Part 29 - Dave, We Need To Go Shopping, Can You Distract Eleanor For The Day?

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Saturday, 4th of May, 10:30am, At Dave's house
In Alvin and Brittany's bedroom
It was finally the weekend and the Chipmunks and Chipettes were relieved. All six of them were tired out by the large amount of revision they were having to do at school and at home too
Alvin had just woken up and looked across at the little crib, Dave had bought him and Brittany for their baby chipmunks
Alvin got out of bed and looked in the crib to see the baby chipmunks
"Aw, they are so cute" Alvin said to himself quietly
Just then Musharna woke up and stared at Alvin for a few seconds
"Daddy...." Called Musharna with a baby laugh afterwards
"Aw, morning my little girl, you look happy this morning" called Alvin
Musharna continued to laugh and smile at Alvin
"It will be great when you guys are all a bit older and can talk full sentences, then we can have normal talks to each other" explained Alvin to Musharna
Musharna then closed her eyes, so Alvin started nursing her back to sleep
Once Musharna was asleep and back in the crib Alvin turned around and Brittany waking up. She looked across the bedroom and saw Alvin next to the crib
"Morning" greeted Brittany
"Morning Beautiful" replied Alvin in a happy voice
"Oh...I'm so tried, I could sleep for a few more hours" called Brittany
"Go back to sleep then Brittany, there is nothing stopping you" replied Alvin with a smile
"I would do that....but we have to go shopping with Theodore and Jeanette for Eleanor's birthday" called Brittany
"Oh yea, your right....I will go and see if Theodore is up too" called Alvin leaving the bedroom
Alvin left his bedroom and went in the one where the others were sleeping. He put his head around the door and there was no one in the bedroom
Alvin then went downstairs and found everyone in the living room
Once Alvin went into the living room, everyone turned around and looked at him
"Morning Alvin" called Theodore
"Morning Theodore and everyone else" replied Alvin
"What have you and Brittany been doing upstairs? Do you know what time it is?" Asked Simon in an annoyed voice
"What do you mean what have me and Brittany been doing? We have been sleeping and it's probably about 9am or something close to that" replied Alvin
"It's actually just gone 10:30am Alvin" called Jeanette
"Oh gosh, we better get ready" called Alvin running back upstairs
He went into his and Brittany's bedroom and spoke up
"Brittany, it's just gone 10:30am....we have overslept" explained Alvin quickly
"Oh god, I didn't know it was that time, I will go and get washed up in the start getting ready" called Brittany in a surprised voice
Alvin took his pyjamas off and put his red hoodie on. He quickly did his hair and was on his way downstairs till he heard Brittany call his name
"Alvin! Can you pick some clothes out for me please?" Asked Brittany
Alvin turned around and went back into the bedroom
"Hmm....where shall I start? I know Brittany has some tops in here and skirts in there...." Alvin thought to himself
Alvin had a look around the bedroom and after a few minutes he picked out an outfit for Brittany. He then made his way downstairs and into the kitchen
Alvin put a few waffles in the toaster and poured out two glasses of fruit juice, one each for him and Brittany
Once the waffles were done, Alvin got out two plates and started eating his breakfast
About 20 minutes later, Brittany arrived downstairs. Alvin took her breakfast and fruit juice too her and they sat down on the sofa with Theodore and Eleanor
"Thanks for getting me something for breakfast Alvin....and picking out an outstanding outfit for me" called Brittany in a happy voice
"Aw no problem Brittany, I would do anything for you" replied Alvin in a caring voice
"By the way, what took you so long to get ready?" Asked Alvin
Brittany looked at Alvin and raised her eyebrows "I'm a girl, Alvin! It takes girls longer to get ready then boys!" replied Brittany
"I know didn't need to tell me the obvious" joked Alvin with a small laugh
"Ha ha, very funny.....if you really want to know, girls have to dry their hair after washing it, then then get some clothes on, brush their hair...which could take up to 5 minutes to get right and...." Explained Brittany before she was cut off
"Ok, forget I said anything" Alvin jumped in quickly
After Alvin and Brittany had there Breakfast, Jeanette called both of them and Theodore over
"Are we ready to go?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea I think so..." Replied Alvin
"Wait! What are we going to tell Dave?" Asked Alvin
"That we are going shopping" whispered Theodore
"Ok, I will tell Dave and make an excuse up why Eleanor can't three go and wait outside for me" explained Brittany
Brittany went to Dave, who was sat at the table reading a newspaper
"Hey Dave" called Brittany
"Oh, morning Brittany I didn't think you and Alvin were going to get up today" joked Dave
"Dave, me Alvin Jeanette and Theodore are going shopping to each get Eleanor something for her birthday....but she doesn't know that" explained Brittany
"It's Eleanor's birthday soon?" Asked Dave in a surprised voice
"Yea Dave, but don't tell her where us four have gone ok? Just keep her distracted for the day" asked Brittany in a serious voice
"Don't worry I won't tell Eleanor....just don't be out all day and come back before 6pm" called Dave
"Thanks Dave" called Brittany with a smile
"Here Brittany, you can use my credit card to buy Eleanor's presents....just don't spend too much" explained Dave
Brittany was surprised. Dave was trusting them with his credit card
"Wow, thanks Dave...don't worry we won't spend too much while we are out....see you later" called Brittany before leaving the house
Brittany went outside and Alvin, Jeanette and Theodore were waiting for her
"Ok, I cleared it with Dave, we can go shopping till 6pm and we have borrowed his credit card to buy the presents" explained Brittany
Alvin, Jeanette and Theodore all looked as surprised as Brittany did
"I know I can't believe Dave trusts us neither....anyway, let's get going" called Brittany
20 minutes later, At The Shopping Mall
"Anyone got any ideas what to buy Eleanor for her birthday?" Asked Brittany
"I know....I asked her last night before bed" called Theodore in a happy voice
Alvin, Brittany and Jeanette gave Theodore there full attention
"She wants some new clothes, I know she wants a few more dresses and she wants a pet cat....but I told her I don't think we can afford one of them" explained Theodore
"Eleanor wants a pet cat?" Asked Jeanette in a surprised voice
"Are you sure you heard her right?" Asked Brittany
"Yea, I'm positive that's what she asked for..." Replied Theodore
"Doesn't Eleanor want any new DVDs for her birthday?" Asked Alvin
"Not that I know of" replied Theodore
"Oh right..." Called Alvin in a surprised voice
"Ok, we will go to Primark first, see if we can find Eleanor some nice clothes...well dresses for her birthday" called Alvin
"Then the pet shop afterwards..." Theodore jumped in
"Yea ok...we will go to Primark and the pet shop afterwards..." started Brittany
"But we are not going to say for definite that we are going to buy her a pet cat" finished Jeanette
Theodore looked down at the ground but Alvin put his arm on Theodore 
"Don't worry Theodore, I will make sure we get Eleanor a pet cat" whispered Alvin
With that, Alvin Brittany Jeanette and Theodore got started with there shopping for Eleanor's birthday!
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think the four of them will find everything they want to buy Eleanor for her birthday? Do you think Brittany and Jeanette will let Alvin and Theodore buy Eleanor a cat for her birthday?
Also, do you think Alvin Brittany Simon and Jeanette have got a surprise party planned for Eleanor?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Sorry I haven't updated this book for a few days everyone, I have been really busy with revision for an exam I have next week. I hope you all understand 🤗
By the way, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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