Part 51 - Eleanor's Head is So Confused...

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Monday, Same Day, 10th of June, 5pm, At Dave's House
The Chipmunks and Chipettes had done their 2nd maths exam now and that means that all six of them had finished their maths exams completely
Everyone felt that they had done good in the maths exam this afternoon but since they had come home, things had been different
Simon and Jeanette were talking to each other in the kitchen about how Eleanor has been acting very quiet and different...
Alvin and Brittany were downstairs in the living room watching TV with Dave
Theodore was also sat in the living room with Alvin Brittany and Dave but he was looking outside at the rain, thinking about what he could have done to make Eleanor act different
Eleanor was in sat in her bedroom on her own and was been very quiet, she was sat on the bed thinking to herself about Theodore
"Oh I don't know what to say to Theodore....I don't know whether to tell Theodore I'm going to leave him....or should I stay with him....I do like him a lot and care about him.....but I don't know if he will just hold me back in life.....I'm so confused right now..." Eleanor thought to herself
Downstairs in the living room, Brittany was talking to Alvin about how sad Theodore is without Eleanor been around him
"Alvin, I have never seen Theodore like this before...." Called Brittany
"Yea I know me neither..." Replied Alvin
"Eleanor not talking to him or even been around him has really got him down" explained Brittany
"Brittany, I think you and Jeanette should go and talk to Eleanor" Suggested Alvin
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Asked Brittany
"Yea I think it is a good idea....while Eleanor is upstairs on her own, Theodore is down here quiet sad and lonely" replied Alvin
"Ok, I will go and get Jeanette now and we will have a sister talk with Eleanor" explained Brittany
Brittany got off the sofa and went to find Jeanette
Brittany checked the kitchen first and found Simon and Jeanette there talking
"Hey'm going to go and talk to Eleanor, could you come with me please?" Asked Brittany
"Yea I will do...are you sure that now is the right time though?" Asked Jeanette
"I'm not sure...but Theodore is really sad without Eleanor been around him" replied Brittany
Jeanette looked over at Simon
"I'm going to go with Brittany and talk to my sister, hopefully we can get her to come downstairs and be herself again" explained Jeanette
"That's fine with me Jeanette, good luck to both of you....I hope Eleanor comes downstairs to join us again later" called Simon in a serious voice
With that Brittany and Jeanette went upstairs and to the bedroom Eleanor was in
Brittany knocked on the bedroom door and after a few seconds Eleanor answered
"Who is it?" Asked Eleanor in a sad voice
"It's me, Brittany and Jeanette is here too....can we come in and have a quick talk?" Asked Brittany
"Yea sure..." Replied Eleanor in a sad voice
Eleanor opened the bedroom door and let her sisters inside
"Eleanor, please tell us what's wrong" said Jeanette in a worried voice
"We care about you a lot and want to help" called Brittany
Eleanor sighed and gave in, she didn't want to argue or worry her sisters any longer...
"I don't know if I want to be in a relationship with Theodore..." Called Eleanor in a worried voice
"What? Why would you say or even think that? You love Theodore and he loves you" called Brittany in a surprised voice
"I...I'm not sure how I I just care for Theodore? Or feel sorry for him? Or do I love him? I just don't know..." Called Eleanor
"What are you talking about? Of course you love Theodore and you really do care about him....heck you have been wanting to be in a relationship with him from when we first met the chipmunks" explained Jeanette in a surprised voice
"But I want a family in the future....I don't know if Theodore will know what to do with me when that special night comes...." Called Eleanor
"Theodore probably wants a family too! With you!" Replied Brittany
"Theodore might be the cute and innocent one out of his brothers....but you are not showing him any confidence if you think that he won't know how to do 'it' with you" explained Jeanette
"I don't know if Theodore is right for me....he might be too simple minded for me and will probably want me to support him for a lot of his life" explained Eleanor in a sad voice
Brittany and Jeanette were surprised at what they were hearing and it was making Brittany very angry
"Who the f*ck, told you all this s*it?" Asked Brittany in an angry voice
"Brittany....please calm down..." Asked Eleanor in a worried voice
"No Eleanor! I don't know who has told you all this about Theodore but they are just lieing to you, who ever told you this is trying to split you and Theodore up!" Explained Brittany in an angry voice
"Trust us Eleanor, you are letting other people's horrible and negative thoughts crush your feelings for know you love him on the inside and he loves you" explained Jeanette
"But I don't know anymore if I really do love him or not....I don't know if I just care about him" Eleanor pointed out
"Eleanor please listen to us....Theodore is your boyfriend, you do love and Jeanette can tell and we are your sisters" said Brittany in a more calm voice
"If you just cared about Theodore then you wouldn't have been dating him for the past two someone is a sign that you love someone and not that you just care about them" explained Jeanette
"But is he too simple minded? Will he want my help all the time in life?" Asked Eleanor
"No, Theodore is not simple minded at all, he is just a slow learner....he will probably ask you for support in life but that's normal, you are both supposed to help and support each other....who ever told you all this has made you think Theodore is dumber then he actually is" explained Jeanette
"So are you sure Theodore is right for me? You both think I should keep my relationship with him?" Asked Eleanor in a confused voice
"Yes, Theodore is right for you Eleanor" replied Brittany
"You two are the perfect match for each other" replied Jeanette
"Thanks you glad you have both talked to me about this....I fell so much better now, I was just so confused and needed some help and advice" explained Eleanor in a happier voice
"So if you don't mind telling us, could you let us know who told you all these negative things about Theodore?" Asked Brittany
"It was....them girls from the cooking class, them that I spoke too earlier" replied Eleanor
"I knew it! It all makes sense now...." Called Brittany in a surprised voice
"I thought they were your friends?" Asked Jeanette
"Well me too....but they obviously wasn't....they messed up my head and feelings for Theodore and I nearly split up with him" replied Eleanor
"That's it! I'm going to find them girls and make sure they pay for messing with your head!" Called Brittany in an angry voice
"No....please don't fight anyone..." Called Eleanor in a worried voice
"Eleanor, a fight might break out between us after what them girls have told you" replied Brittany
"That's why I will go with you Brittany and make sure things don't get out of hand" Jeanette jumped in
"Thanks Jeanette, don't worry Eleanor we will fix everything and make sure them girls know they have done wrong" explained Brittany
"But we will not get into a fight with them, violence is not the answer" called Jeanette
Brittany sighed and nodded. She knew Jeanette was right, violence didn't solve anything
"Your right Jeanette, no violence is needed" replied Brittany
Brittany and Jeanette then looked over at Eleanor
"Now things are explained with you about Theodore, are you going to go downstairs and see him?" Asked Brittany
"Yea sure....I need to apologise to Theodore anyway, for how I was with him this afternoon" replied Eleanor
With that, Eleanor left the bedroom and went downstairs to find Theodore. Not long after Brittany and Jeanette followed Eleanor downstairs too and joined everyone again
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. What do you think Brittany and Eleanor will say to the girls from the cooking class, to reason with them? Do you think reasoning with the girls from the cooking class and explaining what they had done wrong will be quick? Or do you think it will be a bit of a challenge to reason with them?
Also, now Eleanor has come back to her sensors, what do you think she will tell Theodore when she apologises? Do you think she will explain everything to him about her having mixed feelings going off in her head? And do you think Eleanor will make it up to Theodore, for ignoring him this afternoon?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
By the way, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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