Part 58 - The Best Night Ever!

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Monday, 24th of June, Same Day, 8pm
Outside The Building Where The Prom Is Been Held
Dave had just dropped the Chipmunks and Chipettes off, outside the posh building where the school Prom was been held
After Dave had drove off the Chipmunks and Chipettes looked at the building and were all very surprised
"Wow, this place looks amazing!" Called Brittany
"Yea I know, I have never been in a building like this before" said Alvin
"How did school pay for a building like this?" Asked Theodore
"Not sure Theodore....the school has probably just rented the building out for tonight anyway" replied Simon
Brittany then grabbed hold of Alvin's arm and spoke up
"Come on then Alvin, walk me in" said Brittany with a smile
"Ok, let's go inside and find a table to sit at" replied Alvin in a happy voice
"After all, you are your beautiful date for the prom" Alvin whispered to Brittany
Alvin walked himself and Brittany into the building holding hands with her
Behind them followed by Simon and Jeanette who were also holding hands
Finally, Theodore and Eleanor went into the building at the back of the group and they walked into the building giggling and blushing at each other
The Chipmunks and Chipettes all went into the room and looked around at how many people were there
"This place is quite packed" called Eleanor
"Yea I know, I wasn't expecting this many people to come" explained Simon
"Where does everyone want to sit?" Asked Jeanette
"Don't mind where we sit really" replied Brittany
"Me neither, we will probably be getting up later and dancing anyway" Eleanor pointed out
"Why don't you girls decide where to sit and us boys will walk you to the table" suggested Alvin
The Chipettes giggled and looked around the room
"Over there looks fine" called Eleanor
"Ok, boys lets go to our table" said Brittany with a giggle
The Chipmunks walked the Chipettes to the table they wanted
Alvin pulled out a chair for Brittany before she sat down. Simon did the same and Theodore watched his brothers first before taking any actions
Once the girls were seated, the boys sat down afterwards
30 minutes later, 8:30pm
Over the 30 minutes or so that the Chipmunks and Chipettes had been at the prom, they had all talked to each other about what meal they will get tonight at the prom and what will happen afterwards
Once everyone had arrived at the prom, staff that had been paid to work by the school started walking around each of the tables with food and drink
"I hope we get a big meal, I'm starving" called Theodore in an excited voice
Eleanor giggled and spoke up "Your always hungry, what's new?" Joked Eleanor
"Don't get your hopes up Theodore, we might get something decent size but not something big, like a three course meal" explained Simon
"Wonder if we are having a burger and chips?" Asked Alvin
Brittany put her hand over her face and then turned and gave Alvin a disgusting look
"What? I just hope we get something nice like...." Started Alvin before he was cut off
"Alvin, please act mature and don't say anything else stupid like that, at least while we are here please....I don't want to be embarrassed tonight" said Brittany in a serious voice
Alvin slowly nodded "Sorry Brittany, I understand what you mean.." Replied Alvin in a sad voice
"Cheer up Alvin, I'm sure you will enjoy what ever meal comes" called Jeanette
Staff arrived at the table where the Chipmunks and Chipettes were sitting and put six plates on the table
"Here is your meal and a glass of wine, enjoy everyone" said one of the men serving food before walking away
Once everyone had gone away and just the six of them were at the table, Alvin spoke up
"What is this?" Asked Alvin in a shocked voice
"Its Salad silly" said Eleanor with a giggle
"I thought we was getting a meal....not leafs on a plate" called Alvin
"Alvin, Dave gives us Salad at home sometimes, just not that often" Simon pointed out
"If you don't want your Salad, I will have it" called Theodore
Eleanor tapped Theodore on his shoulder and shook her head at him
"Don't worry, I'm sure you will enjoy it once you start" said Brittany in a happy voice
"Yea....don't worry Brittany, I will still eat my meal....even if it is just leafs on a plate" replied Alvin
