Part 52 - The Exams Are Finally Over, Just 6 Weeks Wait Now Till Results Day...

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Friday, 14th of June, 2:45pm, At School
The Chipmunks and Chipettes were just leaving school after completing there last exam. The six of them had just sat the Science (Physics) exam and now all the exams were finished
Everyone in the school was so happy for the exams to finally be over and now they could relax for the summer
"Omg! We did it! We finally finished our exams!" Shouted Brittany in a happy voice
"Yea I know I am so happy too! We have officially left school!" Called Alvin in a happy voice
"We have really finished school?" Asked Theodore in a shocked voice
"Yea we have Theodore, we never have to come back here again" replied Alvin
"Aside from the leavers assembly next week on Wednesday" called Eleanor
"What? Are you been serious? Why does school keep making excuses for us to come back?" Asked Alvin
Brittany put her hand on Alvin's shoulder "Don't worry Alvin, the leavers assembly will be well as sad" explained Brittany
"It's the last time we will see everyone in school and it will be an assembly of the five years we have been here at this school" explained Jeanette
"Ok, ok...I get your point...I'm sure the leavers assembly will be fine" said Alvin quickly
Brittany giggled at Alvin's current behaviour and actions, they were hilarious to watch to her
"What happens now we have left school?" Asked Theodore
"We look for a part time job or a place in college" explained Simon
"Oh...sounds boring...but if that's what we have to do, then that's what we will do" replied Theodore
"We should ask Dave if he will take us out somewhere special for tea to celebrate" called Brittany
"Yea that's a great idea sister" called Jeanette with a smile
"Come on then, Dave is probably waiting for us..." Called Simon
The Chipmunks and Chipettes were making there way towards reception.....until they came across the four girls from Theodore and Eleanor's cooking class
The Brittany and Jeanette stopped walking and Alvin turned around and spoke up
"What's wrong with you two?" Joked Alvin
"We just have something to sort out with the girls from the cooking class, you four go....we will catch up with you in a few minutes" explained Brittany
The Chipmunks started walking but Eleanor didn't move
"Are you sure you two know what you doing? That this is really a good idea?" Asked Eleanor in a worried voice
"Yes we know what we are doing Eleanor, now you go with the boys, we won't be too long" replied Brittany
"Trust us sister, we know what we are I'm here to make sure things don't go out of hand" explained Jeanette
Eleanor nodded and trusted both of her sisters judgements. She turned around and went to find the Chipmunks and wait with them
Brittany and Jeanette approached the girls and Brittany spoke up
"Hey girls" called Brittany
"Who are you two?" Asked Chelsea
"We are Eleanor's sisters, this is Brittany and I'm Jeanette" replied Jeanette
"Oh we know you two, Eleanor talks about you two and the Chipmunks all the time" called Megan
"So what has brought you two over here, to talk to us?" Asked Beth
"We would just like to tell you four.....that you are horrible mean mother frickin freaks!" Shouted Brittany
"What was that?" Asked Rachel
"You heard me! Mean mother frickin freaks!" Repeated Brittany
Chelsea moved closer and was about to hit Brittany but her friends held her back
"What's your problem?" Asked Megan
"My problem is you four thinking it is fine to mess up my younger sisters mind up!" Brittany fired back
"What were you all thinking? Telling our sister that her current boyfriend Theodore is not good enough for her! Eleanor nearly left Theodore yesterday and was so confused after what she was told!" Explained Jeanette
"We had to bring her back to reality!" Called Brittany
"We was trying to help her..." Started Rachel before she was cut off
"Help her? You four are horrible!" Called Jeanette
"Now listen to us! Leave Eleanor alone and never speak to her again!" Called Brittany in a serious voice
"Don't even think of trying to mess up her or Theodore's minds neither!" Jeanette jumped in
The four girls sighed and gave in, they knew they couldn't win this argument
"Fine! We promise to leave Eleanor and her boyfriend Theodore alone.....however you tell Eleanor and Theodore not to come anywhere near us or to talk to us ever again, that's our end of the bargain" explained Chelsea
Brittany nodded and spoke up
"We will tell Theodore and Eleanor later to never speak to you again and that you four will leave them alone" replied Brittany in a serious voice
With that, Brittany and Jeanette left the girls and went to reception to find and join the others
When Brittany and Jeanette got to reception, they heard Simon and Theodore talking
"So when do we get our results back from our exams?" Asked Theodore
"In 6 weeks time so some time in July or early August" replied Simon
"Wow, 6 weeks is a long time to wait" called Alvin
"Hey everyone, we are back" said Brittany in a happy voice
"Hey Brittany, have missed you not been here with me" called Alvin with a smile
Brittany giggled "We was only gone five minutes" replied Brittany
"Everything is sorted now Eleanor, the girls are not going to talk or bother you or Theodore anymore, as long as you two don't talk to them" explained Jeanette
"You didn't hurt anyone did you?" Asked Eleanor in a worried voice
"No silly, of course we didn't" replied Jeanette
"What do you mean everything is sorted?" Asked Simon
"" Said Jeanette lost for words
"It's nothing to worry about Simon, just a little something between us three boys wouldn't understand so we won't try to explain" joked Brittany
"Ha ha, very boys are not stupid you know" Alvin joked back
With that the Chipmunks and Chipettes all left school and found Dave
They all got in the car and Dave started driving
"Hey everyone, how was your last day of exams?" Asked Dave
"It was great Dave, I think I did well in that science exam" replied Simon
"I am so glad the exams are finally over!" Called Alvin
Everyone then started laughing
"What's so funny?" Asked Alvin
"Nothing Alvin, don't worry" replied Dave
"Hey Dave, now the exams are over can we go somewhere special for dinner tonight to celebrate?" Asked Theodore
"Well it turns out I have booked somewhere for you all tonight all ready" replied Dave in a happy voice
"Where? Where are we going?" Asked Brittany in an excited voice
"I am taking you all to a restaurant that has just opened recently called 'Casa Bonita' I think you will all like it there" explained Dave
Everyone cheered with excitement
"Wow, thanks Dave" called Eleanor
"No problem everyone...I hope you all enjoy it" replied Dave
"What is 'Casa Bonita' Dave? Is it just a restaurant?" Asked Simon
"It's a restaurant that sells Mexican food and has lots of fun activities to do while your there, such as singing and dancing with Mexican performers on stage, exploring a pirate cave for sweets and a couple of water slides" explained Dave
"Wow, it sounds amazing! Am so excited to go" called Jeanette in a happy voice
"I know, I am looking forward to it too" replied Dave
With that, Dave drove back home and let the Chipmunks and Chipettes rest for a few hours before taking them out to Casa Bonita later that night
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Now the Chipmunks and Chipettes have finished their exams, they have the whole summer off. What sort of things do you think they will get up too? Do you think they will do a bit of traveling and preforming? Maybe role play as superhero's again? Or just have a few days at home relaxing?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, let me know if you would like me to do the next part on the Chipmunks, Chipettes and Dave going to Casa Bonita?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
I think it would make a great part as a party type place (Casa Bonita) for the Chipmunks and Chipettes to celebrate but will let you as readers decide 😉
By the way, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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