Part 6 - Jeanette Help's Sort Out What Has Gone Off

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Tuesday, 16th of April, same day, 5pm
Dave had just picked everyone up from school, after they had finished there 1 hour extra revision after school and was just letting them in the house
However, since Alvin and Brittany had not been talking to each other, it had made everyone worried and upset too
Alvin went into the living room and switched the TV on but he couldn't get his mind off Brittany
Brittany went upstairs and sat in her bedroom with the baby chipmunks. Whenever Brittany saw them, it reminded her of the night she and Alvin did 'it' with each other and it got her pregnant
Just then, Simon went into the living room and jumped onto the sofa to talk to Alvin
"Alvin, I can tell something is up. Me Jeanette Theodore Eleanor, we can all tell something is definitely wrong between you and Brittany, please tell me what has happened" begged Simon
"No, Simon....I don't want to talk about it, the more you ask me the more annoyed I will get....just stop!" Shouted Alvin
"Alvin, if you don't tell someone soon then you and Brittany will have a breakdown and will probably break up your relationship" explained Simon
"Don't say that Simon! Brittany would never leave me, she loves me too much....we have just had an argument and need time to sort it out" called Alvin
"Ah Ha, See...I told you something had happened, you two have had an argument, that's why you are ignoring each other" explained Simon
Alvin stood up and felt his body fill with anger
"SIMON! I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! PLEASE....JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Shouted Alvin in an angry voice
Simon fell backwards in fear. After a few seconds, he stood up, nodded and started walking away
"Alvin....I'm sorry..." Called Simon
Alvin didn't reply, he was too annoyed at Simon right now and he wasn't feeling too happy to start with
"Oh god, what shall I do? I can't live like this much longer" Alvin thought to himself
Alvin turned off the TV and sat in silence for a few minutes
"Wait...maybe Jeanette can help me? I mean give me advice and stuff" Alvin said to himself
Alvin jumped off the sofa and looked in the kitchen for Jeanette
"Only Theodore and Eleanor in there" Alvin thought to himself
Alvin knocked on the bedroom door, the bedroom that his siblings slept in. He peeped his head around the door and saw Jeanette in the bedroom on her own, on her bed reading a book
"Um...hi Jeanette" called Alvin nervously
"Alvin? What are you doing in here?" Asked Jeanette in a confused voice
"I...need help and advice from you...about me and Brittany...." Replied Alvin slowly
Jeanette put her book down and called Alvin onto her bed
"Ok, there is no rush Alvin....just tell me what happened and I will help you...I promise" explained Jeanette
"Thanks Jeanette....I don't mean this in a horrible way but, why do you want to help me?" Asked Alvin
"Because we are all family Alvin and Brittany is my sister. I hate to see her upset and I knew that asking you both too much would only annoy you both, so that's why I only asked once" explained Jeanette
"Wow, you are so need to teach Simon that, he has been asking me nearly everyday now, what is up with me and Brittany and it has been driving me nuts" explained Alvin
"Oh gosh, I'm sorry that has been happening Alvin, I will talk to Simon about it later....but right now you wanted my advice and help didn't you?" Asked Jeanette
"Oh...right....yea, well I will start from the beginning" started Alvin
"That Monday night we had the assembly at school for the revision timetable, I completely lost it....I promised Brittany I would do revision and homework with her but then more revision after school just got me worked up" explained Alvin
"Ok, well we do have our exams coming up soon so that's why we are doing a lot of revision. So explain why you lost it? What worried you so much?" Asked Jeanette
"I was worried that I wouldn't be able to spend any time with Brittany and our baby chipmunks because of all the revision and homework from school so...that's what started the argument off between us" explained Alvin
"So, did you break that promise with Brittany? Is that why your not talking?" Asked Jeanette
"Yea...I did break the promise I made with Brittany, and she went mad and won't talk to me anymore" replied Alvin
"Well, first off you shouldn't make a promise and not keep it..." Started Jeanette
"Yea I know..." Replied Alvin
"And second, don't you think that Brittany was trying to help you? She wanted to do revision with you so that you could both benefit from it and both pass your exams" explained Jeanette
"Well, I guess your right....I didn't see it that way, I just got angry with myself and didn't think about anything at the time" replied Alvin
"See Alvin, Brittany wasn't trying to make you do Revision with her for nothing, she was only trying to help you" explained Jeanette
"Wow, I messed up, big time" replied Alvin
"I think we should go and talk to her" called Jeanette
"What? We can't do that, she won't even look at me if I call her name anymore....I think she really hates me" replied Alvin
Jeanette giggled "Don't be silly Alvin, Brittany doesn't hate you, she just needed a bit of time apart so you could see she was helping you" replied Jeanette in a happy voice
"Ok, but can you go with me?" Asked Alvin
"Yea but you will have to talk with Brittany, not me" joked Jeanette
In Alvin and Brittany's bedroom
Brittany looked outside and watched the rain pour down the window and it made her cry too
"I wish Alvin would see I was only trying to help him by asking him to do revision....he just doesn't seem to care about his exams and I really wish he did...I want him to come back in my life and love me again" Brittany thought to herself
Just then, there was a knock at the door
"Come in" called Brittany in a sad voice
Alvin and Jeanette came in the bedroom
"Jeanette, please take Alvin out of here. I don't want to speak to him right now" asked Brittany in a sad voice
"Brittany...Me and Alvin have had a talk, about what started this argument" explained Jeanette
"I bet he still thinks I'm the bad guy though...." Called Brittany
"Brittany, I understand everything now, about what you said and why you made that promise with me last week, please talk to me, I want to make things right" explained Alvin in a caring voice
"Ok fine, I will give it a try...Jeanette, close the bedroom door and stay downstairs with the others please" said Brittany in more of a command
Jeanette closed the door behind her and Alvin sat on the bed and looked at Brittany but Brittany looked down at the floor
"Ok...Brittany, last week on Monday, I was wrong....I was very wrong, I let anger get the best of me and I didn't see that you was trying to help me" explained Alvin
"Keep going...." Called Brittany hinting Alvin to continue
"You wanted me to do revision and homework with you because our exams are coming up soon and they are really important, you wasn't doing it to upset me or anything and now I see this, please forgive me" finished Alvin
Brittany looked at Alvin and smiled "I'm glad you see it how I see it, I only got you to make a promise with me because I knew it would help us both out" replied Brittany
"So can we go back to normal now? Can I talk with you and love you all day long again?" Asked Alvin in a happy voice
Brittany giggled "Yea sure, I forgive you Alvin, from now on we will both forget about that argument last week and you can love me as much as you want" explained Brittany
"Aw thanks Brittany, I have missed talking to you so much" replied Alvin in a happy voice
"Yea me too.....but until you understand why I asked you to do revision with me, I forced myself not to talk to you" replied Brittany
"But now things are sorted out, we can be a happy family again.....just one stupid question. You wasn't ever going to leave me was you?" Asked Alvin
"What? No silly, I would never leave you" replied Brittany with a giggle
"That's good then, I had the horrible thought in my head that's all" explained Alvin
"Anyway, let's forget about that and Alvin..." Started Brittany
"Yea?" Asked Alvin
"Can you help me bath the baby chipmunks tonight?" Asked Brittany
"Yes, of course I will" replied Alvin in a happy voice
With that, Alvin and Brittany were now talking to each other again and things were back to normal. They have just got to help each other with revision and homework until the exams are over
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Now Alvin and Brittany are talking, the two of them and everyone else will be doing revision and preparing for their mok exams.
When do you think everyone will start taking there mok exams? Do you think it will be soon like the end of April? Or do you think it will be some time in May?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
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Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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