Part 56 - How Do I Ask Her To Go With Me?

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Saturday, 22nd of June, 11am, At The Mall
It was now Saturday and like Dave promised the other day, he took the Chipettes down to the Mall so they could go shopping
Dave had just arrived at the Mall and had parked up so he could have a quick talk with the Chipettes
"Ok girls, I am going to put a lot of trust in you three and give you £50 for each of you to buy some clothes you want" explained Dave
"Wow, £50! Are you serious?" Asked Brittany in a surprised voice
"Yes I am been serious, now I don't expect you three to spend £50 today but I do expect some of that money back later" called Dave passing Jeanette two £20 notes and a £10 note
"Don't worry Dave, we won't spend £50 on clothes in one day" said Eleanor with a giggle
Dave smiled at the Chipettes, I will leave you all now and let you go shopping together, give me a call when you want picking up later and I will come for you" explained Dave
"Thanks Dave, you are amazing to us girls" Said Jeanette in a happy voice
"Thanks girls, anyway will see you three later....and don't forget to have fun" said Dave while the Chipettes were getting out of the car
"Bye Dave" called the Chipettes as he drove away
"So which shop shall we go in first?" Asked Jeanette
"I'm not sure....we should definitely have a good look around Primark though and any other clothes shops we see along the way" replied Brittany
"Yea that sounds like a great idea, I hope the boys are ok at home while we are out shopping..." Called Eleanor
The Chipettes then went inside the Mall and started shopping
Back At Dave's house
Alvin was sat upstairs in the bedroom that Simon Theodore Jeanette and Eleanor slept in. Simon and Theodore were in the bedroom with Alvin and were both waiting for his advice
"Ok, Theodore I will talk with you first, if that's ok with you?" Asked Alvin
"Yea sure that's fine with me" replied Theodore
Theodore sat on the chair that was in front of Alvin and spoke up
" what did you want me to help you with?" Asked Alvin
"I...I'm not exactly sure what to say to Eleanor....I mean do I just ask her to the prom? or do I have to do something else?" Asked Theodore in confusion
"Ok...I would advise you to have a normal talk with Eleanor, talk to her about anything you both like..." Started Alvin
"Like the cooking show we watch?" Asked Theodore
"Yea, anything you want....then tell her something cute or romantic like....I think your a beautiful girl Eleanor and then you ask her the question 'will you go to the prom with me?' and I'm sure she will say yes" explained Alvin
", thanks for explaining that to me Alvin, I was a little unsure what to say that's all" replied Theodore
"I only suggest talking about something you both like first before the question about the prom, because it's less awkward" Alvin pointed out
"Yea, I guess that makes sense....thanks Alvin" called Theodore in a happy voice
"Anytime Theodore" replied Alvin with a smile
Theodore then left the bedroom and Simon sat on the chair in front of Alvin
"Ok Simon, what advice do you need?" Asked Alvin
"Well....I...I don't to ask Jeanette to go to the prom with me" replied Simon nervously
"Just do what I told Theodore, talk to her about something you both like and then ask her the question" explained Alvin
"Yea but....I can't do that, I will get embarrassed....I know I will....isn't there another way?" Asked Simon
"If you are a little worried about talking to her, then why don't you write out a note with the question on for Jeanette to find?" suggested Alvin
"I could do that....but how will I know Jeanette will find the note? And what will she think of me? Will she think I'm a coward?" Asked Simon in a worried voice
"Oh brother....Simon I get its hard for a boy to ask a girl to the prom....but you need to pull up some confidence and ask her the question. While I think a note will be fine, I personally think it doesn't look very good from her point of view....I would just ask her if it was me" explained Alvin
"But how? I need flowers or a gift of some sort?" Asked Simon
Alvin shook his head "Simon, please trust me....just follow your heart and ask Jeanette, I'm sure she will be happy to go to the prom with you and I'm positive she will say yes" explained Alvin in a caring voice
"Are you sure? I don't want to embarrass myself" called Simon
"You won't embarrass yourself, unless you say something stupid to her which I highly doubt you will....if you slip up, just say something else to cover it" replied Alvin
