Part 39 - Your Results From The Mok Exams, Everyone...

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Monday, 13th of May, 8:45am, At School
The Chipmunks and Chipettes had just arrived at school after Dave dropped them off but they were all very tired after last nights party
Dave did let the Chipmunks and Chipettes stop in bed a little longer then normal, but he didn't let them stop in bed a lot longer because he knew they had to be at school for 9am
The Chipmunks and Chipettes were now on their way to the form room for form time
"Man, I'm so tired....I need sleep" called Alvin in a tired voice
"Yea no kidding I feel the same" replied Brittany
"Jeanette, we need to buy a coffee at break time, to wake us up" explained Simon
"Oh...ok...I guess a coffee would help us out" called Jeanette
On the way to the form room they come across Ned
"Hey Ned, how are you this morning?" Asked Simon
"I'm not too good..." Replied Ned
"What? Why, what's wrong?" Asked Eleanor
"You know that girl I told you guys about?" Asked Ned
"No..." Replied Alvin slowly
"Yea I everything ok with you two?" Asked Jeanette quickly
"No...not now, me and Wendy got really close friends and I was going to ask her out.....but then this other boy came on the scene" explained Ned in a sad voice
"Oh no, did he take her from you?" Asked Theodore
"Yes...well no...kinda....Wendy saw Harry and fell in love with him at first sight, now she just wants to be with him and no one else, she pushed me aside" explained Ned in a sad voice
"Aw Ned, that's so sad to hear" called Brittany
"We will help you get your girlfriend back" called Alvin
"Alvin, Ned and Wendy are not even boyfriend and girlfriend, they are just close friends" explained Simon
"Oh right...sorry, but we will definitely get this Harry guy away from Wendy so you have a chance with her" explained Alvin
"Really? You will?" Asked Ned
"Yes, I'm positive....leave everything to me" called Alvin
"Thanks you guys, I really appreciate it" called Ned in a happier voice
"Anyway, we should be going, form time starts in 10 minutes" called Eleanor
"Ok, see you guys second lesson in Science" called Ned walking away from the Chipmunks and Chipettes
After Ned was gone, Brittany spoke up
"Alvin! Why did you offer to help Ned? I mean it's nice of you to help someone but you are planning on splitting up a relationship to try and make Ned happy" explained Brittany in an angry voice
"Calm down Brittany, I know what I'm doing....I will get Harry to leave Wendy alone without any problems" called Alvin in a confident voice
"How do you plan on doing that?" Asked Simon
"I talk to Harry and if he doesn't listen I will fight him after school or something" replied Alvin
"Alvin, you can't fight someone....just talk to Ned tomorrow and tell him you tried to help but you couldn't do anything" called Jeanette
"No, I'm not doing that....I am going to make sure that Ned gets to be with the girl he wants to be with" called Alvin
Brittany was worried about Alvin's decision, she looked at Jeanette and Eleanor and they looked worried too
"Don't worry, we will talk him out of it before he does anything stupid" whispered Eleanor
Everyone went in the form room and waited till 9am for Miss Wood to start form time
10 minutes later...
Miss Wood came into the classroom and had a big pile of brown envelopes
"Morning everyone, hope you all had a good weekend" called Miss Wood
There was no response from anyone in the class, people were either too tired to answer or were secretly playing on their phone under the table
"Anyway, I have got everyone's mok exam results here in this folder....I will hand them out now and let you all look at what grades you got" explained Miss Wood
Miss Wood started walking around the classroom and handed out a brown envelope to each person in the classroom
"Oh god, I'm so scared! I don't want to open mine incase I have done bad" said Jeanette in a worried voice
"Don't worry, I'm sure you will have done fine sister" called Brittany with a smile
Theodore and Simon opened there brown envelopes and looked at their results
"Wow, I got a grade B in everything aside from English, I got a grade C in that" explained Simon in a happy voice
"Oh...well...I think I did ok" called Theodore
"Shall I tell you what you did well in and what you need to work on?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea sure" replied Theodore
Eleanor looked at Theodore's results and was....OK...with them?
" got a grade C in most subjects, you just got a grade D in Maths and ICT but the rest was a grade C so a pass" explained Eleanor
"Oh wow, do you think Dave will be happy with my results?" Asked Theodore
"Yea I'm sure he will be Theodore, just do more work on Maths before the real exam" replied Eleanor
"Brittany, you open yours first" said Alvin
"Why me? Can't you open yours first?" Asked Brittany
"Ok fine, I will open mine first" replied Alvin opening his brown envelope
"What did you get?" Asked Brittany
"I got a grade D in my English Maths and Science and got a grade E in everything else aside from ICT, I somehow got a grade C in that" explained Alvin
"Are you serious? Dave will be quite mad at you for them grades Alvin" called Simon
"Don't worry Simon, I know Dave will be mad but I will just do more revision at home....." Called Alvin
Simon shook his head in disappointment and Brittany opened her brown envelope
"I did ok actually, I got a grade D in maths but got a grade C in everything else" called Brittany in a happy voice
"Well done Brittany, I'm really proud of you! It's amazing to have a super smart girlfriend!" Called Alvin in a happy voice
"I'm not super smart Alvin, but thanks for the compliment" replied Brittany with a giggle
Eleanor opened her brown envelope and was quite surprised
"I got a grade C in everything and I even got a grade B in Spanish!" Called Eleanor in an excited voice
"Wow, that's amazing! Great job Eleanor!" Called Jeanette in a happy but shocked voice
"Yea they are great results! Well done!" Called Brittany with a smile
Everyone looked over at Jeanette
"Are you going to open yours too?" Asked Brittany
"Yea....will look at mine later though..." Replied Jeanette in a worried voice
"Don't be silly Jeanette, I'm sure you did great! Open your results and me and you will look at them together.....then if you want to share with everyone else you can" explained Simon
"Ok...I will do that....I just hope I have done ok" replied Jeanette
Jeanette opened her brown envelope and her and Simon looked at her results
"See, I told you that you would have great results!" Called Simon in a happy voice
"What did you get?" Asked Theodore
"I got a grade B in everything! I am so surprised! I didn't expect that at all! Well.....everything but R.E. I got a grade C in that" explained Jeanette in a shocked voice
"Oh wow, well done, we are really proud of you Jeanette" called Brittany in a happy voice
"Thanks, can't wait to tell Dave later..." Called Jeanette with a giggle
"Ok everyone, at 9:20am you have to go to first lesson so don't forget your mok exam results, I wouldn't want you to lose them" called Miss Wood
Once 9:20am came around, everyone got their bags and left the classroom
However, Alvin was a little sad and worried with his mok exam results
"Omg, this is so embarrassing! I don't know what I am going to tell Dave about my mok exam results.....he is going to kill me. Shall I tell Brittany how I'm feeling right now? I don't know if she will laugh at me or try and support me.....I just don't know what to do...." Alvin thought to himself
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. What do you think Dave will say later when everyone shows Dave their mok exam results? Do you think he will be happy or sad with everyone's mok exam results?
Also, how will Alvin explain to Dave about his mok exam results? Will he talk to Brittany and get her to support him when he see's Dave later?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
Am just going to let you all know, I had letters for my grades when I was at school so I don't understand this new number system that is going off now.....that's the only reason the Chipmunks and Chipettes have got letters as grades instead of the numbers like you would get now 😉
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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