Part 33 - Only a Few More Days Of Mok Exams Left

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Tuesday, 7th of May, 7:30pm, At Dave's house
In Alvin and Brittany's bedroom
"Oh my god, what are we going to do Alvin?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"I don't know....I didn't want to get you pregnant again" replied Alvin
Brittany glared at Alvin and he thought about what he just said
"I mean I didn't want to get you pregnant right now, maybe in a few years know when the baby chipmunks we have now have grown up a little" Alvin said quickly
"I just can't believe it.....when shall we tell the others?" Asked Brittany
"I think we should tell them some time tonight, get it over with" replied Alvin
"Are you sure? What If we are wrong?" Asked Brittany
"Yea....good point, we will go to the pharmacy tomorrow and get a pregnancy test for you, then if you are pregnant it's a good time to tell everyone" explained Alvin
"That's a great idea Alvin....we will do that" replied Brittany with a smile
"ALVIN!!! BRITTANY!!!" Shouted Dave
"Oh god, that's not good...." Called Brittany
"Yea I know, Dave only shouts us if we have done something wrong...." Called Alvin
Alvin and Brittany went downstairs into the kitchen and Simon Jeanette Theodore and Eleanor were there too
"Guys....I have a confession to make..." Said Dave in a worried voice
"Oh no, what's wrong?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"What's a confession?" Asked Theodore
"It's basically when you own up and admit to a mistake" replied Simon
"Or when you want to share some big news you have kept secret" Jeanette added on
"The ham sandwiches I gave some of you for lunch....were out of date. The ham was nearly 3 weeks old and I just noticed so sorry everyone" called Dave in a sad voice
Everyone was shocked at what Dave said but they wasn't mad
"Don't worry didn't know..." Called Eleanor
"I should've checked the date on things before giving it to you I'm sorry if some of you are sick in the night tonight, that's my fault and it's probably food poisoning..." Explained Dave in a sad voice
"Don't worry Dave, it's not a problem, we all make I was sick earlier today anyway" called Eleanor
Dave looked a little confused
"You was sick earlier today?" Asked Dave
"Yea....but I wasn't sure least we know now and we forgive you" replied Eleanor
"Maybe that's why you was sick too" Alvin whispered to Brittany
"Yea, it makes sense....I just hope that is the reason" Brittany whispered back to Alvin
"Anyway, I will let you guys do what you want for an hour or so....then you all have to go to bed, you have a mok exam tomorrow morning at school" explained Dave
"It's not till 10:30am Dave" called Alvin with a little laugh
"So can we have an extra hour of sleep in bed?" Asked Theodore
"No, I will get you all up a bit later then normal but am sending you to school early, so you can all do 1 hour of Revision before the mok exam" explained Dave
Everyone sighed in disappointment but knew where Dave was coming from
"Ok....thanks for letting us know anyway..." Called Jeanette
The Chipmunks and Chipettes all went into the living room and Simon got the game, Monopoly, out of the cupboard
"Ok, does everyone want to play?" Asked Simon
"Yea me and Theodore do" called Eleanor
"And me and Brittany" called Alvin
"Only 4 of us can play at a time though..." Jeanette pointed out
"Why don't we split into teams of two then?" Suggested Brittany
"Oh you mean like, me and Eleanor....Simon and Jeanette....and you and Alvin?" Asked Theodore
"Yea that's right" replied Brittany with a smile
"Cool, now the teams are sorted....I will hand out the paper money and we can begin..." Explained Simon
With that, The Chipmunks and Chipettes now in pairs, played a game of Monopoly and then went to bed for the exam they had at school tomorrow...
