Part 38 - Happy Birthday Eleanor! (Part 3)

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Sunday, 12th of May, 7:30pm, At Dave's house
Everyone was really excited for Eleanor's birthday party, Dave and Simon were just finishing setting up the back garden where the party would be held
Alvin and Theodore were bringing food and drink outside (mostly Alvin, Theodore kept sneaking food away from the table and eating it himself)
Brittany Jeanette and Eleanor were all upstairs getting ready for the party
In Simon Theodore Jeanette and Eleanor's bedroom
"Omg, I'm so excited!" Called Eleanor
"Me too.....this party will be great" replied Jeanette
"I need a little help though Jeanette, what shall I put on?" Asked Eleanor
"Anything you like the look of, I personally think all your clothes look amazing" called Jeanette
"Yea but today is my birthday and I want to impress Theodore" explained Eleanor
Jeanette giggled "Don't worry Eleanor, Theodore loves you so much already, anything you wear will impress him" explained Jeanette in a caring voice
"Are you sure?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea I'm sure" replied Jeanette
Brittany then came into the bedroom in a bright pink dress
"Hi girls, are you ready for the party?" Asked Brittany
"No not yet, I don't know what to wear" replied Eleanor in a worried voice
"Why don't you wear one of the two dresses Theodore bought you, I'm sure he would love to see you in them" explained Brittany
"Oh yea...your right, thanks Brittany I will choose one of them to put on" called Eleanor
Eleanor put the green and white dress on that Theodore bought her and brushed her hair
After that, the three of them were ready and all went downstairs to join the others
"Where do you think the party will be?" Asked Eleanor
"In the back garden I think" replied Jeanette
"Don't worry, we will find it" called Brittany in a happy voice
The Chipettes were now downstairs looked in back garden
"Wow, it looks amazing outside" called Eleanor
"I have to admit, I'm surprised too....Simon and Dave did a great job setting up" called Jeanette
Alvin then came into the house and saw the Chipettes
"Hey Alvin" called Brittany
"Hi Brittany and wow! You look amazing! I have never seen you in that dress before!" Called Alvin in a happy but surprised voice
Brittany blushed and giggled "Thanks Alvin, you look great too....I don't wear all my clothes you know, some I keep in the wardrobe for special nights like tonight" called Brittany
"Ah right, well shall we go outside and join the others?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure" replied Eleanor
Alvin and the Chipettes went outside into the back garden and Simon and Theodore waved
"Hi Simon!" Shouted Jeanette
"Hey Theodore!" Shouted Eleanor with a giggle afterwards
Simon and Theodore joined the others and the Chipmunks sat each of the Chipettes on different tables
Alvin sat with Brittany, Simon sat with Jeanette and Theodore sat with Eleanor
"Um...Theodore I'm happy to be sat with you, but why are we all not sat together?" Asked Eleanor
"Because...we to have some time alone together, I mean as Boyfriend's and Girlfriend's" explained Theodore nervously
"Oh right, like a date?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea, I think so" replied Theodore
"So will we be able to get up and dance later? I want to dance and have fun with you Theodore" asked Eleanor in a happy voice
Theodore went red in embarrassment "Yea, we can dance later....Dave is just bringing out the rest of the food that needs cooking, pizza and chips, then music will be put on and we can dance the night away" explained Theodore
"I have been so excited for this party since you all told me this morning!" Called Eleanor
"I will do my best to make you happy and enjoy the night too" replied Theodore
After a few minutes, Dave come outside with pizza, chips and a few other plates of food
Dave then put on some music and everyone was out of their seats
"Come on Theodore, let's dance the night away" said Eleanor pulling Theodore to the dance floor
"Jeanette, would you like to dance with me?" Asked Simon
Jeanette smiled "Yes, of course I would.....I just..." Started Jeanette
"Just what?" Asked Simon
"I have never danced with a boy before....not in front of others anyway....I'm a little nervous" replied Jeanette in a nervous voice
"You have nothing to worry about Jeanette, I will be with you all the time" replied Simon in a caring voice
Jeanette stood up and grabbed Simon's hand and they both walked to the dance floor
