor for her Birthday? Do you think he will ask her again and give her ideas so she can choose one? Do you think Jeanette will have remembered that it's Eleanor's birthday soon? Also, what do you think Alvin, Brittany, Simon and Jeanette will buy for Eleanor for her birthday? Do you think they will all pick a surprise for her together?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Would like to say thanks to all you readers too, I now have 4K/4000 Views and 107 Votes on my "Alvin and the chipmunks: Alvin and Brittany Love Story" (book 1) 🎉
Thanks so much for the views and votes on that book everyone and thanks for the views and votes I have got on this book too 🤗🎉
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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