Wednesday, 8th of May, 12:15pm,  Outside the gym at school
The Chipmunks and Chipettes had just finished there 2nd maths exam and Alvin Brittany and Eleanor were happy about that. The three of them hated maths and they had just got through both practice maths papers now
"Thank god the mok exam maths papers are done" called Brittany
"Yea I know, maths is so hard....will be a challenge for me to pass it" replied Alvin
"At least we only have a few more days of mok exams left" Brittany pointed out
"That's true" replied Alvin in a happy voice
"Where is everyone off too now?" Asked Simon
"Me and Brittany are going for a walk to....." Started Alvin
"Find somewhere for dinner" finished Brittany quickly
"Don't be silly you two, we always have dinner here in school, in the cafe" called Eleanor with a giggle
"Yea but we saw this place that sells...hotdogs...and we want to give them a try for a change" lied Alvin
"Ok then....but make sure you are back on time you two....because we have our History mok exam this afternoon Alvin" called Jeanette
"Wait? Why are we stopping at school if it's only Alvin and Jeanette taking another mok exam today?" Asked Theodore
"Because we are here to support them......and while they do there exam we can do some revision for the ICT exam we have tomorrow" explained Simon
"Oh...ok" said Theodore
"Anyway, we will see you guys later....bye everyone" called Brittany pulling Alvin away with her
"Bye you two, be back for 2pm too for the History mok exam" shouted Jeanette
Once Alvin and Brittany were quite a bit away from the others, Alvin spoke up
"Thank god you dragged me away....I didn't think we was going to leave them" joked Alvin
"Me let's go to the pharmacy that's about 15 to 20 minutes walk from school, to get a pregnancy test" explained Brittany
"Ok, let's go" called Alvin in a happy voice
Alvin and Brittany then left school (after telling reception they were going and coming back later) and walked to the pharmacy. 20 minutes later, they arrived at the pharmacy and they looked around for the pregnancy tests
"Brittany, I found what we are looking for" called Alvin
Brittany went over to Alvin and had a look around. She picked up the pregnancy test she wanted to buy and they went to the counter to pay
Once they had bought the pregnancy test, they left the pharmacy and started walking back to school
"Ok Alvin, when we get back to school I will go to the toilet, do this pregnancy test and tell you the results" explained Brittany
"That sounds ok with me....shall I go and get us some food from the cafe while your in the toilet?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure" replied Brittany in a happy voice
20 minutes later, Alvin and Brittany were back at school and Alvin went to the cafe while Brittany went to the toilet
Brittany went into one of the toilets and locked the door. Once she knew she was alone she did the pregnancy test...
After a few minutes, she got the results and she was happy
"Thank god I'm not pregnant.....I don't think I could look after more baby chipmunks right now, must have just been food poisoning yesterday when I was sick" Brittany thought to herself
Brittany put the pregnancy test back in her bag, left the toilets and made her way to the cafe to find Alvin
On the way to the cafe, a girl blocked Brittany's path
Jeanette was coming around the corner but she saw Brittany and the girl. Jeanette stopped and watched them both and if things got out of hand, she would jump in to help her sister out
"Where do you think your going, loser!" Shouted one of the girls
"Excuse me! Im not a loser.....I'm just on my way to the cafe if you must know..." Brittany called back
The girl pushed Brittany into the wall and got up close to her
"NO ONE, ANSWERS BACK TO ME!!!" Shouted the girl
Brittany was terrified but she tried to keep calm
"Look, you scared little loser, my name is Rebecca and no one tells me what to do! I'm the boss around here so you will respect me!" Shouted Rebecca
Rebecca then left Brittany alone and walked away
Brittany started walking the other way and started crying to herself
Just then, Jeanette run to Brittany and put her hand on Brittany's shoulder
"Brittany! Are you ok? Are you hurt?" Asked Jeanette
"No..(sniff)...I'm fine...I'm not hurt or anything, just a little frightened..." Replied Brittany still crying
"I saw everything that just happened, who was that?" Asked Jeanette
"I don't know.....I have never seen her before....she just started picking on me..." Replied Brittany in a sad voice
Jeanette turned Brittany round and faced her
"Don't worry sister, I promise you that if that bully comes near you again, I will sort her out and take care of you" explained Jeanette in a serious voice
"Aw thanks sister....but I don't want you getting into trouble though" replied Brittany
"Don't worry...I won't..." Replied Jeanette
With that, Brittany and Jeanette made there way to the cafe to find Alvin and to get some dinner
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Brittany is not pregnant, she was sick yesterday due to food poisoning. How do you think she feels about that? Do you think she is happy about it or not? What will Alvin say when she tells him?
Also, do you think that bully Rebecca will come back and bully Brittany and/or her sisters? If so what do you think Jeanette will do about it? How will Jeanette sort the bully out without getting into any trouble?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇 I am interested in what you all think 😉
Sorry, I haven't uploaded in a few days everyone, have been busy but because of this I have decided to make this part a little longer then normal 👍 since I have had to to upload today 🎉
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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