"Come on Alvin, let's get up and party with the others" called Brittany
"Are you sure you want me to dance with you?" Asked Alvin
"Um...hello! You are my boyfriend! Of course I do!" Replied Brittany
"But I might embarrass you with my sweet dance moves" joked Alvin
"Ha ha, very funny Alvin....we are at a party and we have come to party, so you are not just sitting down all night" explained Brittany
Alvin sighed in defeat and followed Brittany to the dance floor
Once everyone was there Dave put his playlist on and everyone started dancing away
"Wow, this is so much fun!" Called Theodore
"Yea I know" replied Eleanor with a giggle
"So I think I have to stand here....and you need to stand there....then we move..." Jeanette started explaining to Simon before he cut her off
"Jeanette, please stop thinking about dancing and just have fun" explained Simon in a happy voice
Simon started swinging his arms around and then started shaking his ass around
Jeanette giggled at Simon but just went along with it and started doing silly dance moves too
"Shall we do that posh dancing thing?" Asked Alvin
"What posh dance thing?" Asked Brittany in confusion
"That thing people do at expensive party's like proms and stuff....that were the man and women hold each other and then the man starts twirling the women around" explained Alvin
"Yea sure....I'm not completely sure what your talking about but I will try anything with you" replied Brittany
Alvin grabbed hold of Brittany and Brittany held Alvin. They started turning in a circle and after a few seconds, Alvin twirled Brittany around and her dress flew in the wind
"That was kinda fun" called Brittany
"Yea I know and you looked amazing when you was spinning....your dress flew like a flower opening up" explained Alvin
"That's the worst explanation ever....but it's cool with me" replied Brittany with a giggle
A few hours went on and lots of different songs had been played. Dave even set up karaoke about 9:30pm and had Alvin Brittany Theodore and Eleanor on stage singing a different song each solo
Simon and Jeanette were a little shy to sing solo so they did a song for karaoke together
The Chipmunks and Chipettes also had the party food Dave had put out in between dancing and everyone had a great time
The party did not end till 11:30pm and by that time, everyone was starting to get tired
Same day/night, 11:30pm, At Dave's house, in the living room
"Wow, that party was amazing!" Called Eleanor
"Am glad you enjoyed it" replied Theodore
Once Alvin Brittany Simon Jeanette and Dave were in the living room Eleanor spoke up
"Thanks so much for my party everyone! I really enjoyed it!" Called Eleanor in a happy voice
"No problem, anything to make you happy" called Brittany
"We just have one more surprise before bed" called Dave going into the kitchen
Dave came back in the living room with a Birthday Cake
"Oh wow, thanks so much Dave!" Called Eleanor in a happy but surprised voice
"No problem, we will all song happy birthday to you again, like this morning, while you blow the candles out" replied Dave
Everyone started singing happy birthday and when the song was nearly over Eleanor blown out the candles and everyone cheered
"Thanks again everyone, for such an amazing birthday" called Eleanor
"Like we said, it's not a problem" called Jeanette with a giggle
"Anyway...(yawn) lot need to be going to bed, you have school tomorrow" called Dave
Everyone moaned in disappointment but obeyed Dave and all made their way out of the living room, and up to bed
"Man, we are all going to bed tired tomorrow at school" Alvin said to Brittany
"No doubt, you will need to keep me awake in class" joked Brittany
"I will try" Alvin joked back "But tonight has been amazing and I wouldn't change a second of it" replied Alvin
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Eleanor enjoyed her birthday? What will the Chipmunks and Chipettes be like tomorrow for school? Do you think Dave will get them up early as normal, but let them not do any revision after school? 🤔
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
How was Eleanor's birthday for you all as readers? Did you all enjoy it? Which of the three parts was your favourite?
(Just so you all know, I think I am terrible at writing out party's in books, but still feel I tried my best with this one and it turned out OK) 😉🎉
Once again, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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