Part 28 - The Museum School Trip (Part 2)

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Friday, 3rd of May, Same Day, 10:30am, At The Museum
In The Gift Shop
Alvin, Brittany, Theodore and Eleanor all went into the gift shop and all had a look around. They didn't rush around though.....they spent as long as possible so that Simon and Jeanette were with Ned
Theodore was showing Eleanor some of the stuff you could buy from the gift shop
"Wow Eleanor, look...a bag of toffee" called Theodore
Eleanor giggled at Theodore and shook her head
"And some Fudge over there..." Called Theodore pointing at a shelf
"Ok, let's look at the other end of the shop now, not the sweet side" suggested Eleanor
"Oh...ok then" replied Theodore
At the other side of the gift shop, Alvin and Brittany were talking and looking around
"This is a pretty big gift shop, I'm quite surprised!" Called Alvin in a surprised voice
"Yea I is quite a big shop, I'm just glad we got a break from Ned" replied Brittany
"Hey Brittany?" Asked Alvin in a confused voice
"Yea Alvin? Is something wrong?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"Do you think that something bad happened to Ned?.....I mean in the past?" Asked Alvin
"I don't know....probably yea, he is so nervous all the time and it's not exactly normal behaviour" replied Brittany
"I think we should ask him..." Suggested Alvin
"What? Are you crazy?" Asked Brittany in shock
"No I'm serious Brittany, I want to know if anything bad did happen in his past" replied Alvin in a serious voice
Brittany shook her head "Ok Alvin, we will ask him.....but don't blame me when he won't leave us alone" replied Brittany
After a few more minutes of looking around the gift shop, Theodore and Eleanor met up with Alvin and Brittany and the four of them left the gift shop
On the way out of the gift shop, Alvin explained he wanted to ask Ned about his past....but Eleanor was the same as Brittany, and thought it was a bad idea...
In The Ancient Artefacts Part Of The Museum
Simon, Jeanette and Ned had made there way to the ancient artefacts part of the Museum. They had just finished looking around this part of the Museum, but they had been there for at least 20 minutes
"Where shall we go next?" Asked Jeanette
"There is the Art Gallery I would like to check out" called Simon
"S-Sounds...great!" Called Ned in a nervous voice
Simon, Jeanette and Ned all made there way to the Art Gallery in the Museum. The three of them started walking around the Art Gallery and each of them pointing out which paintings they liked best
"That's a cool painting" called Simon
"Y-Yes...I like...t-that one....too" replied Ned nervously
"Hey Simon, look at this one!" Called Jeanette in a happy voice
Simon and Ned walked to Jeanette and looked at the painting Jeanette was pointing too
"Yea, I like that one too Jeanette, do you know who it is?" Asked Simon
Jeanette glared at Simon "Of course I know who that is! It's Mona Lisa! Was that a joke to piss me off!" Shouted Jeanette
"Wow, hold on Jeanette....I'm sorry, I just asked you a genuine question....I did not mean it as a joke or a way to annoy you" explained Simon quickly
Jeanette's face then turned to a frown and she looked at the ground
"Sorry for shouting Simon" called Jeanette in a sad voice
Simon put his arm on Jeanette's shoulder "Don't worry Jeanette, it was kinda my fault for asking a stupid question....let's forget about it now" called Simon in a caring voice
Just then, Alvin, Brittany, Theodore and Eleanor appeared in the Art Gallery too
"Simon, Jeanette, Ned....there you are!" Called Alvin
"There you all are....where have you been?" Asked Simon in a serious voice
"In the gift shop, we kinda lost track of time" replied Eleanor with a giggle
"Um...Ned, Alvin would like to ask you something, if that's ok?" Called Brittany in a worried voice
"S-Sure....I don't mind....q-questions" replied Ned in a nervous voice
Ned then turned to Alvin and Alvin spoke up
", if you don't mind can you tell me if anything bad has happened in your life....well past?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"Alvin! What kind of question is that!" Asked Simon in an annoyed voice
"You can't ask someone a personal question like that" called Jeanette
"N-No it's two....I will answer his....q-question" called Ned quickly
Everyone looked at Ned and waited for him to speak
"Ok, I-I will tell you friends....a bit about my past" started Ned in a nervous voice
"I h-have never really had....any friends....because most of my life, I have.....been h-home schooled" explained Ned in a nervous voice
Brittany and Eleanor looked surprised
"Wow, something sad did happen to Ned, Alvin was right..." Brittany thought to herself
"What does that mean?" Asked Theodore in confusion
"It means he didn't go to school to learn, he was taught everything at home" explained Simon
"I-I only stopped.....the home school treatment and.....actually s-started school in year is only m-my third y-year at school..." Explained Ned in a nervous voice
"Is this why you are so nervous all the time? Because you haven't had much time in school and chance to mix in with other make friends?" Asked Jeanette
"Y-yes...that's r-right" replied Ned nervously
The Chipmunks and Chipettes all looked shocked. They were all surprised to hear all this news from Ned
"I-I hope you....all understand where I'm....c-coming from....and w-why I don't fit in with the" explained Ned in a sad voice
"Ned, we all totally understand you now....and we are so sorry for how we treated you, please forgive us all and give us another chance to make things right" explained Alvin
"W-What do you....mean? You g-guys haven't....done anything wrong, you....are my friends...I think? Are you f-friends?" Asked Ned in confusion
"Yes, we are your friends Ned" called Jeanette
"We are sorry for not been completely nice to Simon has been" called Eleanor
"I-I don't know think you h-have done....wrong, b-but to haven't done any-thing have all been g-great friends to me...since we met" explained Ned in a nervous voice
Everyone looked at each other and back at Ned
"Well since we are all friends with you Ned, we will include you in some of the time while at school" explained Brittany
"T-Thanks guys!" called Ned in a happy voice
2 hours later...
The Chipmunks, Chipettes and Ned were now making there way to reception as the time they had at the Museum had finished
"Ok, let's do a register..." Called Miss Wood
After a few minutes, Miss Wood spoke up
"Ok, everyone is back in time....which is a surprise" explained Miss Wood
"Did you all complete your booklets while at the Museum?" Asked Miss Wood
The whole Class nodded but Miss Wood knew some of the students were telling lies
Miss Wood opened the doors and looked back at the students
"Ok the minibus is can all start getting on now...anyone in Miss Jones class has to wait in reception for her to come back" explained Miss Wood
"See you later Ned" called Simon
"Thanks for sharing your past with us" called Theodore
"Yea thanks Ned, we promise to treat you fairly from now on...." started Alvin
"And let you join in our activities at school sometimes" finished Brittany
"T-Thanks everyone....w-will see you...all back at school..." Called Ned in a nervous voice
The Chipmunks and Chipettes all said bye to Ned and got on the minibus to go back to school
Once everyone was in the minibus, Miss Wood told the driver to set off
"Oh man!" Called Theodore in a sad voice
"What's wrong Theodore?" Asked Eleanor
"We didn't buy any Fudge or toffee while we were at the Museum..." Replied Theodore in a sad voice
Eleanor giggled and talked to Theodore
"Don't worry Theodore, we have plenty of sweets at home" replied Eleanor
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Ned will become a more popular kid in school now he can hang around with the Chipmunks and Chipettes? Do you think Ned will get more friends with the Chipmunks and Chipettes, giving him encouragement? Also, do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes enjoyed the Museum school trip? 🤔
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
What did you think to Ned's backstory? Did you think it was any good or not? I wanted to think of something different but not too dark or sad so that's where this idea came from...🤔
Let me know what you thought of the backstory anyway 🤗
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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