Part 59 - Guy's, You Have All Been Asked To Perform Here...

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Tuesday, 25th of June, 9:30am, At Dave's House
It was the next morning after the school prom and while the Chipmunks and Chipettes were still a little tired, they all enjoyed the prom and had a great night to remember
Dave had asked them all this morning if they enjoyed the school prom and they all said yes!
Jeanette had said sorry to Dave for making him pick them up at 11:30pm but Dave didn't mind and just told Jeanette not to worry
The six of them were all sat in the living room watching TV together and Dave was in the Kitchen on his Laptop
"Wow, last night was amazing! I had so much fun" said Brittany in a happy voice
"Yea I know, me too!" Replied Alvin with a smile
Brittany then gave Alvin a hug and he hugged her back
"Thanks for making the school prom a great night and memory for me Alvin" whispered Brittany in Alvin's ear
"Aw no problem Brittany, I always try to make you happy" Alvin whispered back
"Ok, come on you two....if you want to hug and kiss each other, could you at least go upstairs?" Asked Eleanor with sarcasm
"Sounds like someone is jealous" called Brittany with a giggle
"Ha ha, very funny sister" replied Eleanor
After a few more seconds, Alvin and Brittany broke from the hug and returned to watching TV
"My god, I hope we never get like that" said Simon
"What? Why not? Don't you want to hug and kiss me?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"Yes of course I do Jeanette....I meant in public, I wouldn't want to embarrass or make others feel uncomfortable around me" replied Simon quickly
Jeanette gave a sigh of relief and smiled "That's ok with did worry me for a second then though, Simon" explained Jeanette
"Will try not to do that again...sorry about that" called Simon
"Don't worry about it" said Jeanette with a smile
"Hey Eleanor can we go to bed some time this afternoon?" Asked Theodore
"You want to go to bed with me this afternoon? What for?" Asked Eleanor in a surprised voice
"To sleep silly, I'm still a little tired and I asked you to go with me because I don't want you downstairs on your own" replied Theodore
"Oh right, yea of course we can have a quick nap later" said Eleanor with a giggle
Just then, Dave came into the living room and spoke up
"GUYS! I have some exciting news for you all!" Shouted Dave in a happy voice
"What? What's this good news?" Asked Simon
"Have you order a new game for me?" Asked Alvin
"Is it a few vouchers for Pizza Hut?" Asked Theodore
"Will you boys be quiet for a minute! Dave is trying to explain!" Called Brittany making the living room go silent
"Ok Dave, continue..." Said Jeanette
"All six of you have been asked to preform in New York" explained Dave
Everyone smiled with excitement
"Wow, we are going to New York?" Asked Eleanor
"Yes that's right, you are all preforming there on Friday this week so you will all need to pack this morning so we can set off at 2pm for the plane at 6pm" explained Dave
"This is so exciting, I can't wait!" Squeaked Brittany
"I will go and make breakfast for you all while you all start to pack" called Dave leaving the living room
The Chipmunks and Chipettes all jumped off the sofa and ran to the bottom of the stairs
Simon Jeanette Theodore and Eleanor went straight upstairs but Brittany grabbed hold of Alvin's arm and stopped them going upstairs
"What's wrong?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"I need to ask Dave something, will you come with me?" Asked Brittany
"Yea of course I will" replied Alvin following Brittany into the kitchen
Alvin and Brittany jumped on the side and Alvin called Dave
"Alvin? Brittany? What are you doing here? I told you both to go and pack" said Dave in a serious voice
"I want to ask you something Dave" called Brittany
"Ok, what is it? Is something wrong?" Asked Dave in a worried voice
"What will happen with mine and Alvin's baby Chipmunks? Will we just take them with us on the plane like we did when we went on holiday to Paris?" Asked Brittany
"I didn't mention that to the guy in the email, I will find his phone number from the email and give him a call, it should be ok for you to take your baby chipmunks with you though" replied Dave
"I hope so, otherwise the performance will be and Alvin will be babysitting at home and the others can't preform without us" Brittany pointed out
"That's a good point, I will phone the man up and ask him while you are all having breakfast but don't worry you two, everything will be ok" explained Dave
Alvin and Brittany nodded at Dave, then hopped off the side and went upstairs into their bedroom
Alvin took two suitcases down and two big backpacks for the baby chipmunks clothes
"Ok Brittany, so what do we need to pack?" Asked Alvin
There was no reply
Alvin turned around and saw Brittany sat on the bed and put her head in her hands
Alvin put the suitcases down and went to Brittany. He put his hand on her shoulder and comforted her
"Don't worry Brittany, Dave will sort everything out....I promise" called Alvin in a caring voice
"I...I hope so....I don't want to let my sisters down" replied Brittany starting to cry
"Please don't cry Brittany, I'm sure we will be able to take our kids with us on the plane and if we could take them to the other music awards in Paris last year, then this year should be fine too" explained Alvin in a happy voice
"Yea...your right...when you put it that way it sounds more positive" called Brittany
"So shall we start packing for us and our kids?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure..." Replied Brittany brushing tears away from her eyes
Alvin and Brittany started packing until Brittany stopped and spoke up
"Hey Alvin" Called Brittany
"Yea?" Asked Alvin
"Since when did you become more responsible and decide we need to start packing?" Asked Brittany
"Since I met you....if I didn't ask you to help pack, you would have started complaining and I would have had to help pack. Now I am packing you are questioning me so I can't win either way" explained Alvin
Brittany smiled and giggled at Alvin
"Don't be cheeky Alvin, to be honest I would ask you to help pack if you didn't ask, but you make me sound bossy or mean" replied Brittany with a smile
"Sorry Brittany was just telling the truth" replied Alvin
20 minutes later...
After 20 minutes had gone by, Dave shouted everyone to come downstairs.
The six of them were now sat at the table, waiting for Dave to bring breakfast across
Dave brought two plates across for Brittany and Jeanette, then another two plates after for Alvin and Simon and the last two plates for Theodore and Eleanor
"Wow, beans on toast with bacon and sausages at the side! Thanks Dave" called Eleanor in a happy voice
"Thanks Dave" called Alvin Brittany and Jeanette
"Yea thanks Dave, your cooking is amazing" called Simon
Simon then looked over at Theodore and he said Thanks to Dave too
"No problem everyone, hope you all enjoy your breakfast" replied Dave
Once everyone started eating, Dave went round the table to Alvin and Brittany
"Hey you two, I asked the man of you could take your baby chipmunks with you and he said you can take them with you...just not while you are performing, I have to look after them then"  explained Dave
"Wow that's great news, that has made me feel a lot happier now" Brittany pointed out
"See Brittany, I told you Dave would sort everything out and make sure we could take our kids with us" called Alvin in a happy voice
"Yea your right, thanks for persuading me to think and stay positive, Alvin" replied Brittany with a giggle
"No problem dear" replied Alvin
With that, the Chipmunks and Chipettes finished eating breakfast and were thinking about going on a plane in the next few hours to New York. What amazing sights they would see and that they had all been asked to preform again...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. What kind of things do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes will get up too in New York? Do you think they will go sightseeing in small groups/pairs? Do you think Dave will want them to do some practice at the hotel sometime before they go on stage and preform?
Also, what two or three songs do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes will sing?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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