Part 12 - The Coon and Friends VS Freedom Pals

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Monday, 29th of April, At Dave's house, 4:30pm
In the Back Garden
The chipmunks and chipettes had finished school and had there exam hour revision till 4pm. So now they are back home, they decided to dress up and get Dave to record them all role playing as superhero's.
For Alvin's costume, he put on a mask/bandana, a red cape, a white top and a black jacket. For Simon's costume, he put on some goggles, a white top and a belt to carry his power tools in. For Theodore's costume, he put on a light blue top, a gray cover on his head and a kite strapped to his back.
For Brittany's costume she put on a dark blue top, yellow gloves and a sweat band on her head. For Jeanette's costume she put on a light purple top, a purple cape and a purple hood to help cover her face. For Eleanor's costume, she put on a black top with mobile phones strapped across her and a pink skirt.
Once everyone was dressed up in their costumes and ready to act/role play, Brittany spoke up
"Ok everyone, are we ready to have another go at our video?" Asked Brittany
"Yes we are ready" called Alvin and Simon
"Yea sister, you can count on us" called Jeanette and Eleanor
"Hang on, how will we do some of the special effects like my laser eyes and your lightning strike from your Thunderstorm?" Asked Theodore
"We will just act the video out as if they were there and then Simon and Jeanette will add the special effects afterwards so it will look like you have laser eyes" replied Brittany in a happy voice
"Oh ok" replied Theodore
"Ok Dave, once Alvin and Theodore are ready and in there starting place, then you start recording" called Brittany in an excited voice
Alvin and Theodore got in place and Dave called "Action!" and started recording
"There you are Human Kite, any news on the missing cat?" Asked Alvin
"No, sorry Coon we have all split up and looked around town but sadly....nothing" replied Theodore
"God dammit, we have to find the missing cat before the Freedom Pals do, otherwise our franchise is doomed" explained Alvin
"Ha, you will never find the missing cat, Coon and Friends!" Shouted Jeanette
"Oh no, it's Mysterion!" Called Theodore
"What do you want Mysterion? Have you come to surrender to us?" Joked Alvin
"Don't be so stupid, us Freedom Pals have come to get revenge on you for messing our last mission up" replied Jeanette
"You shouldn't have got involved in our last mission then Mysterion! it's not my fault that your team messed up, you shouldn't have set the alarm off in that shop" Alvin fired back
"Yea! Plus, you and the other Freedom Pals are pathetic, that's why you failed the mission" called Theodore
"Enough talk! Toolshed, Wonder Tweek, let's take the Coon and Friends down!" Called Jeanette in an angry voice
Just then Toolshed (Simon) and Wonder Tweek (Brittany) came to help out Mysterion (Jeanette)
"I got this Mysterion!" Called Simon
Simon pulled two drills out of his belt and pointed them at the ground while shouting "Double Screw!"
Dave shook the camera a little to make it look like Toolshed had shaken the ground and Human Kite (Theodore) fell backwards onto the floor
"No, Human Kite, you will pay for that!" Shouted Alvin
The Coon (Alvin) run towards Wonder Tweek (Brittany) and gently scratched her and Brittany over exaggerated the pain and jumped backwards
"Now Human Kite" called Alvin seeing Theodore getting back up
Human Kite (Theodore) looked at Mysterion (Jeanette) and fired his eye lasers at her
"Pew, Pew" called Theodore as he pretended to hit Jeanette with eye lasers
"If I'm not your worst nightmare, I inspire to be!" Shouted Jeanette in an angry voice
Jeanette waved her arms at Theodore and pulled her arms back making Theodore get pulled towards her. Jeanette then did a punch combo and Theodore looked badly injured
"I will get you Mysterion!" Shouted Alvin running for Jeanette
Just then Brittany made a storm cloud appear and aimed at Alvin
"Fear my Thunder!" Shouted Brittany sending a lightning strike at Alvin
The lighting strike hit Alvin and it sent him and Theodore backwards, away from the Freedom Pals but they were both quite injured now
"Give up while you still can" said Jeanette with a giggle
Just then Call Girl (Eleanor) appeared
"Don't worry Coon and Friends, I'm here to help" said Eleanor in a happy voice
"Wow, hi Call Girl" called Theodore with a smile
"What? No way! Call Girl, we don't need you here! We told you last time that girls can't be superhero's!" Shouted Alvin in an angry voice
"Shut up Coon, Call Girl is amazing and we need her help right now" defended Theodore
"Ok fine...she can help us but I still think girls shouldn't be superhero's" replied the Coon
Eleanor pulled out her phone and started typing away
Simon then grabbed his phone and pretended to have an electric shock
"Now I just messed up your Facebook page" called Eleanor
Jeanette then began to charge her power and dashed towards Eleanor
Theodore then gave his Kite to Eleanor and it acted as a shield
"Oh no, the Kite shield is too strong, I can't attack Call Girl" called Jeanette
"Thanks Human Kite" said Eleanor
"No problem, anything to help a friend" replied Theodore
"Oh wow, that's cool but let me show you something cool too Call Girl" said Alvin in an excited voice
Alvin dashed into all the Freedom Pals and knocked them all backwards, causing them a lot of pain
"Not bad....for a boy" joked Eleanor
"Mysterion, we need to fall back, Call Girl is too strong for us and plus, Human Kite gave her a shield, we can't beat them right now" said Brittany in a worried voice
"Stop worrying Wonder Tweek, we can defeat them, I can't lose now!" Shouted Jeanette
"But we are all badly hurt by the Coon, his final blow was too much" called Simon
"Ok fine, we will surrender for now..." Sighed Jeanette in defeat
"You have beat us this time, Coon and Friends but we will win you next time we battle!" Shouted Jeanette leading the Freedom Pals away
"Yes, yes, that was sweet guys, we beat them losers" called Alvin in a happy voice
"Only just, if Call Girl didn't come then we would have lost" Theodore pointed out
"Oh whatever..." Called Alvin
"And Cut! Well Done everyone!" Called Dave ending the video
"Thanks Dave, I think that went well too" called Alvin
"Thanks for been our camera man Dave" said Jeanette in a happy voice
"No problem girls" replied Dave
"I want to say Thanks to Alvin, Simon and Theodore too, without them I don't think our video would have been as exciting" explained Brittany
"No problem Brittany I would do anything for you and your sisters" replied Alvin with a smile
"Alvin, you don't mind girls been superhero's really do you?" Asked Eleanor
"No of course not, I said that in the video as it's part of the Coon's character" explained Alvin
"That's ok then" Replied Eleanor with a giggle
"Um....Jeanette?" Asked Simon nervously
"Yea Simon" replied Jeanette in a caring voice
"Shall we get changed and start adding the special effects to the video?" Asked Simon
"Yea sure" replied Jeanette with a giggle
With that, the video was finally done for the chipettes Drama project and Simon and Jeanette were going to add the finishing touches on.
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. I have finished with the superhero's story line now 😢 I know it didn't last long but I enjoyed writing about the chipmunks and chipettes as superhero's and I hope you all as readers have enjoyed these past few parts with them all role playing as superhero's 😉👍🎉
Would you like me to include the chipmunks and chipettes as superhero's again, later on in the book? (Towards the end of the book, after they have done their exams, something like part 45?)
Let me know in the comments below 👇 would like to know what you all think 😋
As Always, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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