Part 32 - A Calm and Peaceful Walk Through The Park

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Tuesday, 7th of May, 4:30pm, At Dave's house
The Chipmunks and Chipettes had been home about an hour now from school and had done the two mok exams they had today and the two they had yesterday. Dave didn't put any pressure or stress on them, he just asked each of them how the mok exams today went and left it at that...
However, Dave told everyone do what they wanted and not to get stressed out or do something they enjoy
Simon and Jeanette were watching "How It's Made" on TV as they both like that program
Theodore and Eleanor were making a cake in the kitchen (with Dave's assistance) for everyone
And finally, Alvin and Brittany were upstairs in their bedroom with their baby chipmunks
Brittany laid down on the bed and sighed
"Wow, we have only had two mok exams today and I'm feeling the pressure already" explained Brittany in a tired voice
"Yea, I get what you mean....I feel the same" replied Alvin
Brittany yawned and turned over on the bed
"Your not going to sleep now are you?" Asked Alvin
"I was....but I won't if you have something else you want me to do" replied Brittany
"Well...I...I was thinking we could go for a walk, me and our baby Chipmunks" suggested Alvin
"A walk? Wow, that sounds fun, you me and our kids....but where shall we all go?" Asked Brittany
"I was thinking about a walk through the park if that's ok with you?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure, we need to spend more time out as a family.....well I mean our family Alvin, you me and our kids" replied Brittany in a happy voice
"Ok cool, shall I tell Dave that we are going out for a walk to the park, while you get yourself and the kids ready?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure, we will wait for you in here don't worry" replied Brittany
Alvin went downstairs and into the kitchen. He jumped on the side and saw Theodore and Eleanor making a cake
"Oh...hi Alvin" called Theodore
"Hey bro, have you seen Dave lately?" Asked Alvin
"Yea, he was in here with us....assisting us while we cook, he might be in the living room right now though" replied Eleanor
"Oh right thanks you two" called Alvin with a smile
"Why? What do you want to see Dave for?" Asked Theodore
"Me and Brittany are going to go out for a walk in the park, us two and our kids" explained Alvin
"Oh wow, that sounds fun, hope you two enjoy yourselves" replied Eleanor with a giggle
Alvin then went into the living room and found Dave
"Hey Dave" called Alvin
"Oh hi Alvin" replied Dave
"Is it ok for me and Brittany to have a quick walk through the park with our baby chipmunks? We will be back before it goes dark" explained Alvin
"Yes, that's ok....but you both must be back before it goes dark, or I will have to punish you both" replied Dave
"Thanks Dave, your the best....and I promise we will be back before it goes dark" called Alvin going back upstairs
Alvin went back upstairs and into his and Brittany's bedroom
"Ok, I have told Dave we are going out to the park, are you ready to go?" Asked Alvin
"Yea, I'm ready if your ready" replied Brittany with a giggle
Brittany then passed Alvin a chipmunk size pram (what Dave made for them) while Brittany carried all 5 of the baby chipmunks downstairs
Alvin then opened the back door and put the pram down. Brittany then stepped outside the house too and placed all 5 baby chipmunks in the pram
" we go" called Alvin in a happy voice
Brittany pushed the pram and Alvin and Brittany started there walk to the park
10 minutes later...
Alvin and Brittany were now at the park and they both went inside
They both walked around the park for 15 minutes or so and then they sat down on a bench and parked the pram up next to them
"Alvin, I thank you so much for this" called Brittany in a happy voice
"For what?" Asked Alvin in confusion
"For suggesting we should go for a walk through the park as a's so calm, nice and peaceful" replied Brittany in a happy voice
"Oh right....yea, it just sounded great in my head that's all....and I like it when we go out places together, even more as a family" explained Alvin with a smile
Brittany grabbed hold of Alvin and gave him a hug and a kiss
"I love you Alvin! you are the best boyfriend and dad to our baby chipmunks, I could ever ask for!" Called Brittany in a happy and caring voice
"Aw thanks Brittany, I feel exactly the same....your the best girlfriend I could ever ask for and you will be an amazing mum to our kids, I just know it" replied Alvin giving Brittany a hug
They both sat down on the bench together and watched the sun start to go down
"We don't normally watch a sunset" Alvin pointed out
"Yea I know....I feels great though, watching the sun go down with you" replied Brittany
"Shall we get the kids out and let them share the experience with us?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure" replied Brittany
Alvin grabbed Coco and Peter from the pram, while Brittany grabbed Musharna Emma and Lucas
Alvin Brittany and there kids watched the sun go down....but as the sun was going down it was starting to go dark
"Brittany, we need to head back home soon.....Dave will get mad at us if we go back too late" called Alvin
"Oh....ok, I guess your right" replied Brittany in a sad voice
Alvin and Brittany put their baby chipmunks back in the pram and were making there way out of the park
On the way out of the park, Brittany stopped walking and pushing the pram
"What's wrong?" Asked Alvin
Brittany didn't reply, she froze for about 5 seconds before moving again
Brittany then run from the pram and was on her way to a bin
Unfortunately, Brittany was too late......she didn't get to the bin in time and was sick on the path
Alvin pulled the pram backwards and went to Brittany. He put his hand on her back and started rubbing her back
"Brittany? Are you ok?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"Yea....I'm fine now" replied Brittany
"What made you sick? Did you eat something that was out of date?" Asked Alvin
"I'm not sure what made me sick and I don't think I have eaten anything out of date" replied Brittany
"Come let's get home and I will get you a warm bubble bath run" called Alvin
Alvin took control of pushing the pram and Brittany kept hold of Alvin's arm while she walked
10 minutes later, back at Dave's house
Alvin and Brittany made it back to Dave's house and Alvin took the baby chipmunks out of the pram and put them at the bottom of the stairs
Alvin walked Brittany upstairs and sat her on the bed before going back downstairs for the baby chipmunks
Once Alvin was back upstairs in the bedroom, he put the baby chipmunks in bed and sat down next to Brittany
"Feel any better now?" Asked Alvin
"Yea...a little,my just don't know why I was's not like me at all" replied Brittany in confusion
There was a small silence between them both and after a few minutes Brittany spoke up
"Alvin....I think I know why I was sick" called Brittany
"Why?" Asked Alvin
"I....I pregnant again...." Replied Brittany in a worried voice
"What! Why would you think that!" Asked Alvin in a shocked voice
"Because I was sick quite a lot while I was pregnant and I started with morning sickness, about a week or so after we did 'it' that Sunday know the first time you got me pregnant" explained Brittany
"But we haven't had 'it' since......last week on Wednesday night......omg, you might be right...." Replied Alvin in a worried voice
Alvin and Brittany were now both worried and they didn't know what to do....
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. What do you think made Brittany sick at the park? Also, If Brittany was right and is pregnant again, what will Dave say? How will Alvin and Brittany cope with more baby chipmunks right now, if Brittany is pregnant again?
Let me know in the comments below 👇 
I'm sorry to say this everyone, but I am really busy this weekend so I won't be able to update this book again till Monday night at the very earliest, am sorry about that everyone 😢 I hope you all understand...
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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