"Thanks Alvin, your an amazing brother! I don't know where I would be right now without you, it's great to have someone to talk too about things like this" called Simon in a happy voice
"No problem, we are brothers Simon and we help and support each other" replied Alvin in a caring voice
With that Simon left the bedroom and Alvin smiled to himself
"My work here is done! I have really outdone myself this time, I am happy to help my brothers out with anything anytime" Alvin thought to himself
2 Hours Later, 1pm, At The Mall
The Chipettes had been around a few clothes shops now and had gone to Primark about 30 minutes ago....and they will still shopping in Primark now
"I haven't seen a dress I like that I think will impress Alvin" called Brittany in a worried voice
"Don't worry Brittany will help you find one" said Jeanette in a happy voice
"Yea, you helped us find our clothes for the prom and we will help you now" Eleanor jumped in
"Thanks girls, you two are amazing sisters to me!" Called Brittany in a happier voice
The three of them walked around the shop a few more minutes and they come across some bright coloured dresses
"Wow, look at all these bright colours" said Eleanor in a surprised voice
"Yea I know, I'm sure to find a dress I like out of all these" replied Brittany
They looked through all the different coloured dresses and picked out three dresses
"I like this bright pink dress Brittany and this other white and pink dress looks nice too" called Eleanor holding up two dresses
"I like the bright pink dress too Eleanor, not too keen on the white and pink one though..." Called Brittany
"What about this one Brittany?" Asked Jeanette
Brittany turned around and looked at the dress Jeanette was holding. It was a pink dress but with two different shades of pink on it
"Wow, I really like that one too....oh I don't know which to buy, I like them both" explained Brittany
Jeanette and Eleanor gave Brittany a few minutes of silence and Brittany finally decided
"I will get the one you showed me Eleanor" called Brittany
Eleanor passed Brittany the dress and went to the till to pay
"Here is the money Brittany, do you want me to pay?" Asked Jeanette
"No don't worry I can pay this time, you paid in the last shop" replied Brittany
Brittany paid for the dresses and Brittany and her sisters left the shop
"Let's call Dave and let him know we are done" said Jeanette in a serious voice
Jeanette called Dave and let him know they were done shopping. After the phone call was done, Jeanette told her sisters that Dave would be at the Mall in 15 to 20 minutes
"Shall we go and sit outside and look for Dave at the car park?" Asked Eleanor
"Yea let's go girls" called Brittany leading the three of them outside
Once Dave arrived, the Chipettes saw Dave get out of the car and waving his hands to get there attention. The Chipettes saw Dave and went to the car and got in
"How was the shopping girls?" Asked Dave
"Was great Dave, we bought the clothes we wanted for the school prom" replied Brittany
"You didn't spend all the money I gave you, did you?" Asked Dave
"No....of course not, just most of it" replied Eleanor nervously
"We have £4 spare to give back to you..." Called Jeanette
Dave shook his head and spoke up
"Don't worry about £4, I will let you three keep it" called Dave in a serious voice
"Your not mad at us are you Dave?" Asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"No of course's not like you spend that much money all the time" replied Dave in a happy voice
"Phew....that's ok then" called Eleanor
"Just don't tell the boys that I let you keep a bit of money, they will get jealous and will beg me for extra money" joked Dave
The three of them giggled at Dave's comment as they knew it was true...
With that, Dave drove himself and the Chipettes back home and the Chipettes were all looking forward to spending the afternoon/night time with the Chipmunks
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Simon will be fine to ask Jeanette to the prom? Do you think he will be nervous and probably start blushing a little? How do you think Theodore will get on asking Eleanor to the prom? Do you think he will be ok at asking Eleanor to the prom? Or do you think he will be a little nervous too?
Also, what do you think the Chipmunks will say to the Chipettes when they put their new clothes/dresses on for the prom? Do you think they will be happy, surprised and impressed?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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