Once the Chipmunks and Chipettes had eaten their Salad, another man that was serving brought some Chocolate Cake to the table
"Now that's more like it!" Called Alvin in a happy voice making everyone else laugh
"I didn't know you liked Chocolate Cake" joked Brittany
"Well you don't know me very well then" Alvin joked back
After everyone had finished eating and drinking at 9pm, the staff took all the plates in and the DJ put some music on
"Ok everyone! Come on down to the dance floor and do some party dances!" Called the DJ
"Hey Brittany, will you dance with me?" Asked Alvin in a romantic voice
"Yes of course I will Alvin" replied Brittany in a happy voice
"Simon, shall we go and dance with everyone else?" Asked Jeanette
"No...I don't want to dance in public" replied Simom
"What? You dance, sing and perform on stage....why won't you dance with me?" Asked Jeanette
"I...I have never danced with a girl before..." Simon admitted
"Aw, don't worry Simon I will help and guide you" replied Jeanette getting her and Simon up
"Wow, I love to dance! Can we join in with them?" Asked Theodore
"Yea sure, but you have to take care of me and make sure I have a good time" replied Eleanor with a giggle
"Oh...ok, I'm sure you will be safe dancing and I always take care of you" explained Theodore
Once the Chipmunks, Chipettes and a few other school kids were on the dance floor, the DJ put on the 'Macarena'
45 minutes later, 9:45pm
After the DJ had put on a few party dances, the Chipmunks and Chipettes decided to sit down 5 to 10 minutes to get there energy back
"Wow, that was amazing! I had a great time dancing with you Brittany!" Called Alvin in a happy voice
"Aw thanks Alvin, I have enjoyed dancing with you too!" Replied Brittany in a happy voice
"See Simon, I told you dancing with me would be fun" called Jeanette
"Yea it was fun, I was just worried about messing up and embarrassing myself with you" replied Simon
"Thanks for dancing with me Theodore" said Eleanor with a smile
"No problem Eleanor, I try my best to make you happy" replied Theodore in a happy voice
Just then, Ned and Wendy came to the Chipmunks and Chipettes
"Hey everyone, hope you are all having a good time" greeted Ned
"Oh hey Ned, yea we are having a good time and it's great to see you and Wendy here" replied Simon
"Well Ned asked me to the prom and I couldn't refuse, he is such a great guy" explained Wendy making Ned blush
"Wendy, I know we have all left school now but if you ever want to meet us girls in the summer holiday you can do" called Brittany
"Same for you Ned, if you want me and my brothers to meet up with you over the summer, give us a call" explained Alvin
"Thanks guys, that's really kind of you and yea I would like us all to keep in touch" replied Ned
"By the way, has Ned told you about our surprise?" Asked Wendy
"No, what surprise?" Asked Eleanor
"Me and Wendy are in a relationship now! So we are officially boyfriend and girlfriend!" Said Ned in a happy voice
"Wow, that's great news, how long you been going out with each other?" Asked Jeanette
"One month at the moment but things are going great between us" replied Wendy
"Anyway, we better get going....see you guys later" said Ned with a smile
"Bye Ned, bye Wendy" called the Chipmunks and Chipettes as they were leaving
"Aw, I think they make a cute couple" Eleanor pointed out
"Yea me too" called Jeanette
"So who's ready for another dance?" Asked Alvin
"I am! Come on everyone, let's get back up and onto the dance floor!" Replied Brittany in an excited voice
With that, the Chipmunks and Chipettes all got up and went back to the dance floor, and danced the night away....until 11:30pm when Dave come to pick them all up
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this part. Do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes enjoyed themselves at the school prom? Do you think Alvin Simon and Theodore looked after Brittany Jeanette and Eleanor well? and made sure they all had a great time? What do you think Dave will have said to the Chipmunks and Chipettes, picking them up at 11:30pm?
Also, do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes were happy and/or surprised to see Ned and Wendy at the school prom? Do you think the Chipmunks and Chipettes will see Ned and Wendy over the summer?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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